AppSuite:Sprint definition

From Open-Xchange
(Redirected from AppSuite:Definition of done)
Sprint definition

Sprints are two weeks (10 work days) long. The first seven days focus on feature development, the last three focus on quality. The first part needs a "definition of done".

Definition of done

  • Tasks of user story are all done
  • Tested once on a browser with very small window size to check responsiveness
  • Tested once with either an iOS or an Android device
  • Documentation in OXpedia (if necessary/required)
  • Code has been merged into origin/develop (i
  • i18n and l10n issues are checked (e.g. #debug-i18n=1)
  • Code is commented where necessary (what does it, what goes in, what comes out)

If done, a user story is marked as "Delivered". Requestor then accepts or rejects the user story.

3 days

  • Tested with all permutations of iOS/Android and smartphone/tablet
  • Tested with Firefox, Chrome, Safari and IE9
  • At least one smoke test is written, L3 bugs get a test, too
  • Checked for responsiveness criteria (e.g. busy(), notifications)
  • Slow & fail parameters have been experimented with, ox.load() is used instead of require
  • Performance is tested
  • Theming works (use the pink theme)
  • All software change requests have been started (in case of API changes, new settings...)
  • Accessibility checks done