OX6:Gui path

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OX6 GUI settings

This table shows a partial list of OX6 GUI settings. These settings are stored in a javascript object notation (JSON) which is directly computed by the GUI. Information about the used format can be found in the HTTP API . By default, this object does not existent upon user creation and is stored by the GUI after the first logout of the user. This object however can be manipulated through the RMI interface (as well as on the command line). It is not necessary to define all settings (inner objects), missing ones will be added by the GUI automatically. Please be very careful if you change the settings after it has been initialized and stored by the GUI, all existing settings will be lost because they will be overwritten! Please also take care the you use the correct format of that object, otherwise the user might not be able to login (e.g. on a missing comma or bracket). This article refers to the OX6 frontend settings, if your are looking for the AppSuite UI documentation please take a look here http://oxpedia.org/index.php?title=AppSuite:UI

Gui settings
name type value comment
infostore Object infostore object infostore settings
mail Object mail object mail settings
portal Object portal object portal layout and content
global Object global object timestamp settings and global settings
menu Object menue object menu iteration
theme Object theme object default theme and path
effects Object effects object hover and global effects
tasks Object tasks objects tasks settings
FolderTreeState Object foldertree object holds the folder tree state
contacts Object contacts object contacts settings
calendar Object calendar object calendar settings

Settings for the infostore module

This table contains the settings for the GUI's infostore

infostore object
name type values comment
view value infostore/(list,split) infostore view

Settings for the E-Mail module

This tables contains the settings for the E-Mail module.

mail object
name type values comment
auto_save_drafts Number 0,1,3,5,10,15,30 time in minutes, 0 for disabled
htmlmessage Boolean true,false show email as html or plain text
signatures Array signature objects array of signature objects
view String mail/(list,hsplit,vsplit)/unthreaded mail view
view spam String mail/(list,hsplit,vsplit)/unthreaded mail view for spam folder
autocomplete Boolean true,false autocomplete functions
fullmailheader Boolean true,false show complete mail header
notifyacknoledge Boolean true,false notify on read acknowledgment
newmail_options Object newmail_options objects object for the new email window settings
formatmessage String ALTERNATIVE,TEXT/HTML,TEXT/PLAIN email format

newmail_options objects
name type values comment
cc Boolean true,false show cc input field
bcc Boolean true,false show bcc input field
from Boolean true,false show from input field
options Boolean true,false show options field

signature objects
name type values comment
signature_name String name signature name
position String below,above where to show the signature in the mail text
signature_text String text signature text
signature_default Boolean true,false true only for the default signature

Start page settings

This table contains the possible settings for the start page.

portal object
name type values comment
externalcontents Array externalcontents objects array of external content objects (UWA widgeds)
minicalendar Boolean true,false show minicalendar
internalcontents Array internalcontents objects array of internal content objects (groupware modules)
infobox Boolean true,false show infobox
tooltip Boolean true,false show tooltip

externalcontents objects
name type values comment
autorefresh Boolean true,false enable autorefresh for the widget
title String name widget title
standalone Boolean true,false widget is standalone
visible Boolean true,false widget is visible on the portal page
adj Object adj object position setting of the widget
url String url widget url
parameter Object parameter object widget parameters in an object
id String unique id unique id for the widget

internalcontens objects
name type values comment
params Object params object widget parameter
header Sting E-Mail,Calendar,InfoStore,Tasks header name
visible Boolean true,false show module on the portal
adj Object adj object position setting of the widget
external Boolean false only false is implemented
module String mail,calendar,infostore,tasks internal module name

adj object
name type values comment
hw Number 0... widget height relative to others, 0 for auto
ww Number 0... widget width relative to others, 0 for auto
y Number 0... vertical position on the start page in rows, 0 for auto
x Number 0... horizontal position on the start page in columns, 0 for auto

params object
name type values comment
limit Number 5,10,15,20 number of shown items in the module

global settings

This table contains the global settings options

global object
name type values comment
confirmtimestamp Number Timestamp timestamp for the last confirmed/declined appointment
confirmpopup Boolean true,false confirmation pop-up for new appointments
save Number 0,1,2 save layout on logout: 0 no, 1 yes, 2 ask
autorefresh Number 0,5,10,15,30 time in minutes for GUI autorefresh, 0 for never
region Object region object region settings for time and date formats
private_categories String tag,tag,.. comma separated list of user defined tags

region object
name type values Comment
time Object time object object for time defaults
date Object date object object for date defaults

