Error list 7.4.0

From Open-Xchange
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Prefix Number Message Class
1 Cannot find property %s. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.LdapExceptionCode
2 Cannot build distinguished name from %s. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.LdapExceptionCode
3 Class %s can not be loaded. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.LdapExceptionCode
4 Cannot instantiate class %s. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.LdapExceptionCode
5 Cannot get database connection. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.LdapExceptionCode
6 SQL problem: "%s" com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.LdapExceptionCode
7 Problem putting/removing an object into/from the cache. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.LdapExceptionCode
8 Hash algorithm %s could not be found. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.LdapExceptionCode
9 Encoding %s cannot be used. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.LdapExceptionCode
10 Cannot find resource group with identifier %d. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.LdapExceptionCode
11 Found resource groups with same identifier %d. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.LdapExceptionCode
12 Cannot find resource with identifier %d. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.LdapExceptionCode
13 Found resources with same identifier %d. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.LdapExceptionCode
14 Cannot find user with E-Mail %s. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.LdapExceptionCode
15 Cannot find user with identifier %1$s in context %2$d. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.LdapExceptionCode
17 Cannot find group with identifier %1$s in context %2$d. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.LdapExceptionCode
18 Unexpected error: %1$s com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.LdapExceptionCode
ACC 1 Unexpected error: %1$s. com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 2 Cannot find mail account with identifier %1$s for user %2$s in context %3$s. com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 3 Found two mail accounts with same identifier %1$s for user %2$s in context %3$s. com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 4 A SQL error occurred: %1$s. com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 5 A host could not be resolved: %1$s. com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 6 Denied deletion of default mail account of user %1$s in context %2$s. com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 7 Denied update of default mail account of user %1$s in context %2$s. com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 8 No duplicate default account allowed. com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 9 Password encryption failed for login %1$s on server %2$s (user=%3$s, context=%4$s). com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 10 Password decryption failed for login %1$s on server %2$s (user=%3$s, context=%4$s). com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 11 The Unified Mail account already exists for user %1$s in context %2$s. com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 12 Mail account creation failed. com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 13 Mail account validation failed. com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 14 Multiple mail accounts not enabled for user %1$s in context %2$s. com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 15 Found two mail accounts with same E-Mail address %1$s for user %2$s in context %3$s. com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 16 Invalid mail account name: %1$s com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 17 Duplicate transport account for user %1$s in context %2$s. com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 17 Duplicate mail account for user %1$s in context %2$s. com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 18 Unable to parse mail server URI "%1$s". com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 19 Invalid host name: %1$s com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 20 Could not connect to mail server "%1$s" for login %2$s com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 21 Could not connect to transport server "%1$s" for login %2$s com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 22 Default port specified for mail protocol "%1$s", but SSL is enabled. Please review if appropriate. com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 23 Secure port specified for mail protocol "%1$s", but SSL is not enabled. Please review if appropriate. com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 24 Default port specified for transport protocol "%1$s", but SSL is enabled. Please review if appropriate. com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACC 25 Secure port specified for transport protocol "%1$s", but SSL is not enabled. Please review if appropriate. com.openexchange.mailaccount.MailAccountExceptionCodes
ACL 1 Implementing class could not be found com.openexchange.imap.entity2acl.Entity2ACLExceptionCode
ACL 2 An I/O error occurred while creating the socket connection to IMAP server (%1$s): %2$s com.openexchange.imap.entity2acl.Entity2ACLExceptionCode
ACL 3 Instantiating the class failed. com.openexchange.imap.entity2acl.Entity2ACLExceptionCode
ACL 4 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.imap.entity2acl.Entity2ACLExceptionCode
ACL 5 Missing property %1$s in com.openexchange.imap.entity2acl.Entity2ACLExceptionCode
ACL 6 Unknown IMAP server: %1$s com.openexchange.imap.entity2acl.Entity2ACLExceptionCode
ACL 7 Missing IMAP server arguments to resolve IMAP login to a user com.openexchange.imap.entity2acl.Entity2ACLExceptionCode
ACL 8 IMAP login %1$s could not be resolved to a user com.openexchange.imap.entity2acl.Entity2ACLExceptionCode
ACL 9 User %1$s from context %2$s is not known on IMAP server "%3$s". com.openexchange.imap.entity2acl.Entity2ACLExceptionCode
APP 1 CalendarFolderObject not initialized. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 2 Not yet supported! com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 3 Shared folder owner not given. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 4 Folder type unresolvable. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 5 Unexpected SQL error. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 6 clientLastModified IS NULL. Abort action. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 7 Unexpected exception %d. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 8 Mandatory field mail address for external participants com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 9 Would create an object without participants com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 10 Folder type "SHARED" is not allowed in this situation. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 11 Unexpected state for deleting a virtual appointment (exception). uid:oid:position %d:%d:%d com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 12 SessionObject not initialized com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 13 You do not have the necessary permissions for appointments in folder %1$d. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 14 Insert expected but the object id is already given. Aborting action... com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 15 Update expected but no object id is given. Aborting action... com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 16 Invalid request. Folder is shared. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 17 Invalid request. Folder is shared. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 18 Invalid request. Folder is shared. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 19 Unsupported type detected : %d com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 20 End date is before start date com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 21 Unsupported label value %d com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 22 Private flag is only allowed inside of a private folder. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 23 Appointments marked as 'Private' can only be scheduled for the respective user (or owner of the calendar). Please remove additional participants or remove the "Private" mark. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 24 Unsupported private flag value %d com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 25 Unsupported "shown as" value %d com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 26 Required value "Start Date" was not supplied. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 27 Required value "End Date" was not supplied. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 28 Required value "Title" was not supplied. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 29 Unable to create exception, recurring position can not be calculated. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 30 Got an UserParticipant object with an identifier < 1 Identifier:Folder_Type = %d:%d com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 31 Got an UserParticipant object with a private folder id < 1 : Identifier = %d com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 32 Got an UserParticipant object with a private folder id in a public folder : Identifier = %d com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 33 Move not supported: Cannot move an appointment from folder %d to folder %d com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 34 Move not allowed from shared folders com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 35 Calendar operation: Context not set. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 36 Insufficient rights to add/remove an attachment to/from this folder. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 37 Insufficient read rights for this folder. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 38 Cannot resolve recurrence position because neither the recurring position nor the recurring date position is known. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 39 Missing start date, unable to calculate recurrence. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 40 Missing or wrong interval value: %d com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 41 Missing or wrong interval value: %d com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 42 Missing or wrong DayInMonth value: %d com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 43 Missing or wrong month value: %d com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 44 Missing or wrong day value: %d com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 45 Missing or wrong DayInMonth value: %d com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 46 Missing or wrong DayInMonth value: %d com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 47 Missing or wrong day value: %d com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 48 Missing or wrong day_or_type : %d com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 49 Missing or wrong interval value: %d com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 50 Unable to remove participant %d com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 51 Unable to remove participant because this participant is the last remaining com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 52 Action type not supported : %d com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 53 SearchIterator NULL com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 54 Folder is not of type Calendar com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 55 The required "interval" value is missing or wrong com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 56 The required "days" value is missing or wrong: %d com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 57 Moving appointment to a public folder flagged as private is not allowed. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 58 You do not have the appropriate permissions to modify this object. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 59 Got the wrong folder identification. You do not have the appropriate permissions to modify this object. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 60 Got the wrong shared folder identification. You do not have the appropriate permissions to modify this object. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 61 You do not have the appropriate permissions to move this object. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 62 You do not have the appropriate permissions to read this object %1$d. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 63 You do not have the appropriate permissions to create an object com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 64 Missing or wrong month value: %d com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 65 You are trying to create a new recurring appointment from an exception. This is not possible. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 66 You cannot move one instance of a recurring appointment into another folder. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 67 A database update exception occurred. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 68 Move to a shared folder not allowed if the private flag is set com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 69 You can not use different private flags for one element of a recurring appointment com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 70 You can not use the private flag in a non private folder com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 71 Bad character in field %1$s. Error: %2$s com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 72 Some data exceeds a field limit. Please shorten the input(s) for affected field(s). com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 73 Calendar calculation requires a properly defined time zone. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 74 Recurrence position %1$s does not exist com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 75 One or more exception dates are not contained in recurring appointment com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 76 Appointment's owner must not be removed from participants com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 77 An event error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 78 Value %1$d exceeds max. supported value of %2$d. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 79 Unable to calculate first occurrence. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 80 The recurrence pattern is too complex. Giving up. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 81 Unknown name-value-pair in recurrence string: %1$s=%2$s com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 82 Changing recurrence type of a change exception denied com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 83 Changing recurrence position of a change exception denied. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 84 User changing the appointment is missing. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 85 Some callbacks threw exceptions: %s com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 86 Series end is before start date. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 87 Incomplete recurring information: missing interval. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 88 Incomplete recurring information: missing series end date or number of occurrences. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 89 Incomplete recurring information: missing weekday. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 90 Incomplete recurring information: missing day in month. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 91 Incomplete recurring information: missing month. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 92 Incomplete recurring information: missing recurrence type. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 93 Moving a recurring appointment to another folder is not supported. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 94 In order to accomplish the search, %1$d or more characters are required. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 95 Redundant information for Until and occurrences. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 96 Unnecessary recurrence information for recurrence type "no recurrence". com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 97 Unnecessary recurrence information (%1$s) for type %2$s com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 98 The recurring appointment has been deleted or is outside of the range of the recurrence. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 99 Changing an exception into a series is not supported. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 100 Cannot insert appointment (%1$s). An appointment with the unique identifier (%2$s) already exists. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 101 SQL Problem. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 102 Wrong number of rows changed. Expected %1$d but was %2$d. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 103 Could not find participant for this object. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 104 Was not able to calculate next upcoming reminder for series appointment %2$d in context %1$d. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 105 Invalid sequence value: %1$d com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 106 An external participant with the E-Mail address %1$s is already included. Please remove participant duplicate and retry. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 107 Appointment is not a recurring appointment. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
APP 108 Unexpected SQL error. com.openexchange.groupware.calendar.OXCalendarExceptionCodes
ATMOSPHERE 1 The session information didn't match any ServerSession com.openexchange.realtime.atmosphere.AtmosphereExceptionCode
ATMOSPHERE 1 Could not find a handler for the given stanza: . "%1$s" com.openexchange.realtime.dispatch.DispatchExceptionCode
ATMOSPHERE 1 Could not send directed Presence to resource: %1$s com.openexchange.realtime.handle.HandleExceptionCode
ATMOSPHERE 2 Obligatory key "%1$s" is missing from the Stanza com.openexchange.realtime.atmosphere.AtmosphereExceptionCode
ATMOSPHERE 2 Could not send stanza to resource. Resource was offline: %1$s com.openexchange.realtime.dispatch.DispatchExceptionCode
ATMOSPHERE 3 Could not find a builder for the given element: . "%1$s" com.openexchange.realtime.atmosphere.AtmosphereExceptionCode
ATMOSPHERE 3 Unknown channel %1$s com.openexchange.realtime.dispatch.DispatchExceptionCode
ATMOSPHERE 4 Error while building Stanza: "%1$s" com.openexchange.realtime.atmosphere.AtmosphereExceptionCode
ATMOSPHERE 4 Unexpected error: %1$s com.openexchange.realtime.dispatch.DispatchExceptionCode
ATMOSPHERE 5 Could not find a transformer for the PayloadElement: "%1$s" com.openexchange.realtime.atmosphere.AtmosphereExceptionCode
ATMOSPHERE 6 Could not find an initializer for the given stanza: . "%1$s" com.openexchange.realtime.atmosphere.AtmosphereExceptionCode
ATMOSPHERE 7 Error while transforming a PayloadElement: "%1$s, %2$s" com.openexchange.realtime.atmosphere.AtmosphereExceptionCode
ATMOSPHERE 8 Error while converting PayloadElement data: "%1$s" com.openexchange.realtime.atmosphere.AtmosphereExceptionCode
ATMOSPHERE 9 The following obligatory element is missing: "%1$s" com.openexchange.realtime.atmosphere.AtmosphereExceptionCode
ATMOSPHERE 10 Malformed Presence Data com.openexchange.realtime.atmosphere.AtmosphereExceptionCode
ATMOSPHERE 11 Malformed Presence Element: "%1$s" com.openexchange.realtime.atmosphere.AtmosphereExceptionCode
ATMOSPHERE 12 Illegal value "%1$s" for key "%1$s" in: "%3$s" com.openexchange.realtime.atmosphere.AtmosphereExceptionCode
ATMOSPHERE 13 Malformed POST Data com.openexchange.realtime.atmosphere.AtmosphereExceptionCode
ATT 1 Attachment cannot be saved. File store limit is exceeded. com.openexchange.groupware.attach.AttachmentExceptionCodes
ATT 100 Invalid SQL Query: %s com.openexchange.groupware.attach.AttachmentExceptionCodes
ATT 400 Could not save file to the file store. com.openexchange.groupware.attach.AttachmentExceptionCodes
ATT 401 Attachments must contain a file. com.openexchange.groupware.attach.AttachmentExceptionCodes
ATT 402 Cannot generate ID for new attachment: %s com.openexchange.groupware.attach.AttachmentExceptionCodes
ATT 404 Could not retrieve file: %s com.openexchange.groupware.attach.AttachmentExceptionCodes
ATT 405 The attachment you requested no longer exists. Please refresh the view. com.openexchange.groupware.attach.AttachmentExceptionCodes
ATT 407 Could not delete attachment. com.openexchange.groupware.attach.AttachmentExceptionCodes
ATT 408 Could not find an attachment with the file id %s. Either the file is orphaned or belongs to another module. com.openexchange.groupware.attach.AttachmentExceptionCodes
ATT 416 Could not delete files from file store. Context: %d. com.openexchange.groupware.attach.AttachmentExceptionCodes
ATT 418 Validation failed: %s com.openexchange.groupware.attach.AttachmentExceptionCodes
ATT 420 An error occurred executing the search in the database. com.openexchange.groupware.attach.AttachmentExceptionCodes
ATT 421 Unable to access the file store. com.openexchange.groupware.attach.AttachmentExceptionCodes
ATT 422 Writing to file store failed. com.openexchange.groupware.attach.AttachmentExceptionCodes
ATT 600 Changes done to the object this attachment was added to could not be undone. Your database is probably inconsistent, run the consistency tool. com.openexchange.groupware.attach.AttachmentExceptionCodes
ATT 601 An error occurred attaching to the given object. com.openexchange.groupware.attach.AttachmentExceptionCodes
ATT 602 The object could not be detached because the update to an underlying object failed. com.openexchange.groupware.attach.AttachmentExceptionCodes
ATT 701 Invalid parameter sent in request. Parameter '%1$s' was '%2$s' which does not look like a number. com.openexchange.groupware.attach.AttachmentExceptionCodes
ATT 900 Conflicting services registered for context %1$i and folder %2$i com.openexchange.groupware.attach.AttachmentExceptionCodes
AUTHORIZATION 1 User is deactivated com.openexchange.authorization.AuthorizationExceptionCodes
AUTHORIZATION 2 Unknown error com.openexchange.authorization.AuthorizationExceptionCodes
AUTHORIZATION 3 Password expired com.openexchange.authorization.AuthorizationExceptionCodes
AWS 1 Missing access key.
AWS 1 Name of loadbalancer missing.
AWS 1 IO error.
AWS 2 Missing secret key.
AWS 2 No zone specified.
AWS 2 Saving new file failed: %1$s
AWS 3 EC2 region not set.
AWS 3 Could not create loadbalancer.
AWS 3 Get file %1$s failed: %2$s
AWS 4 S3 region not set.
AWS 4 Loadbalancing region not set.
AWS 4 Could not register instance with id %1$s with the loadbalancer.
AWS 4 Get file listing failed: %1$s
AWS 5 Could not unregister instance with id %1$s from the loadbalancer.
AWS 5 Get size of file %1$s failed: %2$s
AWS 6 Error in S3 encryption: %1$s
AWS 6 Get mime type of file %1$s failed: %2$s
AWS 7 Delete file %1$s failed: %2$s
AWS 8 Delete %1$i failed: %2$s
AWS 9 Creating md5 hash of file %1$s failed: %2$s
AWS 10 Could not initialize filestorage: %1$s
AWS 11 Deletion of all files in bucket %1$s failed: %2$s
AWS 12 Versioning is disabled
CAC 1 A cache error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.caching.CacheExceptionCode
CAC 1 Put into cache failed. com.openexchange.cache.OXCachingExceptionCode
CAC 2 Missing cache configuration file at location: %1$s com.openexchange.caching.CacheExceptionCode
CAC 2 The default element attributes could not be retrieved com.openexchange.cache.OXCachingExceptionCode
CAC 3 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.caching.CacheExceptionCode
CAC 3 Remove on cache failed com.openexchange.cache.OXCachingExceptionCode
CAC 4 Missing configuration property: %1$s com.openexchange.caching.CacheExceptionCode
CAC 4 Cache %s could not be initialized due to following error: %s com.openexchange.cache.OXCachingExceptionCode
CAC 5 The default element attributes could not be retrieved. com.openexchange.caching.CacheExceptionCode
CAC 6 'Put' into cache failed. com.openexchange.caching.CacheExceptionCode
CAC 7 'Safe put' into cache failed. An object bound to given key already exists. com.openexchange.caching.CacheExceptionCode
CAC 8 Remove on cache failed com.openexchange.caching.CacheExceptionCode
CAC 9 The default element attributes could not be assigned. com.openexchange.caching.CacheExceptionCode
CAC 10 No cache found for region name: %1$s com.openexchange.caching.CacheExceptionCode
CAC 11 Missing default auxiliary defined by property: jcs.default=<aux-name> com.openexchange.caching.CacheExceptionCode
CAC 12 Invalid cache region name "%1$s". com.openexchange.caching.CacheExceptionCode
CAC 13 Method not supported. com.openexchange.caching.CacheExceptionCode
CHAT 1 An error occurred: %1$s
CHAT 2 An I/O error occurred: %1$s
CHAT 3 Method is not supported.
CHAT 4 No account found with identifier "%1$s".
CHAT 5 Invalid presence packet.
CHAT 6 A chat with identifier "%1$s" already exists.
CHAT 7 Chat member "%1$s" already exists in chat "%2$s".
CHAT 8 No chat found with identifier "%1$s".
CHAT 9 Unknown chat service: %1$s
CHAT 10 No message found with identifier "%1$s" in chat "%2$s".
CHAT 11 No member found with identifier "%1$s".
CHAT 12 Invalid chat identifier: "%1$s"
CHAT 13 Invalid roster identifier: "%1$s"
CHAT 14 Subject is too long and is therefore truncated.
CHAT 14 Posted message is too long.
CIFS 1 An error occurred: %1$s
CIFS 2 A CIFS/SMB error occurred: %1$s
CIFS 3 A CIFS/SMB error occurred: %1$s (status=%2$s)
CIFS 4 Invalid CIFS/SMB URL: %1$s
CIFS 5 CIFS/SMB URL does not denote a directory: %1$s
CIFS 6 The CIFS/SMB resource does not exist: %1$s
CIFS 7 Update denied for CIFS/SMB resource: %1$s
CIFS 8 Delete denied for CIFS/SMB resource: %1$s
CIFS 9 CIFS/SMB URL does not denote a file: %1$s
CIFS 10 Missing file name.
CIFS 11 Versioning not supported by CIFS/SMB file storage.
CIFS 12 The operation completed successfully.
CIFS 13 A device attached to the system is not functioning.
CIFS 14 Incorrect function.
CIFS 15 The parameter is incorrect.
CIFS 16 Invalid access to memory location.
CIFS 17 The handle is invalid.
CIFS 18 The parameter is incorrect.
CIFS 19 The system cannot find the file specified.
CIFS 20 The system cannot find the file specified.
CIFS 21 More data is available.
CIFS 22 Access is denied.
CIFS 23 The data area passed to a system call is too small.
CIFS 24 The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
CIFS 25 The system cannot find the file specified.
CIFS 26 Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
CIFS 27 The handle is invalid.
CIFS 28 The specified path is invalid.
CIFS 29 The system cannot find the path specified.
CIFS 30 The specified path is invalid.
CIFS 31 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
CIFS 32 Access is denied.
CIFS 33 There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request.
CIFS 34 The specified user already exists.
CIFS 35 The specified user does not exist.
CIFS 36 The specified network password is not correct.
CIFS 37 Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.
CIFS 38 Logon failure: user account restriction.
CIFS 39 Logon failure: account logon time restriction violation.
CIFS 40 Logon failure: user not allowed to log on to this computer.
CIFS 41 Logon failure: the specified account password has expired.
CIFS 42 Logon failure: account currently disabled.
CIFS 43 No mapping between account names and security IDs was done.
CIFS 44 The security ID structure is invalid.
CIFS 45 All pipe instances are busy.
CIFS 46 All pipe instances are busy.
CIFS 47 The pipe state is invalid.
CIFS 48 All pipe instances are busy.
CIFS 49 No process is on the other end of the pipe.
CIFS 50 The pipe is being closed.
CIFS 51 Waiting for a process to open the other end of the pipe.
CIFS 52 Access is denied.
CIFS 53 A duplicate name exists on the network.
CIFS 54 The specified network name is no longer available.
CIFS 55 Network access is denied.
CIFS 56 The network name cannot be found.
CIFS 57 No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connections as the computer can accept.
CIFS 58 Indicates a Windows NT Server could not be contacted or that objects within the domain are protected such that necessary information could not be retrieved.
CIFS 59 The specified domain did not exist.
CIFS 60 The directory name is invalid.
CIFS 61 Access is denied.
CIFS 62 The format of the specified computer name is invalid.
CIFS 63 The pipe has been ended.
CIFS 64 The specified local group does not exist.
CIFS 65 Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.
CIFS 66 The SAM database on the Windows NT Server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship.
CIFS 67 The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed.
CIFS 68 The account used is a Computer Account. Use your global user account or local user account to access this server.
CIFS 69 The user must change his password before he logs on the first time.
CIFS 70 Please use a hostname instead of an IP address in the SMB URL.
CIFS 71 Your account has been blocked. This can have various reasons like having mistyped the password several times.

