AppSuite:OX Display

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OX Display is a framework that extends the OX App Suite with advanced capabilities for monetizing your email platform by providing certain display banner spaces. The framework is designed to work in the OX App Suite web UI and to show ads in all OX modules (Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, Portal, Documents and Drive). It includes features such as Reload Timer, show & hide functions as well as segmentations related to which user should see what banners and in which modules.

Please see the Product Guide for more information about OX Display v1.4.1.


Please Note: OX Display is only available for OX App Suite. Please contact the OX Monetization Team for further information.

You will find the requirements under OX App Suite and Platform Requirements

  • OX Display v1.4 requires the latest version of OX App Suite v7.10.
  • All versions before requiring the latest version of OX App Suite v7.8.2.

Download and Installation

Open-Xchange App Suite OX Display framework

  • open-xchange-appsuite-ads

Installation on the server varies depending on the underlying distribution, details are as follows.

Redhat Enterprise Linux 6 or CentOS 6

If not already done, add the following repositories to your Open-Xchange yum configuration:


and run

$ yum update
$ yum install open-xchange-appsuite-ads

Redhat Enterprise Linux 7 or CentOS 7

If not already done, add the following repositories to your Open-Xchange yum configuration:


and run

$ yum update
$ yum install open-xchange-appsuite-ads

Debian GNU/Linux 8.0

If not already done, add the following repositories to your Open-Xchange apt configuration:

deb /

and run

$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install open-xchange-appsuite-ads

Debian GNU/Linux 9.0

If not already done, add the following repositories to your Open-Xchange apt configuration:

deb /

and run

$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install open-xchange-appsuite-ads

(valid with OX Display v1.4)

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12

Add the package repository using zypper if not already present:

$ zypper ar stable-ads

and run

$ zypper ref
$ zypper in open-xchange-appsuite-ads

OX Display - Configuration

Please refer to the technical documentation of OX Display v1.4.1.