time object
name type values Comment
predefined Number 0,1 0 user defined, 1 language depending
format String HH:mm,"hh:mm a" a stands for suffix which needs to be true then, too. m is 0-59, mm is 00-59, H is 1-24, HH is 01-24, h is 1-12, hh is 01-12, a is AM/PM.
format_hour String "hh a",HH a stands for suffix which needs to be true then, too. H is 1-24, HH is 01-24, h is 1-12, hh is 01-12, a is AM/PM.
format_suffix Boolean true,false add suffix

date object
name type values Comment
format_selected_index Number id from index preselection for the user time format drop down
separator String /,.,- date separator
predifined Number 0,1 0 user defined, 1 language depending
format String value from index date format

date index
id value
0 M/d/yyyy
1 M/d/yy
2 MM/dd/yy
3 MM/dd/yyyy
4 yy/MM/dd
5 dd/MM/yyyy
6 dd/MM/yy
7 dd.MM.yyyy
8 dd.MM.yy
9 d.MM.yy
10 d.M.yy
11 d.M.yyyy
12 yyyy-MM-dd
13 dd-MMM-yy


This object holds the setting of the pannel

theme settings

This table shows the setting for the default theme

theme object
name type values Comment
name String <theme name> name of the default theme
path String <theme path> path to the default theme

effects object

the effects object holds the settings for GUI effects like hovers and fading.

effects object
name type values Comment
global Boolean true,false enable effects
hover Object hover object includes hover settings for the modules
fading Boolean true,false fading

hover object
name type values Comment
speed Number 1,2,3 hover delay, 1 short, 2 normal, 3 long
calendar Boolean true,false hover for calendar
contacts Boolean true,false hover for contacts
portal Boolean true,false hovers on the portal page
infostore Boolean true,false hover for infostore
mail Boolean true,false hover for mail
tasks Boolean true,false hover for tasks

setting for tasks

This objects holds the settings for tasks

tasks objects
name type values Comment
interval Number 5,10,15,20,30,60 interval for reminder
gridsort String asc how tasks get sorted
view String tasks/(split,list) task view

foldertree object

this is an internal gui object to store the folder tree on logout. This object should not be modified.

foldertree object
name type values Comment
FolderTreeState Object foldertree object folder tree state on GUI logout, you should not touch

Settings for contacts

the contacts object holds the settings for the contacts.

contacts object
name type values Comment
gridsort String asc Sorting of contacts
cardsToViewPerColumn String auto,4,5,6,7 displayed cards per column
view String contacts/(cards,phonelist) card view

settings for the calendar

The calendar object stores the settings for the calendar.

calendar object
name type values Comment
workweek Object workweek object settings for the workweek
endtime Number 0..23 calendar display end time in hours
teams Array teams object Array of teams
allfolders Boolean true,false activate "Show all my appointments from all calendars"
starttime Number 0..23 calendar display end time in hours
interval Number 5,10,15,20,30,60 calendar resolution
day Object day object settings for day view
view String calendar/(calendar,team,list)/(day,workweek,month,week,custom,) Calendar view, for team, groupware functionality must be available. Deprecated, see views.
views Object views object default calendar views
custom Object custom object setting for the custom view

workweek object
name type values Comment
countdays Number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Number of days in work week
numberofappointments Number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Number of concurrent appointments shown in workweek view
startday Number 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 0 Sunday,...,6 Saturday

day object
name type values Comment
numberofappointments Number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Number of concurrent appointments shown in day view

views object
name type values Comment
shared Boolean true, false Whether all views share the same default time range or not.
view String "calendar", "team", "list" Default view.
calendar String "day", "workweek", "month", "week", "custom" Default time range for the calendar view.
team String "day", "workweek", "month", "week", "custom" Default time range for the team view.
list String "day", "workweek", "month", "week", "custom" Default time range for the list view.

custom object
name type values Comment
numberofappointments Number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Number of concurrent appointments shown in day view
countdays Number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Number of days in work week

teams object
name type values Comment
team_default Boolean true,false true for the default team
name string name name for the team
children Array children objects Array of children objects, childrens are users that belong to the team

children object
name type values Comment
id Number userid user id of the team member
display _name String display name display name of the team member
type Number 1 only 1 implemented

example /path, saved from a fresh user directly after the first login/logout


for example, here is how it would work on the command line:

/opt/open-xchangen/sbin/changeuser -c 71 -i 5 --addguipreferences \
"theme":{"path":"default","name":"Default"},\ "portal":{"infobox":true,\ 
"adj":{"hw":1,"ww":1,"y":0,"x":0},\ "external":false,"module":"calendar"},\ 