Please contact your system administrator or hoster in case you can no longer log in.
CIFS 72 The remote system is not reachable by the transport.
CIFS 73 I/O request could not be handled.
CMIS 1 An error occurred: %1$s
CMIS 2 A CMIS error occurred: %1$s
CMIS 3 Invalid CMIS URL: %1$s
CMIS 4 CMIS URL does not denote a directory: %1$s
CMIS 5 The CMIS resource does not exist: %1$s
CMIS 6 Update denied for CMIS resource: %1$s
CMIS 7 Delete denied for CMIS resource: %1$s
CMIS 8 CMIS URL does not denote a file: %1$s
CMIS 12 Missing file name.
CMIS 13 Versioning not supported by CMIS file storage.
CNV 1 The given type of %1$s is not supported com.openexchange.conversion.DataExceptionCodes
CNV 1 The given type of %1$s is not supported com.openexchange.document.converter.DocumentConverterExceptionCodes
CNV 2 Missing argument %1$s com.openexchange.conversion.DataExceptionCodes
CNV 2 Missing argument %1$s com.openexchange.document.converter.DocumentConverterExceptionCodes
CNV 3 Invalid value for argument %1$s: ``%2$s com.openexchange.conversion.DataExceptionCodes
CNV 3 Invalid value for argument %1$s: ``%2$s com.openexchange.document.converter.DocumentConverterExceptionCodes
CNV 4 Unknown data source identifier: %1$s com.openexchange.conversion.DataExceptionCodes
CNV 4 Unknown data source identifier: %1$s com.openexchange.document.converter.DocumentConverterExceptionCodes
CNV 5 Unknown data handler identifier: %1$s com.openexchange.conversion.DataExceptionCodes
CNV 5 Unknown data handler identifier: %1$s com.openexchange.document.converter.DocumentConverterExceptionCodes
CNV 6 No matching type could be found for data source %1$s and data handler %2$s com.openexchange.conversion.DataExceptionCodes
CNV 6 No matching type could be found for data source %1$s and data handler %2$s com.openexchange.document.converter.DocumentConverterExceptionCodes
CNV 7 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.conversion.DataExceptionCodes
CNV 7 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.document.converter.DocumentConverterExceptionCodes
CNV 8 The following field(s) are too long: %1$s com.openexchange.conversion.DataExceptionCodes
CNV 8 The following field(s) are too long: %1$s com.openexchange.document.converter.DocumentConverterExceptionCodes
CNV 9 Unable to change data. (%1$s) com.openexchange.conversion.DataExceptionCodes
CNV 9 Unable to change data. (%1$s) com.openexchange.document.converter.DocumentConverterExceptionCodes
CNV 10 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.conversion.DataExceptionCodes
CNV 10 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.document.converter.DocumentConverterExceptionCodes
CNV 11 An OpenOffice error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.document.converter.DocumentConverterExceptionCodes
CON 1 Found a user contact outside global address book in folder %1$d in context %2$d.
CON 100 Invalid E-Mail address: '%s'. Please correct the E-Mail address.
CON 101 Unable to import this contact picture. Either the type is not part of the supported type (JPG, GIF, BMP or PNG) or the size exceed %3$d. Your file type is %1$s and your image size is %2$d.
CON 103 You are not allowed to store this contact in a non-contact folder: folder id %1$d in context %2$d with user %3$d
CON 104 You do not have the permission to access objects in the folder %1$d in the context %2$d as user %3$d
CON 107 Got a -1 ID from IDGenerator
CON 108 Unable to scale image down.
CON 109 Invalid SQL query.
CON 110 This feature has not been enabled
CON 112 You do not have the permission to create objects in the folder %1$d in context %2$d as user %3$d
CON 116 Unable to synchronize the old contact with the new changes: context %1$d object %2$d
CON 118 You are not allowed to mark this contact as private contact: context %1$d object %2$d
CON 119 Edit Conflict. Your change cannot be completed because somebody else has made a conflicting change to the same item. Please refresh or synchronize and try again.
CON 121 An error occurred: object id is -1
CON 122 No changes found. No update required. context %1$d object %2$d
CON 125 Contact %1$d not found in context %2$d.
CON 136 Unable to save contact image. The image appears to be broken.
CON 146 Unable to trigger object events: context %1$d folder %2$d
CON 151 Unable to pick up a connection from the DBPool
CON 154 Some data entered exceeded the field limit. Please shorten the value for "%1$s" (limit: %2$s, current: %3$s) and try again.
CON 158 The image you tried to attach is not a valid picture. It may be broken or is not a valid file.
CON 164 Your first name is mandatory. Please enter it.
CON 165 Unable to move this contact because it is marked as private: context %1$d object %2$d
CON 166 Your display name is mandatory. Please enter it.
CON 167 The name you entered is already assigned to another user. Please choose another display name. context %1$d object %2$d
CON 168 Bad character in field %2$s. Error: %1$s
CON 169 You do not have the permission to delete objects from folder %1$d in context %2$d as user %3$d
CON 170 Mime type is not defined.
CON 171 A contact with private flag cannot be stored in a public folder. Folder: %1$d context %2$d user %3$d
CON 172 Image size too large. Image size: %1$d. Max. size: %2$d.
CON 173 Primary E-Mail address in system contact must not be edited: context %1$d object %2$d user %3$d
CON 174 The contact %1$d is not located in folder %2$s (%3$d)
CON 175 Your last name is mandatory. Please enter it.
CON 176 You are not allowed to modify contact %1$d in context %2$d.
CON 177 An E-Mail address is mandatory for external distribution list members. Please add a valid E-Mail address.
CON 252 Unable to load objects. Context %1$d user %2$d
CON 260 User contacts can not be deleted.
CON 261 The identifier %1$s can not be parsed.
CON 400 Number of documents attached to this contact is below zero. You can not remove any more attachments.
CON 500 Setting %s requires at least a ContactObject and a value.
CON 600 Given string %1$s could not be converted to a date.
CON 700 Could not convert given object %s to a date when setting %s.
CON 800 Getting the value of %s requires at least a ContactObject
CON 1000 In order to accomplish the search, %1$d or more characters are required.
CON 1001 An unexpected error occurred: %1$s
CONF 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.config.cascade.ConfigCascadeExceptionCodes
CONF 2 Could not coerce value %1$s into class %2$s com.openexchange.config.cascade.ConfigCascadeExceptionCodes
CONF 3 Can not define metadata %1$s in scope %2$s com.openexchange.config.cascade.ConfigCascadeExceptionCodes
CONF 4 Can not set property %1$s in scope %2$s com.openexchange.config.cascade.ConfigCascadeExceptionCodes
CONFIGURATION 1 No configuration service found. com.openexchange.utils.propertyhandling.internal.ConfigurationExceptionCodes
CONFIGURATION 1 No configuration service found. com.openexchange.utils.propertyhandling.internal.ConfigurationExceptionCodes
CONFIGURATION 2 The value given in the property %1$s is no integer value. com.openexchange.utils.propertyhandling.internal.ConfigurationExceptionCodes
CONFIGURATION 2 The value given in the property %1$s is no integer value. com.openexchange.utils.propertyhandling.internal.ConfigurationExceptionCodes
CONFIGURATION 3 Property %1$s not set but required. com.openexchange.utils.propertyhandling.internal.ConfigurationExceptionCodes
CONFIGURATION 3 Property %1$s not set but required. com.openexchange.utils.propertyhandling.internal.ConfigurationExceptionCodes
CONFIGURATION 4 Property %1$s claims to have condition but condition not set. com.openexchange.utils.propertyhandling.internal.ConfigurationExceptionCodes
CONFIGURATION 4 Property %1$s claims to have condition but condition not set. com.openexchange.utils.propertyhandling.internal.ConfigurationExceptionCodes
CONFIGURATION 5 Property %1$s must be set if %2$s is set to %3$s com.openexchange.utils.propertyhandling.internal.ConfigurationExceptionCodes
CONFIGURATION 5 Property %1$s must be set if %2$s is set to %3$s com.openexchange.utils.propertyhandling.internal.ConfigurationExceptionCodes
CONFIG_OBJECTS 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.config.objects.ConfigObjectsExceptionCodes
CPL 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.capabilities.CapabilityExceptionCodes
CPL 2 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.capabilities.CapabilityExceptionCodes
CPL 3 A JSON error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.capabilities.CapabilityExceptionCodes
CPL 4 A SQL error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.capabilities.CapabilityExceptionCodes
CRP 1 Wrong Password. com.openexchange.crypto.CryptoErrorMessage
CRP 2 Error during encoding operation. com.openexchange.crypto.CryptoErrorMessage
CRP 3 General Security Exception occurred. com.openexchange.crypto.CryptoErrorMessage
CRP 4 Arbitrary byte sequence is missing to generate a secure key. com.openexchange.crypto.CryptoErrorMessage
CSTY 1 Error communicating with mbean in server: %s com.openexchange.consistency.ConsistencyExceptionCodes
CSTY 2 Registration of consistency MBean failed. com.openexchange.consistency.ConsistencyExceptionCodes
CSTY 3 Unregistration of consistency MBean failed. com.openexchange.consistency.ConsistencyExceptionCodes
CSTY 4 Malformed policy. Policies are formed like "condition:action" com.openexchange.consistency.ConsistencyExceptionCodes
CSV 104 Could not encode as UTF-8 com.openexchange.groupware.importexport.csv.CsvExceptionCodes
CSV 204 Could not load folder %s com.openexchange.groupware.importexport.csv.CsvExceptionCodes
CSV 207 Parsing %1$s to a number failed. com.openexchange.groupware.importexport.csv.CsvExceptionCodes
CSV 1000 Broken CSV file: Lines have different number of cells, line #1 has %d, line #%d has %d. Is this really a CSV file? com.openexchange.groupware.importexport.csv.CsvExceptionCodes
CSV 1001 Illegal state: Found data after presumed last line. com.openexchange.groupware.importexport.csv.CsvExceptionCodes
CSV 1002 Encountered IO error while trying to read stream com.openexchange.groupware.importexport.csv.CsvExceptionCodes
CTX 1 Cannot resolve mailadmin for context %d. com.openexchange.groupware.contexts.impl.ContextExceptionCodes
CTX 1 Cannot resolve mailadmin for context %d. com.openexchange.groupware.contexts.impl.ContextExceptionCodes
CTX 2 Cannot find context %d. com.openexchange.groupware.contexts.impl.ContextExceptionCodes
CTX 2 Cannot find context %d. com.openexchange.groupware.contexts.impl.ContextExceptionCodes
CTX 5 Cannot get connection to database. com.openexchange.groupware.contexts.impl.ContextExceptionCodes
CTX 5 Cannot get connection to database. com.openexchange.groupware.contexts.impl.ContextExceptionCodes
CTX 6 SQL problem: %1$s. com.openexchange.groupware.contexts.impl.ContextExceptionCodes
CTX 6 SQL problem: %1$s. com.openexchange.groupware.contexts.impl.ContextExceptionCodes
CTX 7 Updating database ... Try again later. com.openexchange.groupware.contexts.impl.ContextExceptionCodes
CTX 7 Updating database ... Try again later. com.openexchange.groupware.contexts.impl.ContextExceptionCodes
CTX 8 Problem initializing the cache. com.openexchange.groupware.contexts.impl.ContextExceptionCodes
CTX 8 Problem initializing the cache. com.openexchange.groupware.contexts.impl.ContextExceptionCodes
CTX 9 Object %s can not be removed from cache. com.openexchange.groupware.contexts.impl.ContextExceptionCodes
CTX 9 Object %s can not be removed from cache. com.openexchange.groupware.contexts.impl.ContextExceptionCodes
CTX 10 Context "%s" cannot be found. com.openexchange.groupware.contexts.impl.ContextExceptionCodes
CTX 10 Context "%s" cannot be found. com.openexchange.groupware.contexts.impl.ContextExceptionCodes
DATARET 1 Data retention failed: %1$s. com.openexchange.dataretention.DataRetentionExceptionMessages
DATARET 2 An I/O error occurred: %1$s. com.openexchange.dataretention.DataRetentionExceptionMessages
DATA_RETRIEVAL 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.groupware.dataRetrieval.DataRetrievalExceptionCodes
DATA_RETRIEVAL 2 Could not find data provider for id: %1$s com.openexchange.groupware.dataRetrieval.DataRetrievalExceptionCodes
DATA_RETRIEVAL 3 Missing parameter: %1$s com.openexchange.groupware.dataRetrieval.DataRetrievalExceptionCodes
DB_JSNCON_STORAGE 1 An unexpected error occurred: %1$s
DB_JSNCON_STORAGE 2 A SQL error occurred: %1$s
DB_JSNCON_STORAGE 3 No entry available for identifier: %1$s
DB_JSNCON_STORAGE 4 Entry already locked for identifier: %1$s
DB_JSNCON_STORAGE 5 Lock failed for entry with identifier: %1$s
DB_JSNCON_STORAGE 6 Unlock failed for entry with identifier: %1$s
DEL 1 Unknown delete event type: %1$d com.openexchange.groupware.delete.DeleteFailedExceptionCodes
DEL 2 A SQL error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.groupware.delete.DeleteFailedExceptionCodes
DEL 3 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.groupware.delete.DeleteFailedExceptionCodes
DOC 1 Module '%s' is already registered. com.openexchange.documentation.internal.DocumentationExceptionCode
DOC 2 Container '%s' is already registered. com.openexchange.documentation.internal.DocumentationExceptionCode
DOC 3 The module name is missing in the module description. com.openexchange.documentation.internal.DocumentationExceptionCode
DOC 4 The container name is missing in the container description. com.openexchange.documentation.internal.DocumentationExceptionCode
DOC 5 The module '%s' is not known in the registry. com.openexchange.documentation.internal.DocumentationExceptionCode
DOC 6 The container '%s' is not known in the registry. com.openexchange.documentation.internal.DocumentationExceptionCode
DOW 1 A SQL error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.groupware.downgrade.DowngradeFailedExceptionCode
DOW 2 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.groupware.downgrade.DowngradeFailedExceptionCode
DROPBOX 1 An error occurred: %1$s
DROPBOX 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.subscribe.xing.XingSubscribeExceptionCodes
DROPBOX 2 A Dropbox error occurred: %1$s
DROPBOX 2 A XING error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.subscribe.xing.XingSubscribeExceptionCodes
DROPBOX 3 Invalid Dropbox URL: %1$s
DROPBOX 3 Invalid XING URL: %1$s com.openexchange.subscribe.xing.XingSubscribeExceptionCodes
DROPBOX 4 Dropbox URL does not denote a directory: %1$s
DROPBOX 4 XING URL does not denote a directory: %1$s com.openexchange.subscribe.xing.XingSubscribeExceptionCodes
DROPBOX 5 The Dropbox resource does not exist: %1$s
DROPBOX 5 The XING resource does not exist: %1$s com.openexchange.subscribe.xing.XingSubscribeExceptionCodes
DROPBOX 6 Update denied for Dropbox resource: %1$s
DROPBOX 6 Update denied for XING resource: %1$s com.openexchange.subscribe.xing.XingSubscribeExceptionCodes
DROPBOX 7 Delete denied for Dropbox resource: %1$s
DROPBOX 7 Delete denied for XING resource: %1$s com.openexchange.subscribe.xing.XingSubscribeExceptionCodes
DROPBOX 8 Dropbox URL does not denote a file: %1$s
DROPBOX 8 XING URL does not denote a file: %1$s com.openexchange.subscribe.xing.XingSubscribeExceptionCodes
DROPBOX 12 Missing file name.
DROPBOX 12 Missing file name. com.openexchange.subscribe.xing.XingSubscribeExceptionCodes
DROPBOX 13 Versioning not supported by Dropbox file storage.
DROPBOX 13 Versioning not supported by XING file storage. com.openexchange.subscribe.xing.XingSubscribeExceptionCodes
DROPBOX 14 Missing configuration for account "%1$s".
DROPBOX 14 Missing configuration for account "%1$s". com.openexchange.subscribe.xing.XingSubscribeExceptionCodes
DROPBOX 15 Bad or expired access token. Need to re-authenticate user.
DROPBOX 15 Bad or expired access token. Need to re-authenticate user. com.openexchange.subscribe.xing.XingSubscribeExceptionCodes
DRV 1 The path "%1$s" is invalid
DRV 2 The path "%1$s" was not found
DRV 3 The file "%1$s" was not found at "%2$s"
DRV 4 An I/O error occurred: "%1$s"
DRV 5 The file offset "%1$d" is invalid
DRV 6 Unexpected database error: "%1$s"
DRV 7 The file "%1$s" with checksum "%2$s" was not found at "%3$s"
DRV 8 No checksum for file "%1$s" available
DRV 9 Checksum "%1$s" for uploaded file "%2$s" different from "%3$s"
DRV 10 The directory "%1$s" with checksum "%2$s"
DRV 11 You are not allowed to delete the file "%1$s" at "%2$s"
DRV 12 You are not allowed to create files at "%1$s"
DRV 13 You are not allowed to modify the file "%1$s" at "%2$s"
DRV 14 You are not allowed to delete the directory "%1$s"
DRV 15 You are not allowed to create directories at "%1$s"
DRV 16 The allowed Quota is reached
DRV 17 The file name "%1$s" is invalid
DRV 18 The file name "%1$s" is ignored
DRV 19 The path "%1$s" is conflicting
EWS 1 Got %1$d instead of %2$d response messages com.openexchange.ews.EWSExceptionCodes
EWS 2 Got no response messages com.openexchange.ews.EWSExceptionCodes
EWS 3 EWS error: %1$s (%2$s) com.openexchange.ews.EWSExceptionCodes
EWS 4 EWS warning: %1$s (%2$s) com.openexchange.ews.EWSExceptionCodes
EWS 5 Object "%1$s" not found com.openexchange.ews.EWSExceptionCodes
EWS 6 The name "%1$s" is ambiguous com.openexchange.ews.EWSExceptionCodes
EWS 7 An external error occured: %1$s com.openexchange.ews.EWSExceptionCodes
FACEBOOK 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.messaging.facebook.FacebookMessagingExceptionCodes
FACEBOOK 2 A SQL error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.messaging.facebook.FacebookMessagingExceptionCodes
FACEBOOK 3 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.messaging.facebook.FacebookMessagingExceptionCodes
FACEBOOK 4 A JSON error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.messaging.facebook.FacebookMessagingExceptionCodes
FACEBOOK 5 Login to Facebook failed for login %1$s. com.openexchange.messaging.facebook.FacebookMessagingExceptionCodes
FACEBOOK 6 Communication error with Facebook service: %1$s com.openexchange.messaging.facebook.FacebookMessagingExceptionCodes
FACEBOOK 7 Login form not found on page: %1$s com.openexchange.messaging.facebook.FacebookMessagingExceptionCodes
FACEBOOK 8 Element with attribute %1$s not found on page %2$s. com.openexchange.messaging.facebook.FacebookMessagingExceptionCodes
FACEBOOK 9 Missing permission "%1$s" in Facebook login %2$s. Please copy following URL to your browser, login as %2$s (if not done yet) and grant access:


FACEBOOK 10 Missing permission for the application associated with configured Facebook API key: %1$s

Please grant access for that application in your Facebook account settings.

FACEBOOK 10 An error occurred during the processing of a script. com.openexchange.messaging.facebook.FacebookMessagingExceptionCodes
FACEBOOK 11 FQL query result size (%1$s) does not match requested number of post identifiers (%2$s). com.openexchange.messaging.facebook.FacebookMessagingExceptionCodes
FACEBOOK 12 Unsupported query type: %1$s. com.openexchange.messaging.facebook.FacebookMessagingExceptionCodes
FACEBOOK 13 An OAuth error occurred: %1$s. com.openexchange.messaging.facebook.FacebookMessagingExceptionCodes
FACEBOOK 14 A FQL error of type %1$s occurred: %2$s. com.openexchange.messaging.facebook.FacebookMessagingExceptionCodes
FACEBOOK 15 FQL response body cannot be parsed to a JSON value:


FACEBOOK 16 XML parse error: %1$s. com.openexchange.messaging.facebook.FacebookMessagingExceptionCodes
FACEBOOK 17 Missing Facebook configuration. Please re-create Facebook account. com.openexchange.messaging.facebook.FacebookMessagingExceptionCodes
FACEBOOK 18 Missing Facebook configuration parameter "%1$s". Please re-create Facebook account. com.openexchange.messaging.facebook.FacebookMessagingExceptionCodes
FACEBOOK 19 A Facebook API error occurred. Error code: %1$s. Error message: "%2$s". Please refer to to look-up error code. com.openexchange.messaging.facebook.FacebookMessagingExceptionCodes
FILE_STORAGE 1 An error occurred: %1$s
FILE_STORAGE 2 A SQL error occurred: %1$s
FILE_STORAGE 3 An I/O error occurred: %1$s
FILE_STORAGE 4 File storage account %1$s of service "%2$s" could not be found for user %3$s in context %4$s.
FILE_STORAGE 6 The operation is not supported by service %1$s.
FILE_STORAGE 7 The folder "%1$s" cannot be found in account %2$s of service "%3$s" of user %4$s in context %5$s.
FILE_STORAGE 8 Invalid file identifier: %1$s
FILE_STORAGE 9 Invalid header "%1$s": %2$s
FILE_STORAGE 10 Unknown action to perform: %1$s.
FILE_STORAGE 11 A file error occurred: %1$s
FILE_STORAGE 12 Wrongly formatted address: %1$s.
FILE_STORAGE 14 A JSON error occurred: %1$s
FILE_STORAGE 15 Unknown file content: %1$s.
FILE_STORAGE 16 Unknown file storage service: %1$s.
FILE_STORAGE 17 Missing parameter: %1$s.
FILE_STORAGE 18 Invalid parameter: %1$s with type '%2$s'. Expected '%3$s'.
FILE_STORAGE 19 File part is read-only: %1$s
FILE_STORAGE 20 Unknown color label index: %1$s
FILE_STORAGE 21 A duplicate folder named "%1$s" already exists below parent folder "%2$s".
FILE_STORAGE 22 No create access on folder %1$s.
FILE_STORAGE 23 Not connected
FILE_STORAGE 24 Invalid sorting column. Cannot sort by %1$s.
FILE_STORAGE 25 No attachment found with section identifier %1$s in file %2$s in folder %3$s.
FILE_STORAGE 26 File %1$s not found in folder %2$s.
FILE_STORAGE 27 No account manager could be found for service: %1$s.
FILE_STORAGE 28 Invalid URL "%1$s". Error: %2$s.
FILE_STORAGE 29 No such folder.
FILE_STORAGE 30 Authentication failed for login %1$s to server %2$s (service: %3$s).
FLD 1 A SQL error occurred: %1$s
FLD 2 A DBPool error occurred: 1$%s
FLD 2 User %1$s has no access to module %2$s in context %3$s due to user configuration
FLD 3 Operation not allowed on a closed SearchIterator
FLD 3 Folder "%1$s" is not visible to user "%2$s" in context "%3$s" com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 3 Folder "%1$s" not visible to user %2$s in context %3$s
FLD 4 Mapping for %1$d not implemented
FLD 4 User %1$s has no access on shared folder %2$s in context %3$s due to user configuration
FLD 5 FreeBusyResults calculation problem with oid: %1$d
FLD 5 User %1$s has no write access on public folder %2$s in context %3$s due to user configuration
FLD 6 Invalid constructor argument. Instance of %1$s not supported
FLD 6 User %1$s has no create-subfolder permission on folder %2$s in context %3$s
FLD 7 No such element.
FLD 7 Missing field %1$s in folder %2$s in context %3$s
FLD 8 An unexpected error occurred: %1$s
FLD 8 Folder "%1$s" could not be found in tree "%2$s". com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 8 Folder %1$s does not exist in context %2$s
FLD 9 Folder %1$s has been modified after last sync timestamp in context %2$s
FLD 10 User %1$s has no admin access to folder %2$s in context %3$s
FLD 11 Default folder %1$s cannot be renamed in context %2$s
FLD 12 A duplicate folder exists in parent folder %1$s in context %2$s
FLD 13 Parent folder %1$s does not allow type %2$s in context %3$s
FLD 14 Parent folder %1$s does not allow module %2$s in context %3$s
FLD 15 Only one admin permission is allowed on a private folder
FLD 16 A group must not hold admin permission on a private folder
FLD 17 Only folder owner may hold admin permission on a private folder
FLD 18 Administration rights required. In the Rights tab add at least one user with administration rights.
FLD 19 Invalid object ID %1$s
FLD 20 Not allowed to change parent id of folder %1$s through an update call. Use move method instead.
FLD 21 Not allowed to move default folder %1$s in context %2$s
FLD 22 Target folder %1$s contains a duplicate folder in context %2$s
FLD 23 Shared folder %1$s cannot be moved in context %2$s
FLD 24 Shared folder %1$s cannot be target of move operation in context %2$s
FLD 25 System folder %1$s cannot be moved in context %2$s
FLD 26 Private folder %1$s can only be moved to a private folder in context %2$s
FLD 27 Public folder %1$s can only be moved to a public folder in context %2$s
FLD 28 Target and source folder cannot be equal in context %1$s
FLD 29 User %1$s is not allowed to move all subfolders of folder %2$s in context %3$s
FLD 30 User %1$s is not allowed to delete shared folder %2$s in context %3$s
FLD 31 User %1$s is not allowed to delete default folder %2$s in context %3$s
FLD 32 User %1$s is not allowed to delete all objects in folder %2$s in context %3$s
FLD 33 No admin user found in context %1$s
FLD 34 No default folder could be found in module %1$s for user %2$s in context %3$s
FLD 35 Folder %1$s could not be loaded in context %2$s
FLD 36 Folder %1$s could not be put into cache in context %2$s
FLD 37 Effective permission of folder %1$s could not be determined for user %2$s in context %3$s
FLD 38 A SQL error occurred: %1$s
FLD 39 A DBPool error occurred in context %1$s
FLD 41 Delivered sequence id %1$s from database is less than allowed min. folder id of %2$s in context %3$s
FLD 42 Module %1$s is unknown in context %2$s
FLD 43 Folder %1$s could not be updated in context %2$s
FLD 44 Invalid entity id %1$s detected in permissions of folder %2$s in context %3$s
FLD 45 Folder %1$s must not be moved to one of its subfolders in context %2$s
FLD 46 An unexpected error occurred: %1$s
FLD 47 A LDAP error occurred in context %1$s
FLD 48 Attribute "%1$s" is not set in FolderObject instance %2$s in context %3$s
FLD 49 A source folder of module %1$s must not be moved to a target folder of module %2$s
FLD 50 Operation not executable on folder %1$s in context %2$s
FLD 51 Folder cache (region name = %1$s) could not be initialized due to the following reason: %2$s
FLD 52 Folder cache has not been enabled in config file %1$s
FLD 53 Folder %1$s could not be removed from folder cache
FLD 54 User %1$s has no write permission on folder %2$s in context %3$s
FLD 55 A JSON error occurred: %1$s
FLD 56 Unknown parameter container type: %1$s
FLD 57 Missing parameter %1$s
FLD 58 Bad value %1$s in parameter %2$s
FLD 59 Unknown field: %1$s
FLD 60 Parameter %1$s does not match JSON key %2$s
FLD 61 Invalid permission values: fp=%1$s orp=%2$s owp=%3$s odp=%4$s
FLD 62 Unknown action: %1$s
FLD 63 Shared folder %1$s must not be updated in context %2$s
FLD 64 he attribute %1$s contains too many characters. Current length %3$d is more than allowed length of %2$d characters.
FLD 65 Unable to map OCL permission value %1$s to a JSON permission value
FLD 66 Folder existence cannot be checked due to insufficient folder information
FLD 67 A runtime error occurred in context %1$s
FLD 68 This method is not applicable to an IMAP permission.
FLD 69 No subfolder creation below shared folder %1$s in context %2$s
FLD 70 User %1$s granted invalid permissions on shared folder %2$s in context %3$s. Only the owner of the parent shared folder %4$s can administrate the folder.
FLD 71 Owner %1$s of default folder %2$s must keep the folder admin permission
FLD 72 User %1$s is not allowed to share folder %2$s in context %3$s due to user configuration
FLD 73 The permissions for the user %1$s are limited. It is not possible to grant this user the wanted permissions for the folder %2$s in context %3$s.
FLD 74 Folder %1$s in context %2$s contains a hidden subfolder. User %3$s has no delete rights for this subfolder and consequently cannot delete its parent folder.
FLD 75 An infostore folder named %1$s already exists below folder %2$s (%3$s) in context %4$s. Please choose another display name.
FLD 76 Folder contains invalid data: "%1$s"
FLD 77 You already share a personal folder named "%1$s" with the same user. You can not share two folders with exactly the same name with a user. Please rename the folder before sharing it with this user.
FLD 78 Folder module cannot be updated since folder is not empty
FLD 79 Duplicate permission defined for user %1$s. Only one permission per user is allowed.
FLD 80 Duplicate permission defined for group %1$s. Only one permission per group is allowed.
FLD 81 Only the folder visibility permission is allowed to be changed for folder %1$s in context %2$s.
FLD 82 Only individual user permissions, but no group permissions are allowed for folder %1$s in context %2$s.
FLD 83 No individual user permissions are allowed for folder %1$s in context %2$s.
FLD 84 Folder module must not be updated.
FLD 85 The module of a default folder must not be changed.
FLD 86 User %1$s must not rename folder %2$s in context %3$s
FLD 87 Failed to create folder. Please retry.
FLD 88 Delete cannot be performed because of locked documents in folder %1$s in context %2$s.
FLD 89 Operation may only be performed for context administrator.
FLD 90 Folder %1$s must not be deleted in context %2$s.
FLD 1001 Unexpected error: %1$s com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1002 I/O error: %1$s com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1004 No appropriate folder storage for tree identifier "%1$s" and folder identifier "%2$s". com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1005 No appropriate folder storage for tree identifier "%1$s" and content type "%2$s". com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1006 Missing session. com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1007 SQL error: %1$s com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1009 Missing tree identifier. com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1010 Missing parent folder identifier. com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1011 Missing folder identifier. com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1012 Parent folder "%1$s" does not allow folder content type "%2$s" in tree "%3$s" for user %4$s in context %5$s. com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1013 Move operation not permitted. com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1014 A folder named "%1$s" already exists below parent folder "%2$s" in tree "%3$s". com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1015 Subscribe operation not permitted on tree "%1$s". com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1016 Unsubscribe operation not permitted on tree "%1$s". com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1017 Unsubscribe operation not permitted on folder "%1$s" in tree "%2$s". Unsubscribe subfolders first. com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1018 Unknown content type: %1$s. com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1019 Missing parameter: %1$s. com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1020 Unsupported storage type: %1$s. com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1021 Missing property: %1$s. com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1022 The object has been changed in the meantime. com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1023 JSON error: %1$s com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1024 No default folder available for content type "%1$s" in tree "%2$s". com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1025 Invalid folder identifier: %1$s. com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1026 Folder "%1$s" must not be deleted by user "%2$s" in context "%3$s". com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1027 Folder "%1$s" must not be moved by user "%2$s" in context "%3$s". com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1028 A temporary error occurred. Please retry. com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1029 User "%2$s" must not create subfolders below folder "%2$s" in context "%3$s". com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1030 No mail folder allowed below a public folder. com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1031 No such tree with identifier "%1$s". com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1032 A tree with identifier "%1$s" already exists. com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1033 The folder name "%1$s" is reserved. Please choose another name. com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1034 Found two folders named "%1$s" located below the parent folder "%2$s". Please rename one of the folders. There should be no two folders with the same name. com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLD 1035 An unexpected error occurred: %1$s. Please try again. com.openexchange.folderstorage.FolderExceptionErrorMessage
FLS 3 An IO error occurred: %s
FLS 4 File store could not be accessed: %s
FLS 6 Cannot create directory "%1$s" in file storage.
FLS 9 Unsupported encoding.
FLS 10 Number parsing problem.
FLS 11 File storage is full.
FLS 12 'Depth' mismatch while computing next entry.
FLS 13 Cannot remove lock file.
FLS 14 Cannot create lock file here %1$s. Please check for a stale .lock file, inappropriate permissions or usage of the file store for too long a time.
FLS 16 Eliminating the file storage failed.
FLS 17 File does not exist in file store "%1$s". Consider running the consistency tool.
FLS 18 The requested range (offset: %1$d, length: %2$d) for the file "%3$s" (current size: %4$d) is invalid.
FLS 19 The specified offset %1$d for the file "%2$s" (current size: %3$d) is invalid.
FLS 20 The specified length %1$d for the file "%2$s" (current size: %3$d) is invalid.
FLS 21 File store could not be accessed.
FLS 23 Database query failed.
FLS 24 The allowed Quota is reached.
FLS 25 Quota seems to be inconsistent. Please use consistency tool on context %1$d.
FLS 26 Quota usage is missing for context %1$d.
FLS 27 Updating quota usage for context %1$d failed.
FLS 201 Wrong file store %1$d for context %2$d. Correct file store: %3$d. com.openexchange.groupware.filestore.FilestoreExceptionCodes
FLS 303 Cannot find file store with id %1$d. com.openexchange.groupware.filestore.FilestoreExceptionCodes
FLS 304 Cannot create URI from "%1$s". com.openexchange.groupware.filestore.FilestoreExceptionCodes
FLS 306 SQL problem: "%s". com.openexchange.groupware.filestore.FilestoreExceptionCodes
FRB 1 No free/busy providers available com.openexchange.freebusy.FreeBusyExceptionCodes
FRB 2 The participant "%1$s" is ambiguous. com.openexchange.freebusy.FreeBusyExceptionCodes
FRB 3 The participant "%1$s" can't be found. com.openexchange.freebusy.FreeBusyExceptionCodes
FRB 4 Free/busy is not enabled for user %1$d in context %2$d. com.openexchange.freebusy.FreeBusyExceptionCodes
FRB 5 Free/busy data for "%1$s" is not available. com.openexchange.freebusy.FreeBusyExceptionCodes
FRB 6 A communication error occured while processing the free/busy request ("%1$s"). com.openexchange.freebusy.FreeBusyExceptionCodes
FRB 7 An external error occured while processing the free/busy request ("%1$s"). com.openexchange.freebusy.FreeBusyExceptionCodes
FRB 8 An internal error occured while processing the free/busy request ("%1$s"). com.openexchange.freebusy.FreeBusyExceptionCodes
FRB 9 A configuration error occured ("%1$s"). com.openexchange.freebusy.FreeBusyExceptionCodes
GCF 1 A SQL error occurred: %1$s
GCF 2 Object type is not supported: %1$s
GRIZZLY 1 The grizzly server could not be started com.openexchange.http.grizzly.GrizzlyExceptionCode
GRIZZLY 1 The following needed service is missing: "%1$s" com.openexchange.jolokia.JolokiaExceptionCode
GRIZZLY 2 The following needed service is missing: "%1$s" com.openexchange.http.grizzly.GrizzlyExceptionCode
GRIZZLY 3 The maximum number of HTTP sessions (%1$n) is exceeded. com.openexchange.http.grizzly.GrizzlyExceptionCode
GRIZZLY 4 The following needed feature could not be enabled: "%1$s" com.openexchange.http.grizzly.GrizzlyExceptionCode
GRIZZLY 5 File "%1$s" could not be found. com.openexchange.http.grizzly.GrizzlyExceptionCode
GRIZZLY 6 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.http.grizzly.GrizzlyExceptionCode
GRP 1 Cannot get database connection.
GRP 2 SQL Problem: "%1$s"
GRP 3 No group given.
GRP 4 The mandatory field %1$s is not defined.
GRP 5 The simple name contains invalid characters: "%1$s".
GRP 6 Another group with the same identifier name exists: %1$d.
GRP 7 Group contains a not existing member %1$d.
GRP 8 Group contains invalid data: "%1$s".
GRP 9 You are not allowed to create groups.
GRP 10 Edit Conflict. Your change cannot be completed because somebody else has made a conflicting change to the same item. Please refresh or synchronize and try again.
GRP 11 You are not allowed to change groups.
GRP 12 You are not allowed to delete groups.
GRP 13 Group "%1$s" can not be deleted.
GRP 14 Group "%1$s" can not be changed.
HAL-LI 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.halo.linkedin.LinkedinHaloExceptionCodes
HAL-LI 2 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.halo.linkedin.LinkedinHaloExceptionCodes
HAL-LI 3 No Linked-In account available. com.openexchange.halo.linkedin.LinkedinHaloExceptionCodes
HAL-LI 4 Need an e-mail address to look up Linked-In data. com.openexchange.halo.linkedin.LinkedinHaloExceptionCodes
HALO 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.halo.HaloExceptionCodes
HALO 2 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.halo.HaloExceptionCodes
HALO 3 Unknown provider: %1$s com.openexchange.halo.HaloExceptionCodes
HALO 4 Unavailable provider: %1$s com.openexchange.halo.HaloExceptionCodes
HALO 5 Cannot search a contact that is neither an internal user nor has an e-mail address. com.openexchange.halo.HaloExceptionCodes
I18N 101 Unexpected token %s in .po file %s:%s. Expected one of %s com.openexchange.i18n.parsing.I18NErrorMessages
I18N 102 Unexpected token %s in .po file %s:%s. Expected one of %s com.openexchange.i18n.parsing.I18NErrorMessages
I18N 103 Got %s, but expected a number in .po file %s:%s. com.openexchange.i18n.parsing.I18NErrorMessages
I18N 104 Malformed or unsupported token. Got %s but expected %s in .po file %s:%s. com.openexchange.i18n.parsing.I18NErrorMessages
I18N 105 An I/O error ocurred reading .po file %s. com.openexchange.i18n.parsing.I18NErrorMessages
IDGEN 1 An error occurred: %1$s
IDGEN 2 An I/O error occurred: %1$s
IDGEN 3 A SQL error occurred: %1$s
IDGEN 4 ID generation failed
IFO 100 Some field values are too long. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 200 Invalid SQL Query: %1$s com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 219 Cannot pre-fetch results. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 300 The requested item does not exist. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 301 Could not load documents to check the permissions com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 302 The folder %1$s is not an Infostore folder com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 400 You do not have sufficient read permissions to read objects in this folder.. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 402 You do not have sufficient permissions to create objects in this folder. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 403 You are not allowed to update this item. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 404 You are not allowed to create objects in the target folder. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 405 Could not delete all objects. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 406 You do not have sufficient permissions to delete this version. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 413 Could not iterate result. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 415 This document is locked. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 416 You cannot unlock this document. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 417 You need write permissions to unlock a document. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 418 You need write permissions to lock a document. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 420 Could not generate new ID. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 421 You are not allowed to delete objects in the source folder. This document cannot be moved. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 438 The document you requested does not exist. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 441 Files attached to InfoStore items must have unique names. File name: %1$s. The other document with this file name is %2$s. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 442 Could not determine number of versions for info item %1$s in context %s. Invalid query: %2$s com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 445 You do not have the permissions to delete at least one of the info items. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 500 Illegal argument: document %1$s contains no file com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 501 Folder %1$s has two subfolders named %2$s. The database for context %3$s is not consistent. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 602 In order to accomplish the search, %1$s or more characters are required. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 700 DocumentMetadata %1$s could not be deleted. Please try again. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 1302 The document could not be updated because it was modified. Reload the view. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 1303 The document was updated in between do and undo. The database is now probably inconsistent. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 1700 This folder is a virtual folder. It cannot contain documents. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 2100 Validation failed: %1$s com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 2101 File name contains illegal characters. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 2101 File name must not contain slashes. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
IFO 2102 New file versions can't be saved with an offset. com.openexchange.groupware.infostore.InfostoreExceptionCodes
INDEX 1 An unexpected error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.index.IndexExceptionCodes
INDEX 2 An index entry does not exist for folder %1$s in account %2$s. com.openexchange.index.IndexExceptionCodes
INDEX 3 Index search for module %1$d is not enabled for user %2$d in context %3$d. com.openexchange.index.IndexExceptionCodes
INDEX 4 The index for module %1$d for user %2$d in context %3$d is currently locked. com.openexchange.index.IndexExceptionCodes
INDEXED_SEARCH 1 An unexpected error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.indexedSearch.json.IndexedSearchExceptionCodes
INDEXED_SEARCH 2 A JSON error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.indexedSearch.json.IndexedSearchExceptionCodes
INDEXED_SEARCH 3 Index-based search is not supported for module: %1$s com.openexchange.indexedSearch.json.IndexedSearchExceptionCodes
INDEXED_SEARCH 4 There is no search handler for field %1$s. com.openexchange.indexedSearch.json.IndexedSearchExceptionCodes
INET_PROXY 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.inet.proxy.InetProxyExceptionCodes
INET_PROXY 2 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.inet.proxy.InetProxyExceptionCodes
INET_PROXY 3 Method is not supported. com.openexchange.inet.proxy.InetProxyExceptionCodes
INET_PROXY 4 A JSON error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.inet.proxy.InetProxyExceptionCodes
INET_PROXY 5 The Internet proxy is not enabled. com.openexchange.inet.proxy.InetProxyExceptionCodes
INET_PROXY 6 There is no such Internet proxy for id %1$s. com.openexchange.inet.proxy.InetProxyExceptionCodes
I_E 1 The embedded Apache client threw an error: %1$s com.openexchange.http.client.exceptions.OxHttpClientExceptionCodes
I_E 2 Parsing this JSON did not work: %1$s com.openexchange.http.client.exceptions.OxHttpClientExceptionCodes
I_E 3 Parsing this XML with SAX did not work: %1$s com.openexchange.http.client.exceptions.OxHttpClientExceptionCodes
I_E 4 Some generic exception was thrown: %1$s com.openexchange.http.client.exceptions.OxHttpClientExceptionCodes
I_E 5 An IO error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.http.client.exceptions.OxHttpClientExceptionCodes
I_E 100 Could not export the folder %1$s in the format %2$s. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 102 Could not load contacts com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 104 Could not encode as UTF-8 com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 110 Can not get connection to database. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 200 Invalid SQL Query: %s com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 204 Could not load folder %s com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 206 The necessary iCal emitter service is missing. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 207 Parsing %1$s to a number failed. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 208 Conversion to iCal failed. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 304 Conversion to vCard failed. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 500 Can not import the format %2$s into folder %1$s. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 507 Calendar module is not enabled for the user. Appointments can not be imported. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 508 Tasks module is not enabled for the user. Tasks cannot be imported. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 512 The necessary iCal parser service is missing. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 513 Importing the appointment failed due to a conflicting resource. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 514 Warnings when importing file: %d warnings com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 605 Could not recognize format of the following data: %s com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 607 Contacts module is not enabled for the user. Contacts cannot be imported. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 608 No vCard to import found. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 609 Problem while parsing the vcard. Reason: %s com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 610 Problem while converting the vcard to a contact. Reason: %s com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 800 Can only import into one folder at a time. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 803 Could not find the following fields %s com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 804 Could not translate a single column title. Is this a valid CSV file? com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 805 Could not translate a single field of information. Entry %s has not been inserted. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 807 File does not contain fields for assigning contact names: no name, company or E-Mail. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 808 No field was set that might give the contact in line %s a display name: no name, company or E-Mail. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 902 Could not read InputStream as string com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 1100 Cannot find an importer for format %s into folders %s com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 1101 Cannot find an exporter for folder %s to format %s com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 1200 Cannot translate id=%d to a constant from Types. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 1201 Cannot translate id=%d to a constant from FolderObject. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 1300 Can only handle one file, not %s com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 1301 Unknown format: %s com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 1303 Empty file uploaded. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 1304 The file you selected does not exist. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 1306 Ignoring invalid value for field "%1$s": %2$s com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 1307 Could not load ContactInterface to write storage contacts. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 1308 Could not write entry into database. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 1309 No file was uploaded com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 1310 Could not create: %s com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 1310 Could not create the following element: %s com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 1311 Could not import an entry because one or more fields are too big for the database: %s com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 1312 Could not find the temp file needed for the conversion. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 1313 Missing parameter for folder com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 1314 Columns should be numbers, could not convert %s into number com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 1315 The uploaded file did not contain any content com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 1316 Something went wrong reading from specified file. Please try again. com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
I_E 1317 Import limit exceeded. Only imported the first %1$s contacts com.openexchange.importexport.exceptions.ImportExportExceptionCodes
JMX 1 MBean registration denied: ManagementAgent is not running.
JMX 2 Malformed object name: %1$s
JMX 3 Not compliant MBean: %1$s
JMX 4 MBean registration error: %1$s
JMX 5 MBean already exists: %1$s
JMX 6 MBean not found: %1$s
JMX 7 Malformed URL: %1$s
JMX 8 An I/O error occurred: %1$s
JMX 9 Remote error: %1$s
JMX 9 Unknown host error: %1$s
JMX 10 A JMX connector is already bound to URL %1$s.
JSNCON 1 An unexpected error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.jslob.JSlobExceptionCodes
JSNCON 2 A JSON error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.jslob.JSlobExceptionCodes
JSNCON 3 No JSlob storage found for identifier: %1$s com.openexchange.jslob.JSlobExceptionCodes
JSNCON 4 No JSlob found for service %1$s. com.openexchange.jslob.JSlobExceptionCodes
JSNCON 5 Conflicting deletion of JSlob for service %1$s. com.openexchange.jslob.JSlobExceptionCodes
JSNCON 6 Path doesn't exist: %1$s com.openexchange.jslob.JSlobExceptionCodes
JSNCON 7 Invalid path: %1$s. com.openexchange.jslob.JSlobExceptionCodes
JSNCON 8 Referenced JSlob %1$s must not be set for service %2$s. Nothing will be done. com.openexchange.jslob.JSlobExceptionCodes
JSNCON 9 "%1$s" is a reserved identifier. Please choose a different one. com.openexchange.jslob.JSlobExceptionCodes
JSNCON 10 The JSlob %1$s is too big. com.openexchange.jslob.JSlobExceptionCodes
KER 1 Verification of client ticket failed: %1$s com.openexchange.kerberos.KerberosExceptionCodes
KER 2 Unknown problem: "%1$s". com.openexchange.kerberos.KerberosExceptionCodes
KER 3 Failed to get a delegate ticket for %1$s. com.openexchange.kerberos.KerberosExceptionCodes
KER 4 Communication to Kerberos server failed: %1$s com.openexchange.kerberos.KerberosExceptionCodes
KER 5 Authenticating this service against the Kerberos server failed: %1$s com.openexchange.kerberos.KerberosExceptionCodes
KER 6 Problem while terminating service ticket: %1$s com.openexchange.kerberos.KerberosExceptionCodes
KER 7 Can not find credentials in subject %1$s that need a renewal. com.openexchange.kerberos.KerberosExceptionCodes
KER 8 No Kerberos delegation ticket found in session %1$s. com.openexchange.kerberos.KerberosExceptionCodes
LDAP 1 LDAP contacts cannot be deleted
LDAP 2 An error occured while trying to read an LDAP attribute: %s
LDAP 3 The given value "%s" is not possible for a sort field
LDAP 4 Contacts cannot be inserted in LDAP
LDAP 5 The folderid object is null. This is an internal error. Please notify Open-Xchange.
LDAP 6 The search object contains more than one folder id. This is not supported by this implementation.
LDAP 7 The mapping table does not contain the long uid %s i.e., it has never been accessed before
LDAP 8 Multi-values are not allowed for date attribute: %s
LDAP 9 Multi-values are not allowed for int attribute: %s
LDAP 10 Error while trying to create connection to LDAP server: %s
LDAP 11 The LDAP search for the user contains too many results
LDAP 12 The LDAP search for the user object "%s" gave no results
LDAP 13 An error occurred while trying to get the user object from the database
LDAP 14 The given userLoginSource is not possible: %s
LDAP 15 The imap login for user "%s" is null
LDAP 16 The primary mail for user "%s" is null
LDAP 17 The E-Mail address "%s" for distributionentry is invalid
LDAP 18 The contact type "%s" is not known
LDAP 19 The attribute "%s" is missing for object "%s"
LDAP 20 No values mapping table found
LDAP 21 No keys mapping table found
LDAP 22 An error occurred while trying to get the defaultNamingContext attribute
LDAP 23 The contact object with id "%s" could not be found in folder "%s"
LDAP 100 An error occurred: %s
LDAP 101 This storage can't handle context %d
LDAP 102 This storage can't handle folder %s
LDAP 103 No mapping for object %s, folder %s, context %d found
LDAP 105 The configuration value %s is missing
LDAP 106 The configuration value %s is wrong or missing
LDAP 107 An internal LDAP error occurred: %s
LDAP 108 Unable to map contact property "%s"
LDAP 109 An internal LDAP sort error occurred: %s
LDT 1 An unexpected error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.langdetect.LanguageDetectionExceptionCodes
LDT 2 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.langdetect.LanguageDetectionExceptionCodes
LGI 1 Account "%s" is locked. com.openexchange.authentication.LoginExceptionCodes
LGI 1 Unknown problem: "%s". com.openexchange.configjump.ConfigJumpExceptionCode
LGI 2 Account "%1$s" is currently being created. This can take a while. Please try again later. com.openexchange.authentication.LoginExceptionCodes
LGI 2 Too few (%d) login attributes. com.openexchange.configjump.ConfigJumpExceptionCode
LGI 3 Unknown problem: "%s". com.openexchange.authentication.LoginExceptionCodes
LGI 3 Problem while communicating with external authorization. com.openexchange.configjump.ConfigJumpExceptionCode
LGI 4 Instantiating the class failed. com.openexchange.configjump.ConfigJumpExceptionCode
LGI 5 Login not possible at the moment. Please try again later. com.openexchange.authentication.LoginExceptionCodes
LGI 5 Class %1$s can not be found. com.openexchange.configjump.ConfigJumpExceptionCode
LGI 6 Invalid credentials. com.openexchange.authentication.LoginExceptionCodes
LGI 6 Missing property %1$s in com.openexchange.configjump.ConfigJumpExceptionCode
LGI 7 URL "%s" is malformed. com.openexchange.configjump.ConfigJumpExceptionCode
LGI 8 Extras link is not implemented. com.openexchange.configjump.ConfigJumpExceptionCode
LGI 9 Missing property %1$s. com.openexchange.authentication.LoginExceptionCodes
LGI 10 Database down. com.openexchange.authentication.LoginExceptionCodes
LGI 11 Your password has expired. In order to change it, please log in to %1$s. com.openexchange.authentication.LoginExceptionCodes
LGI 12 User %1$s could not be found in context %2$s. com.openexchange.authentication.LoginExceptionCodes
LGI 13 User is not activated. com.openexchange.authentication.LoginExceptionCodes
LGI 14 Client "%1$s" is not activated. com.openexchange.authentication.LoginExceptionCodes
LGI 15 Method "%1$s" in HTTP header authorization is not supported. com.openexchange.authentication.LoginExceptionCodes
LGI 16 %1$s com.openexchange.authentication.LoginExceptionCodes
LGI 17 No session found. com.openexchange.authentication.LoginExceptionCodes
LGI 18 Missing client capabilities. com.openexchange.authentication.LoginExceptionCodes
LGI 19 %s does not support an auto login authentication. com.openexchange.authentication.LoginExceptionCodes
LGI 20 Server side token for token login was not created. com.openexchange.authentication.LoginExceptionCodes
LGI 21 Value of User-Agent header must not be used as value for the client parameter. Please use a string identifying the client software. com.openexchange.authentication.LoginExceptionCodes
LNK 100 Unable to access the link between these two objects. Insufficient rights. First object %1$d folder %2$d. Second object %3$d folder %4$d context %5$d. com.openexchange.groupware.links.LinkExceptionCodes
LNK 101 Unable to create a link between these two objects. This link already exists. First object %1$d folder %2$d. Second object %3$d folder %4$d context %5$d. com.openexchange.groupware.links.LinkExceptionCodes
LNK 103 Invalid SQL query: %s com.openexchange.groupware.links.LinkExceptionCodes
LOXANDRA 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.loxandra.LoxandraExceptionCodes
LOXANDRA 2 A configuration error: %1$s com.openexchange.loxandra.LoxandraExceptionCodes
LOXANDRA 2 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.loxandra.LoxandraExceptionCodes
MAIL 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.messaging.mail.MailMessagingExceptionCodes
MAIL 2 A SQL error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.messaging.mail.MailMessagingExceptionCodes
MAIL 3 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.messaging.mail.MailMessagingExceptionCodes
MAIL 4 A JSON error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.messaging.mail.MailMessagingExceptionCodes
MAIL 5 Wrong configuration parameter type. Should be %1$s, but is %2$s. com.openexchange.messaging.mail.MailMessagingExceptionCodes
MAIL 5 Missing configuration parameter: %1$s. com.openexchange.messaging.mail.MailMessagingExceptionCodes
MAIL_FILTER 1 Missing parameter %s com.openexchange.mailfilter.ajax.exceptions.OXMailfilterExceptionCode
MAIL_FILTER 1 %s com.openexchange.mailfilter.ajax.exceptions.OXMailfilterExceptionCode
MAIL_FILTER 2 Invalid sieve credentials com.openexchange.mailfilter.ajax.exceptions.OXMailfilterExceptionCode
MAIL_FILTER 3 A JSON error occurred: %s com.openexchange.mailfilter.ajax.exceptions.OXMailfilterExceptionCode
MAIL_FILTER 4 Property error: %s com.openexchange.mailfilter.ajax.exceptions.OXMailfilterExceptionCode
MAIL_FILTER 5 Sieve error: %1$s com.openexchange.mailfilter.ajax.exceptions.OXMailfilterExceptionCode
MAIL_FILTER 6 mail filter servlet cannot be registered: %s com.openexchange.mailfilter.ajax.exceptions.OXMailfilterExceptionCode
MAIL_FILTER 7 Bad rule position: %d com.openexchange.mailfilter.ajax.exceptions.OXMailfilterExceptionCode
MAIL_FILTER 8 A rule with the id %1$s does not exist for user %2$s in context %3$s com.openexchange.mailfilter.ajax.exceptions.OXMailfilterExceptionCode
MAIL_FILTER 9 The id is missing inside the update request or has a non integer type com.openexchange.mailfilter.ajax.exceptions.OXMailfilterExceptionCode
MAIL_FILTER 10 A server name cannot be found in the server URL "%1$s". com.openexchange.mailfilter.ajax.exceptions.OXMailfilterExceptionCode
MAIL_FILTER 11 The login type given in the config file is not a valid one com.openexchange.mailfilter.ajax.exceptions.OXMailfilterExceptionCode
MAIL_FILTER 12 The credsrc given in the config file is not a valid one com.openexchange.mailfilter.ajax.exceptions.OXMailfilterExceptionCode
MAIL_FILTER 13 The encoding given is not supported by Java com.openexchange.mailfilter.ajax.exceptions.OXMailfilterExceptionCode
MAIL_FILTER 14 Error in low level connection to sieve server %1$s at port %2$s com.openexchange.mailfilter.ajax.exceptions.OXMailfilterExceptionCode
MAIL_FILTER 15 Error while communicating with the sieve server %1$s at port %2$s for user %3$s in context %4$s com.openexchange.mailfilter.ajax.exceptions.OXMailfilterExceptionCode
MAIL_FILTER 16 Lexical error: %1$s com.openexchange.mailfilter.ajax.exceptions.OXMailfilterExceptionCode
MAIL_FILTER 17 Input string "%1$s" is not a number. com.openexchange.mailfilter.ajax.exceptions.OXMailfilterExceptionCode
MAIL_FILTER 18 The field "%1$s" must have a value, but is not set com.openexchange.mailfilter.ajax.exceptions.OXMailfilterExceptionCode
MAIL_FILTER 19 The configuration requests a master password but none is given in the configuration file com.openexchange.mailfilter.ajax.exceptions.OXMailfilterExceptionCode
MAIL_FILTER 20 The passwordSource given in the config file is not a valid one com.openexchange.mailfilter.ajax.exceptions.OXMailfilterExceptionCode
MAIL_FILTER 21 Another vacation rule already exists. Please remove that first and try again. com.openexchange.mailfilter.ajax.exceptions.OXMailfilterExceptionCode
MAIL_FILTER 22 No active sieve script found. com.openexchange.mailfilter.ajax.exceptions.OXMailfilterExceptionCode
MAIL_FILTER 200 %s com.openexchange.mailfilter.ajax.exceptions.OXMailfilterExceptionCode
MANFILE 1 File not found: %1$s com.openexchange.filemanagement.ManagedFileExceptionErrorMessage
MANFILE 2 I/O error: %1$s com.openexchange.filemanagement.ManagedFileExceptionErrorMessage
MANFILE 3 No such managed file associated with ID: %1$s com.openexchange.filemanagement.ManagedFileExceptionErrorMessage
MCJ 1 An error occurred: %1$s
MCJ 2 An error occurred for action: %1$s
MCJ 3 An error occurred loading context %1$s
MCJ 4 An error occurred loading user data for user %1$s
MCJ 5 Could not load configuration or necessary field from configuration
MESSAGING 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.messaging.MessagingExceptionCodes
MESSAGING 2 A SQL error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.messaging.MessagingExceptionCodes
MESSAGING 3 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.messaging.MessagingExceptionCodes
MESSAGING 4 Messaging account %1$s of service "%2$s" could not be found for user %3$s in context %4$s. com.openexchange.messaging.MessagingExceptionCodes
MESSAGING 6 The operation is not supported by service %1$s. com.openexchange.messaging.MessagingExceptionCodes
MESSAGING 7 The folder "%1$s" cannot be found in account %2$s of service "%3$s" of user %4$s in context %5$s. com.openexchange.messaging.MessagingExceptionCodes
MESSAGING 8 Invalid message identifier: %1$s com.openexchange.messaging.MessagingExceptionCodes
MESSAGING 9 Invalid header "%1$s": %2$s com.openexchange.messaging.MessagingExceptionCodes
MESSAGING 10 Unknown action to perform: %1$s. com.openexchange.messaging.MessagingExceptionCodes
MESSAGING 11 A messaging error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.messaging.MessagingExceptionCodes
MESSAGING 12 Wrongly formatted address: %1$s. com.openexchange.messaging.MessagingExceptionCodes
MESSAGING 14 Unknown messaging content: %1$s. com.openexchange.messaging.MessagingExceptionCodes
MESSAGING 14 A JSON error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.messaging.MessagingExceptionCodes
MESSAGING 15 Unknown messaging service: %1$s. com.openexchange.messaging.MessagingExceptionCodes
MESSAGING 16 Missing parameter: %1$s. com.openexchange.messaging.MessagingExceptionCodes
MESSAGING 17 Invalid parameter: %1$s with value '%2$s'. com.openexchange.messaging.MessagingExceptionCodes
MESSAGING 18 Messaging part is read-only.: %1$s com.openexchange.messaging.MessagingExceptionCodes
MESSAGING 19 Unknown color label index: %1$s com.openexchange.messaging.MessagingExceptionCodes
MESSAGING 20 A duplicate folder named "%1$s" already exists below parent folder "%2$s". com.openexchange.messaging.MessagingExceptionCodes
MESSAGING 21 No create access on mail folder %1$s. com.openexchange.messaging.MessagingExceptionCodes
MESSAGING 22 Not connected com.openexchange.messaging.MessagingExceptionCodes
MESSAGING 23 Invalid sorting column. Cannot sort by %1$s. com.openexchange.messaging.MessagingExceptionCodes
MESSAGING 24 No attachment found with section identifier %1$s in message %2$s in folder %3$s. com.openexchange.messaging.MessagingExceptionCodes
MESSAGING 25 Message %1$s not found in folder %2$s. com.openexchange.messaging.MessagingExceptionCodes
MFS 2 A parsing error occurred: %1$s. com.openexchange.subscribe.microformats.OXMFSubscriptionErrorMessage
MFS 3 An I/O error occurred: %1$s. Was trying to get the service at %2$s. com.openexchange.subscribe.microformats.OXMFSubscriptionErrorMessage
MFS 4 A HTTP Error occurred: %1$s. Was trying to get the service at %2$s. com.openexchange.subscribe.microformats.OXMFSubscriptionErrorMessage
MFS 5 Can only post to external subscription sources. com.openexchange.subscribe.microformats.OXMFSubscriptionErrorMessage
MFS 6 Could not fetch site at %1$s. Please check the spelling or whether you can reach the site in your browser. com.openexchange.subscribe.microformats.OXMFSubscriptionErrorMessage
MFS 7 The string cannot be parsed to a valid URL. com.openexchange.subscribe.microformats.OXMFSubscriptionErrorMessage
MQ 1 An error occurred: %1$s
MQ 2 An I/O error occurred: %1$s
MQ 3 No Connection Factory found for name: %1$s
MQ 4 No such queue or could not be created: %1$s
MQ 5 No such topic or could not be created: %1$s
MQ 6 A JMS error occurred: %1$s
MQ 7 Illegal state: %1$s
MQ 8 A filter expression has not been validated.
MQ 9 Either no such queue or a topic or could not be created: %1$s
MQ 10 A security problem occurred: %1$s
MS 1 An error occurred: %1$s
MS 2 An I/O error occurred: %1$s
MS 3 No such queue or could not be created: %1$s
MS 4 No such topic or could not be created: %1$s
MS 5 Illegal state: %1$s
MS 6 A filter expression has not been validated.
MS 7 Either no such queue or a topic or could not be created: %1$s
MS 8 A security problem occurred: %1$s
MSG 0 Unexpected error: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 1 Missing parameter %1$s com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
MSG 1 Missing parameter %1$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 1 Missing parameter %1$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 1 The value given for mode "%s" is invalid. com.openexchange.spamhandler.spamassassin.exceptions.SpamhandlerSpamassassinConfigurationExceptionCode
MSG 2 Invalid permission values: fp=%1$s orp=%2$s owp=%3$s odp=%4$s com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
MSG 2 Invalid permission values: fp=%1$s orp=%2$s owp=%3$s odp=%4$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 2 The parameter "%s" is not set in property file com.openexchange.spamhandler.spamassassin.exceptions.SpamhandlerSpamassassinConfigurationExceptionCode
MSG 3 A JSON error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
MSG 3 A JSON error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 3 The parameter "%s" must be set in the property file if spamd is true com.openexchange.spamhandler.spamassassin.exceptions.SpamhandlerSpamassassinConfigurationExceptionCode
MSG 4 Missing parameter in user's mail config: %1$s com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
MSG 4 Missing parameter in user's mail config: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 4 The parameter "%s" must be an integer value but is "%s" com.openexchange.spamhandler.spamassassin.exceptions.SpamhandlerSpamassassinConfigurationExceptionCode
MSG 5 Configuration error: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 5 The parameter "userSource" must be set in the property file if spamd is true com.openexchange.spamhandler.spamassassin.exceptions.SpamhandlerSpamassassinConfigurationExceptionCode
MSG 6 Invalid multipart content. Number of enclosed contents is 0 com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 6 The given value for userSource "%s" is not a possible one com.openexchange.spamhandler.spamassassin.exceptions.SpamhandlerSpamassassinConfigurationExceptionCode
MSG 7 A part's content could not be read from message %1$s in mail folder %2$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 7 The parameter "%s" must be numeric, but is "%s" com.openexchange.spamhandler.spamassassin.exceptions.SpamhandlerSpamassassinConfigurationExceptionCode
MSG 8 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
MSG 8 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 8 I/O error "%1$s" occurred in communication with "%2$s" mail server for login %3$s (user=%4$s, context=%5$s). com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 8 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 8 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.smtp.SMTPExceptionCode
MSG 9 Invalid message path: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 10 Unknown color label: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 11 Cannot instantiate class %1$s. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 12 Cannot initialize mail module com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 13 No mail module access permitted com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 14 Mail account is disabled for admin user in context %1$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 15 Process was interrupted. Please try again. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 16 Unsupported charset encoding: %1$s com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
MSG 16 Unsupported charset encoding: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 16 Unsupported charset encoding: %1$s com.openexchange.smtp.SMTPExceptionCode
MSG 17 Header %1$s could not be properly parsed com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 18 Missing default %1$s folder in user mail settings com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 19 Spam handler initialization failed: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 20 Invalid content type value: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 21 Messaging error: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 22 Message field %1$s cannot be handled com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
MSG 22 Message field %1$s cannot be handled on server %2$s with login %3$s (user=%4$s, context=%5$s) com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 22 Message field %1$s cannot be handled com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 23 Versit error: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 24 No attachment was found with id %1$s in message com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 25 Versit attachment could not be saved due to an unsupported MIME type: %1$s com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
MSG 25 Versit attachment could not be saved due to an unsupported MIME type: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 26 Invalid parameter name: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 27 Could not create a PartModifier instance from name %1$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 28 Upload quota (%1$s) exceeded for file %2$s (size=%3$s) com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 29 Upload quota (%1$s) exceeded com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 31 Invalid integer value %1$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 32 Mail could not be found in folder %1$s for message identifier: %2$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 32 Mail could not be found com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 32 Mail(s) %1$s could not be found in folder %2$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 32 Mail(s) could not be found in folder com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 33 Action %1$s is not supported by %2$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 35 Message could not be sent com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 36 Unknown or unsupported action: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 37 Missing field %1$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 38 Unsupported MIME type %1$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 39 This message could not be moved to trash folder as your mailbox is nearly full.

Please try to empty your deleted items first, or delete smaller messages first.

MSG 40 The message part with sequence ID %1$s could not be found in message %2$s in folder %3$s. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 41 No content available in mail part com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 42 Message has been successfully sent. Due to exceeded quota a copy could not be placed in your sent folder though. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 42 Message has been successfully sent. Due to exceeded quota a copy could not be placed in your sent folder though. com.openexchange.smtp.SMTPExceptionCode
MSG 43 Message has been successfully sent. A copy could not be placed in your sent folder though. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 43 Message has been successfully sent. A copy could not be placed in your sent folder though. com.openexchange.smtp.SMTPExceptionCode
MSG 44 No provider could be found for protocol/URL "%1$s" com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 45 Protocol cannot be parsed: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 46 Bad value %1$s in parameter %2$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 47 No reply on multiple message possible com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 48 Illegal system flag argument %1$s. Flag must be to the power of 2 com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 49 Attachment %1$s not found inside mail %2$s of mail folder %3$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 50 Folder %1$s does not hold messages and is therefore not selectable com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
MSG 50 Folder %1$s does not hold messages and is therefore not selectable on server %2$s with login %3$s (user=%4$s, context=%5$s) com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 50 Folder %1$s does not hold messages and is therefore not selectable com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 51 Insufficient folder attributes: Either existence status or full name have to be present to determine if a mail folder create or update shall be performed com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 52 Root folder must not be modified or deleted com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 53 No transport provider could be found for protocol/URL "%1$s" com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 54 Missing mail folder full name com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 55 Image attachment with content id "%1$s" not found inside mail %2$s of mail folder %3$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 56 The specified E-Mail address %1$s is not covered by allowed E-Mail address aliases. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 57 Checking default folders on server %1$s for user %2$s (%3$s) in context on %4$s failed: %5$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 58 The types of specified data source are not supported com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 59 Mail cannot be parsed. Invalid or incomplete mail data. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 60 Mail folder cannot be created/renamed. Empty folder name. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 61 Invalid folder name: "%1$s" com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
MSG 61 Invalid folder name: "%1$s" com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 61 Invalid folder name: "%1$s" com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 62 Invalid Content-Disposition value: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 63 A folder named %1$s already exists. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
MSG 63 A folder named %1$s already exists on server %2$s with login %3$s (user=%4$s, context=%5$s). com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 63 A folder named %1$s already exists. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 64 No create access on mail folder %1$s. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
MSG 64 No create access on mail folder %1$s on server %2$s with login %3$s (user=%4$s, context=%5$s). com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 64 No create access on mail folder %1$s. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 65 Mail account %1$s with ID %2$s does not support mail transport. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 66 Mail folder could not be found. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 66 Mail folder could not be found: %1$s. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 67 Referenced mail %1$s could not be found in folder %2$s. Therefore reply/forward operation cannot be performed. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 68 In order to accomplish the search, %1$d or more characters are required. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 69 Mail folder must not be deleted: %1$s. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 70 No delete access on mail folder: %1$s. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 71 Mail folder must not be moved: %1$s. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 72 Mail folder must not be updated: %1$s. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 73 No write access on mail folder: %1$s. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 74 No connection available to access mailbox com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 75 Sent quota exceeded. You are only allowed to send 1 E-Mail in %1$s seconds. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 76 Please limit your recipients to %1$s (including To/Cc/Bcc), and click 'Send' again. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 77 Unable to parse mail server URI "%1$s". com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 78 Mail attachment expired or absent. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 79 Account has been checked successfully but with a non-secure connection. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 80 Cannot forward more than %1$s messages at once. Please divide the messages to forward in chunks of appropriate size. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 81 Your account has been created but will not use a secure connection. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 82 Your E-Mail has been successfully sent, but the original E-Mail could not be flagged as "replied" and/or "forwarded". com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 83 Mail folder cannot be created/renamed. Folder name exceeds max length of %1$s. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 84 The attachments to this E-Mail exceeded the size limit for attachments. Instead of sending the attachment with the E-Mail, the attachment was published and the link added to your E-Mail. Whoever receives the E-Mail can then download the attachment. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 85 Draft message could not be saved com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 86 There was a problem processing the request. Please (refresh view and) try again. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 87 Invoked method is not supported. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 88 Maximum message size is exceeded. Max. is %1$s. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 89 Re-sending message denied because message is not located in %1$s folder. com.openexchange.mail.MailExceptionCode
MSG 1000 user=%2$s) com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1001 Wrong or missing login data to access mail server %1$s with login %2$s (user=%3$s, context=%4$s). Error message from mail server: %5$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1001 Wrong or missing login data to access mail server %1$s. Error message from mail server: %2$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1002 Mail folder "%1$s" could not be found. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
MSG 1002 Mail folder "%1$s" could not be found on mail server %2$s with login %3$s (user=%4$s, context=%5$s). com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1002 Mail folder "%1$s" could not be found. com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1003 Folder "%1$s" has been closed on mail server %2$s with login %3$s (user=%4$s, context=%5$s) .

Probably your request took too long.

MSG 1003 Folder "%1$s" has been closed.

Probably your request took too long.

MSG 1004 Illegal write attempt: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1006 Method not supported: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1007 Session attempts to instantiate a provider that does not exist: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1008 Invalid E-Mail address %1$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1009 Wrong message header: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1010 An attempt was made to open a read-only folder with read-write "%1$s" com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
MSG 1010 An attempt was made to open a read-only folder with read-write "%1$s" on mail server %2$s with login %3$s (user=%4$s, context=%5$s) com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1010 An attempt was made to open a read-only folder with read-write "%1$s" com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1011 Invalid search expression: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1012 Message could not be sent because it is too large com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1013 Message could not be sent to the following recipients: %1$s %2$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1013 Message could not be sent to the following recipients: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1014 Connection closed to mail server %1$s with login %2$s (user=%3$s, context=%4$s). com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1014 Lost connection to mail server. com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1015 Could not bind connection to local port %1$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1016 Connection was refused or timed out while attempting to connect to remote server %1$s for user %2$s. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
MSG 1016 Connection was refused or timed out while attempting to connect to remote server %1$s for user %2$s. com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1017 Connection was reset. Please try again. com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1018 No route to host: server (%1$s) cannot be reached com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1019 Port %1$s was unreachable on remote server com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1020 Connection is broken due to a socket exception on remote server: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1021 A socket error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1022 The IP address of host "%1$s" could not be determined com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1023 Messaging error: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1024 The quota on mail server "%1$s" exceeded with login %2$s (user=%3$s, context=%4$s). Error message: %5$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1024 The quota on mail server exceeded. Error message: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1025 A command failed on mail server %1$s with login %2$s (user=%3$s, context=%4$s). Server response: %5$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1025 A command sent to mail server failed. Server response: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1026 Bad command indicated by mail server %1$s with login %2$s (user=%3$s, context=%4$s). Server response: %5$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1026 Mail server indicates a bad command. Server response: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1027 Protocol error in data sent to to mail server %1$s with login %2$s (user=%3$s, context=%4$s). Error message: %5$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1027 Error in mail server protocol. Error message: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1028 Message could not be sent to the following recipients: %1$s %2$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1028 Message could not be sent to the following recipients: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1029 Message cannot be displayed. com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1030 Wrong or missing login data to access mail transport server %1$s with login %2$s (user=%3$s, context=%4$s). Error message from mail transport server: %5$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1030 Wrong or missing login data to access mail transport server %1$s. Error message from mail transport server: %2$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1031 That mailbox is already in use by another process on %1$s mail server for login %2$s (user=%3$s, context=%4$s). Please try again later.

Error message: %5$s

MSG 1031 That mailbox is already in use by another process. Please try again later.

Error message: %1$s

MSG 1031 Error processing %1$s mail server response for login %2$s (user=%3$s, context=%4$s). The administrator has been informed. Error message: %5$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1031 Error processing mail server response. The administrator has been informed. Error message: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1031 Error processing %1$s mail server response for login %2$s (user=%3$s, context=%4$s). The administrator has been informed. com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 1031 Error processing mail server response. The administrator has been informed. com.openexchange.mail.mime.MimeMailExceptionCode
MSG 3000 Spamd returned wrong exit code "%s" com.openexchange.spamhandler.spamassassin.exceptions.SpamhandlerSpamassassinExceptionCode
MSG 3001 Internal error: Wrong arguments are given to the tell command: "%s" com.openexchange.spamhandler.spamassassin.exceptions.SpamhandlerSpamassassinExceptionCode
MSG 3002 Error during communication with spamd: "%s" com.openexchange.spamhandler.spamassassin.exceptions.SpamhandlerSpamassassinExceptionCode
MSG 3003 Spam cannot be handled because MailService is not available com.openexchange.spamhandler.spamassassin.exceptions.SpamhandlerSpamassassinExceptionCode
MSG 3004 Error while getting spamd provider from service: "%s" com.openexchange.spamhandler.spamassassin.exceptions.SpamhandlerSpamassassinExceptionCode
OAUTH 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.oauth.OAuthExceptionCodes
OAUTH 2 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.oauth.OAuthExceptionCodes
OAUTH 3 A JSON error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.oauth.OAuthExceptionCodes
OAUTH 4 Unknown OAuth service meta data: %1$s com.openexchange.oauth.OAuthExceptionCodes
OAUTH 5 A SQL error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.oauth.OAuthExceptionCodes
OAUTH 6 Account not found with identifier %1$s for user %2$s in context %3$s. com.openexchange.oauth.OAuthExceptionCodes
OAUTH 7 Unsupported OAuth service: %1$s com.openexchange.oauth.OAuthExceptionCodes
OAUTH 8 Missing argument: %1$s com.openexchange.oauth.OAuthExceptionCodes
OAUTH 9 Your '%1$s' password changed. You have to authorize the server to use your account with the new password. To do so, go to Configuration -> My Social Configuration -> Accounts. Then try again. com.openexchange.oauth.OAuthExceptionCodes
OAUTH 10 An OAuth error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.oauth.OAuthExceptionCodes
OAUTH 11 The address %1$s is not white-listed as for the %2$s OAuth API com.openexchange.oauth.OAuthExceptionCodes
OAUTH 12 The request sent was missing its body com.openexchange.oauth.OAuthExceptionCodes
OAUTH 13 The account is invalid, please recreate it. com.openexchange.oauth.OAuthExceptionCodes
OAUTH 14 Please provide a display name. com.openexchange.oauth.OAuthExceptionCodes
OAUTH 15 The associated OAuth provider denied the request: %1$s. com.openexchange.oauth.OAuthExceptionCodes
OAUTH 16 The OAuth authentication process has been canceled. com.openexchange.oauth.OAuthExceptionCodes
OAUTH_PROVIDER 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.oauth.provider.OAuthProviderExceptionCodes
OAUTH_PROVIDER 2 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.oauth.provider.OAuthProviderExceptionCodes
OAUTH_PROVIDER 3 A JSON error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.oauth.provider.OAuthProviderExceptionCodes
OAUTH_PROVIDER 4 Unknown OAuth service meta data: %1$s com.openexchange.oauth.provider.OAuthProviderExceptionCodes
OAUTH_PROVIDER 5 A SQL error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.oauth.provider.OAuthProviderExceptionCodes
OAUTH_PROVIDER 6 Account not found with identifier %1$s for user %2$s in context %3$s. com.openexchange.oauth.provider.OAuthProviderExceptionCodes
OAUTH_PROVIDER 7 Unsupported OAuth service: %1$s com.openexchange.oauth.provider.OAuthProviderExceptionCodes
OAUTH_PROVIDER 8 Missing argument: %1$s com.openexchange.oauth.provider.OAuthProviderExceptionCodes
OAUTH_PROVIDER 9 An OAuth error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.oauth.provider.OAuthProviderExceptionCodes
OAUTH_PROVIDER 10 No OAuth provider found for identifier %1$s. com.openexchange.oauth.provider.OAuthProviderExceptionCodes
PARALLELS_OPENAPI 1 OpenAPI communication error detected. Details: "%1$s" com.openexchange.custom.parallels.impl.ParallelsOpenApiServletExceptionCodes
PARALLELS_OPENAPI 1 An OpenAPI interface error occurred. Details: "%1$s" com.openexchange.custom.parallels.impl.ParallelsOpenApiServletExceptionCodes
PREVIEW 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.preview.PreviewExceptionCodes
PREVIEW 2 The following field(s) are too long: %1$s com.openexchange.preview.PreviewExceptionCodes
PREVIEW 3 Unable to change data. (%1$s) com.openexchange.preview.PreviewExceptionCodes
PREVIEW 4 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.preview.PreviewExceptionCodes
PREVIEW 5 Thumbnail image not available. com.openexchange.preview.PreviewExceptionCodes
PREVIEW 6 No preview service for MIME type %1$s com.openexchange.preview.PreviewExceptionCodes
PROXY 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.proxy.ProxyExceptionCodes
PROXY 2 Duplicate proxy registration: %1$s com.openexchange.proxy.ProxyExceptionCodes
PROXY 3 Malformed URL: %1$s com.openexchange.proxy.ProxyExceptionCodes
PROXY 4 HTTP request to VoipNow server %1$s failed. Status line: %2$s com.openexchange.proxy.ProxyExceptionCodes
PROXY 5 Malformed URI: %1$s com.openexchange.proxy.ProxyExceptionCodes
PROXY 6 Invalid session identifier: %1$s com.openexchange.proxy.ProxyExceptionCodes
PSW 1 Cannot change password: %1$s com.openexchange.passwordchange.script.impl.PasswordExceptionCode
PSW 1 Cannot change password < %s >, see log files for details. com.openexchange.passwordchange.script.impl.PasswordExceptionCode
PSW 1 A JSON error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.passwordchange.servlet.PasswordChangeServletExceptionCode
PSW 2 New password is too short. com.openexchange.passwordchange.script.impl.PasswordExceptionCode
PSW 2 Invalid locale string: %1$s com.openexchange.passwordchange.servlet.PasswordChangeServletExceptionCode
PSW 3 New password is too weak. com.openexchange.passwordchange.script.impl.PasswordExceptionCode
PSW 3 Unsupported action %1$s via %2$s request com.openexchange.passwordchange.servlet.PasswordChangeServletExceptionCode
PSW 4 Cannot find user. com.openexchange.passwordchange.script.impl.PasswordExceptionCode
PSW 4 Missing parameter %1$s com.openexchange.passwordchange.servlet.PasswordChangeServletExceptionCode
PSW 5 LDAP error. com.openexchange.passwordchange.script.impl.PasswordExceptionCode
PSW 5 Password changed successfully. Please logout and login back again. com.openexchange.passwordchange.servlet.PasswordChangeServletExceptionCode
PSW 6 Cannot get database connection. com.openexchange.passwordchange.script.impl.PasswordExceptionCode
PSW 7 No permission to modify resources in context %1$s com.openexchange.passwordchange.script.impl.PasswordExceptionCode
PUB 1 A SQL error occurred. com.openexchange.publish.PublicationErrorMessage
PUB 2 A parsing error occurred: %1$s. com.openexchange.publish.PublicationErrorMessage
PUB 3 Could not load publications of type %1$s com.openexchange.publish.PublicationErrorMessage
PUB 4 Unable to save a given ID. com.openexchange.publish.PublicationErrorMessage
PUB 5 Cannot find the publication site. com.openexchange.publish.PublicationErrorMessage
PUB 6 %1$s has already been taken (field: %2$s) com.openexchange.publish.PublicationErrorMessage
PUB 7 You do not have the permissions to perform the chosen action (%s) com.openexchange.publish.PublicationErrorMessage
PUB 8 The published document has been deleted in the meantime and therefore is no longer available. com.openexchange.publish.PublicationErrorMessage
PUBH 1 An unexpected error occurred: %s com.openexchange.publish.json.PublicationJSONErrorMessage
PUBH 2 Missing value for parameter %s com.openexchange.publish.json.PublicationJSONErrorMessage
PUBH 3 Unknown action: %s com.openexchange.publish.json.PublicationJSONErrorMessage
PUBH 4 Unknown entity module: %s com.openexchange.publish.json.PublicationJSONErrorMessage
PUBH 5 Unknown column: %s com.openexchange.publish.json.PublicationJSONErrorMessage
PUBH 6 Unknown target: %s com.openexchange.publish.json.PublicationJSONErrorMessage
PUSH 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.push.PushExceptionCodes
PUSH 2 Missing property: %1$s com.openexchange.push.PushExceptionCodes
PUSH 3 Invalid property value in property "%1$s": %2$s com.openexchange.push.PushExceptionCodes
PUSHUDP 1 Push UDP Exception. com.openexchange.push.udp.PushUDPExceptionCode
PUSHUDP 2 Missing Push UDP configuration. com.openexchange.push.udp.PushUDPExceptionCode
PUSHUDP 3 User ID is not a number: %1$s. com.openexchange.push.udp.PushUDPExceptionCode
PUSHUDP 4 Context ID is not a number: %1$s. com.openexchange.push.udp.PushUDPExceptionCode
PUSHUDP 5 Magic bytes are not a number: %1$s. com.openexchange.push.udp.PushUDPExceptionCode
PUSHUDP 6 Invalid Magic bytes: %1$s. com.openexchange.push.udp.PushUDPExceptionCode
PUSHUDP 7 Folder ID is not a number: %1$s. com.openexchange.push.udp.PushUDPExceptionCode
PUSHUDP 8 Module is not a number: %1$s. com.openexchange.push.udp.PushUDPExceptionCode
PUSHUDP 9 Port is not a number: %1$s. com.openexchange.push.udp.PushUDPExceptionCode
PUSHUDP 10 Request type is not a number: %1$s. com.openexchange.push.udp.PushUDPExceptionCode
PUSHUDP 11 Length is not a number: %1$s. com.openexchange.push.udp.PushUDPExceptionCode
PUSHUDP 12 Invalid user IDs: %1$s. com.openexchange.push.udp.PushUDPExceptionCode
PUSHUDP 13 Unknown request type: %1$s. com.openexchange.push.udp.PushUDPExceptionCode
PUSHUDP 14 Missing payload in datagram package. com.openexchange.push.udp.PushUDPExceptionCode
PUSHUDP 15 No UDP channel is configured. com.openexchange.push.udp.PushUDPExceptionCode
PWCHANGE 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.passwordchange.PasswordChangeExceptionCodes
PWCHANGE 2 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.passwordchange.PasswordChangeExceptionCodes
QUOTA 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.quota.QuotaExceptionCodes
QUOTA 2 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.quota.QuotaExceptionCodes
QUOTA 3 Quota exceeded. Please delete some items in order to create new ones. com.openexchange.quota.QuotaExceptionCodes
RDIFF 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.rdiff.RdiffExceptionCodes
RDIFF 2 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.rdiff.RdiffExceptionCodes
REM 1 User is missing for the reminder. com.openexchange.groupware.reminder.ReminderExceptionCode
REM 2 Object identifier is missing. com.openexchange.groupware.reminder.ReminderExceptionCode
REM 3 Alarm date for the reminder is missing. com.openexchange.groupware.reminder.ReminderExceptionCode
REM 4 Unable to insert reminder com.openexchange.groupware.reminder.ReminderExceptionCode
REM 5 Unable to update reminder com.openexchange.groupware.reminder.ReminderExceptionCode
REM 6 Unable to delete reminder com.openexchange.groupware.reminder.ReminderExceptionCode
REM 7 Unable to load reminder com.openexchange.groupware.reminder.ReminderExceptionCode
REM 8 Unable to list reminder com.openexchange.groupware.reminder.ReminderExceptionCode
REM 9 Reminder with identifier %1$d can not be found in context %2$d. com.openexchange.groupware.reminder.ReminderExceptionCode
REM 10 Object folder is missing com.openexchange.groupware.reminder.ReminderExceptionCode
REM 11 Object's module type is missing com.openexchange.groupware.reminder.ReminderExceptionCode
REM 12 Updated too many reminders. com.openexchange.groupware.reminder.ReminderExceptionCode
REM 13 SQL Problem: "%1$s" com.openexchange.groupware.reminder.ReminderExceptionCode
REM 14 No target service is registered for module %1$d. com.openexchange.groupware.reminder.ReminderExceptionCode
REM 15 Unexpected error: %1$s com.openexchange.groupware.reminder.ReminderExceptionCode
REM 16 Reminder identifier is missing. com.openexchange.groupware.reminder.ReminderExceptionCode
REQUEST_WATCHER 1 Error while sending the servlet status code. com.openexchange.http.requestwatcher.RequestWatcherExceptionCode
REQUEST_WATCHER 1 Error while trying to interrupt Request processing. com.openexchange.http.requestwatcher.RequestWatcherExceptionCode
REQ_PARAM 1 Bad value %1$s in parameter %2$s com.openexchange.ajax.helper.ParamContainerExceptionCode
REQ_PARAM 2 Missing parameter %1$s com.openexchange.ajax.helper.ParamContainerExceptionCode
RES 1 Cannot get database connection. com.openexchange.resource.ResourceExceptionCode
RES 1 Http communication error deteced. Details: "%1$s" com.openexchange.spamhandler.spamexperts.impl.MyServletExceptionCode
RES 1 A spamexperts api interface error occurred. action: "%1$s" ,response: "%2$s" com.openexchange.spamhandler.spamexperts.impl.MyServletExceptionCode
RES 1 Upsell email communication error deteced.Details "%1$s" com.openexchange.upsell.multiple.impl.MyServletExceptionCodes
RES 1 Http communication error deteced. Details: "%1$s" com.openexchange.upsell.multiple.impl.MyServletExceptionCodes
RES 1 An interface error occurred. action: "%1$s" ,response: "%2$s" com.openexchange.upsell.multiple.impl.MyServletExceptionCodes
RES 2 SQL problem: "%1$s" com.openexchange.resource.ResourceExceptionCode
RES 3 Cannot find resource group with identifier %1$d. com.openexchange.resource.ResourceExceptionCode
RES 4 Found resource groups with same identifier %1$d. com.openexchange.resource.ResourceExceptionCode
RES 5 Cannot find resource with identifier %1$d. com.openexchange.resource.ResourceExceptionCode
RES 6 Found resource(s) with same identifier %1$s. com.openexchange.resource.ResourceExceptionCode
RES 7 No resource given. com.openexchange.resource.ResourceExceptionCode
RES 8 Missing mandatory field(s) in given resource. com.openexchange.resource.ResourceExceptionCode
RES 9 No permission to modify resources in context %1$s com.openexchange.resource.ResourceExceptionCode
RES 10 Found resource(s) with same email address %1$s. com.openexchange.resource.ResourceExceptionCode
RES 11 Invalid resource identifier: %1$s com.openexchange.resource.ResourceExceptionCode
RES 12 Invalid resource E-Mail address: %1$s com.openexchange.resource.ResourceExceptionCode
RES 13 The resource has been changed in the meantime com.openexchange.resource.ResourceExceptionCode
RMI 1 Start of RMI service failed. com.openexchange.rmi.exceptions.OXRMIExceptionCodes
RMI 2 Could not create RMI registry. com.openexchange.rmi.exceptions.OXRMIExceptionCodes
RT 1 Invalid context ID. Couldn't find context for: %1$s com.openexchange.realtime.presence.subscribe.PresenceSubscribeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 1 The client has sent a message that is malformed or cannot be processed: %1$s com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 2 com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 3 com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 4 com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 5 com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 6 The server could not process the stanza because of a misconfiguration or an otherwise-undefined internal server error: %1$s com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 7 com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 8 com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 9 com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 10 com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 11 com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 12 com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 13 com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 14 com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 15 com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 16 com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 17 com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 18 com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 19 com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 20 The following needed service is missing: "%1$s" com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 21 The following needed service is missing: "%1$s" com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 22 The following needed service is missing: "%1$s" com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 23 The following needed service is missing: "%1$s" com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 1000 No appropriate channel found for recipient %1$s with payload namespace %2$s com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 1001 The following needed service is missing: "%1$s" com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 1002 Unexpected error: %1$s com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 1003 Invalid ID. Resource identifier is missing. com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 1004 Resource not available. com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 1005 Your session is invalid. com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
RT_STANZA 1006 The sent sequence is invalid. com.openexchange.realtime.exception.RealtimeExceptionCodes
SCR 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.secret.SecretExceptionCodes
SCR 2 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.secret.SecretExceptionCodes
SCR 3 Secret is empty. Please check configuration and set a valid secret source in file ''. com.openexchange.secret.SecretExceptionCodes
SEA 1001 No IndexAccess implementation was found for module %1$s. com.openexchange.index.solr.SolrIndexExceptionCodes
SEA 1002 An I/O Error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.index.solr.SolrIndexExceptionCodes
SEARCH 1 Search failed: %1$s.
SEARCH 2 Missing operation in JSON object.
SEARCH 3 Missing operands in JSON object.
SEARCH 4 Invalid search term in JSON object.
SEARCH 5 Missing field "%1$s" in JSON object.
SEARCH 6 Unknown operation: %1$s.
SES 1 Sessiond exception com.openexchange.sessiond.SessionExceptionCodes
SES 2 Maximum number of sessions elapsed com.openexchange.sessiond.SessionExceptionCodes
SES 3 Sessiond Config Exception com.openexchange.sessiond.SessionExceptionCodes
SES 4 Missing property '%s' com.openexchange.sessiond.SessionExceptionCodes
SES 5 Unknown event topic %s com.openexchange.sessiond.SessionExceptionCodes
SES 6 Password could not be changed com.openexchange.sessiond.SessionExceptionCodes
SES 7 Max. number of sessions exceeded for user %1$s in context %2$s com.openexchange.sessiond.SessionExceptionCodes
SES 8 Authentication identifier duplicate found. Existing session login: %1$s. Current denied login request: %2$s. com.openexchange.sessiond.SessionExceptionCodes
SES 9 SessionD returned wrong session with identifier %1$s for given session identifier %2$s. com.openexchange.sessiond.SessionExceptionCodes
SES 10 Got a collision while adding a new session to the session container. Colliding session has login %1$s and new session has login %2$s. com.openexchange.sessiond.SessionExceptionCodes
SES 11 Received wrong session %1$s having random %2$s when looking for random %3$s and session %4$s. com.openexchange.sessiond.SessionExceptionCodes
SES 201 The session parameter is missing. com.openexchange.sessiond.SessionExceptionCodes
SES 203 Your session %s expired. Please start a new browser session. com.openexchange.sessiond.SessionExceptionCodes
SES 204 Context is locked. com.openexchange.sessiond.SessionExceptionCodes
SES 205 Request to server was refused. Original client IP address changed. Please try again. com.openexchange.sessiond.SessionExceptionCodes
SES 206 Your session was invalidated. Please try again. com.openexchange.sessiond.SessionExceptionCodes
SES 207 Max. number of sessions exceeded for client %1$s of user %2$s in context %3$s com.openexchange.sessiond.SessionExceptionCodes
SES 208 Session daemon is not initialized yet. com.openexchange.sessiond.SessionExceptionCodes
SES 209 Method not implemented. com.openexchange.sessiond.SessionExceptionCodes
SES 210 Can not find a session for server token %1$s and client token %2$s. com.openexchange.sessiond.SessionExceptionCodes
SES 211 Can not find a session for server token %1$s and client token %2$s. com.openexchange.sessiond.SessionExceptionCodes
SMAL 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.smal.impl.SmalExceptionCodes
SMAL 2 Missing property: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.smal.impl.SmalExceptionCodes
SMAL 3 Invalid property value in property "%1$s": %2$s com.openexchange.mail.smal.impl.SmalExceptionCodes
SMAL 4 A JSON error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.smal.impl.SmalExceptionCodes
SMAL 5 HTTP request to server "%1$s" failed. Status line: %2$s com.openexchange.mail.smal.impl.SmalExceptionCodes
SMAL 6 JSON request failed. Error code: %1$s. Error message: %2$s com.openexchange.mail.smal.impl.SmalExceptionCodes
SMAL 7 A remote error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.smal.impl.SmalExceptionCodes
SMAL 8 An index fault occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.smal.impl.SmalExceptionCodes
SMAL 9 A HTTP error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.smal.impl.SmalExceptionCodes
SMAL 10 Unparseable HTTP response: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.smal.impl.SmalExceptionCodes
SMAL 11 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.mail.smal.impl.SmalExceptionCodes
SMS-MSG 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.messaging.smslmms.SMSMessagingExceptionCodes
SMS-MSG 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.messaging.smslmms.SMSMessagingExceptionCodes
SNIPPET 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.snippet.SnippetExceptionCodes
SNIPPET 2 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.snippet.SnippetExceptionCodes
SNIPPET 3 No such snippet found for identifier: %1$s com.openexchange.snippet.SnippetExceptionCodes
SNIPPET 4 A JSON error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.snippet.SnippetExceptionCodes
SNIPPET 5 Illegal state: %1$s com.openexchange.snippet.SnippetExceptionCodes
SNIPPET 6 A SQL error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.snippet.SnippetExceptionCodes
SNIPPET 7 No such snippet attachment found for identifier %1$s in snippet %2$s com.openexchange.snippet.SnippetExceptionCodes
SOL 1000 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.solr.SolrExceptionCodes
SOL 1001 Did not find Apache Solr Core entry for user %1$s and module %2$s in context %3$s. com.openexchange.solr.SolrExceptionCodes
SOL 1002 Could not find Apache Solr Core store for given attributes. %1$s. com.openexchange.solr.SolrExceptionCodes
SOL 1003 All core stores seem to be full. com.openexchange.solr.SolrExceptionCodes
SOL 1004 This Apache Solr Core's instance directory (%1$s) already exists and its structure is inconsistent. com.openexchange.solr.SolrExceptionCodes
SOL 1005 Could neither delegate Apache Solr request to a local nor to a remote server instance. com.openexchange.solr.SolrExceptionCodes
SOL 1006 Could not parse URI: %1$s. com.openexchange.solr.SolrExceptionCodes
SOL 1007 Remote error: %1$s. com.openexchange.solr.SolrExceptionCodes
SOL 1008 Could not parse Apache Solr Core identifier %1$s. com.openexchange.solr.SolrExceptionCodes
SOL 1009 Unknown module: %1$s. com.openexchange.solr.SolrExceptionCodes
SOL 1010 Can not reach Apache Solr Core Store. URI %1$s does not lead to an existing directory. com.openexchange.solr.SolrExceptionCodes
SOL 1011 The affected Apache Solr Core %1$s is not started up yet. Please try again later. com.openexchange.solr.SolrExceptionCodes
SOL 1012 The document with uuid %1$s could not be found. com.openexchange.solr.SolrExceptionCodes
SOL 1013 %1$s is not a valid field for sorting. com.openexchange.solr.SolrExceptionCodes
SPAM_SETTING 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.spamsettings.generic.service.SpamSettingExceptionCodes
SPAM_SETTING 2 Could not coerce value %1$s into class %2$s com.openexchange.spamsettings.generic.service.SpamSettingExceptionCodes
SPAM_SETTING 3 Can not define metadata %1$s in scope %2$s com.openexchange.spamsettings.generic.service.SpamSettingExceptionCodes
SPAM_SETTING 4 Can not set property %1$s in scope %2$s com.openexchange.spamsettings.generic.service.SpamSettingExceptionCodes
SRV 1 A JSON error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.conversion.servlet.ConversionServletExceptionCode
SRV 1 The required service %1$s is temporary not available. Please try again later. com.openexchange.server.ServiceExceptionCode
SRV 2 Missing parameter %1$s com.openexchange.conversion.servlet.ConversionServletExceptionCode
SRV 2 An I/O error occurred com.openexchange.server.ServiceExceptionCode
SRV 3 Unsupported value in parameter %1$s: %2$s com.openexchange.conversion.servlet.ConversionServletExceptionCode
SRV 3 Service initialization failed com.openexchange.server.ServiceExceptionCode
SRV 4 Unsupported method %1$s com.openexchange.conversion.servlet.ConversionServletExceptionCode
SST 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.sessionstorage.SessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST 2 No session found for identifier: %1$s com.openexchange.sessionstorage.SessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST 3 Saving session with session identifier %1$s failed. com.openexchange.sessionstorage.SessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST 4 Lookup for session with session identifier %1$s failed. com.openexchange.sessionstorage.SessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST 5 Removing session with session identifier %1$s failed. com.openexchange.sessionstorage.SessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST 6 Authentication identifier duplicate found. Existing session login: %1$s. Current denied login request: %2$s. com.openexchange.sessionstorage.SessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST 7 Operation %1$s not supported. com.openexchange.sessionstorage.SessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST 8 Lookup for session with alternative identifier %1$s failed. com.openexchange.sessionstorage.SessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST 9 No sessions found for user %1$s in context %2$s. com.openexchange.sessionstorage.SessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST 10 No sessions found for context %1$s. com.openexchange.sessionstorage.SessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST 11 No sessions found by random token %1$s. com.openexchange.sessionstorage.SessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST-IN-MEMORY 1 Start of SessionStorageService failed. com.openexchange.sessionstorage.exceptions.OXSessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST-IN-MEMORY 2 Saving session with session identifier %1$s failed. com.openexchange.sessionstorage.exceptions.OXSessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST-IN-MEMORY 3 Removing session with session identifier %1$s failed. com.openexchange.sessionstorage.exceptions.OXSessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST-IN-MEMORY 4 No session with session identifier %1$s found. com.openexchange.sessionstorage.exceptions.OXSessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST-IN-MEMORY 6 Authentication identifier duplicate found. Existing session login: %1$s. Current denied login request: %2$s. com.openexchange.sessionstorage.exceptions.OXSessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST-IN-MEMORY 7 Operation %1$s not supported. com.openexchange.sessionstorage.exceptions.OXSessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST-IN-MEMORY 8 Lookup for session with public identifier %1$s failed com.openexchange.sessionstorage.exceptions.OXSessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST-IN-MEMORY 9 No sessions found for user %1$s in context %2$s com.openexchange.sessionstorage.exceptions.OXSessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST-IN-MEMORY 10 No sessions found for context %1$s com.openexchange.sessionstorage.exceptions.OXSessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST-IN-MEMORY 11 No sessions found by random token %1$s com.openexchange.sessionstorage.exceptions.OXSessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST-IN-MEMORY 12 Error in config file. com.openexchange.sessionstorage.exceptions.OXSessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST-NOSQL 1 Start of SessionStorageService failed. com.openexchange.sessionstorage.nosql.exceptions.OXNoSQLSessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST-NOSQL 2 Saving session with sessionId %1$s failed. com.openexchange.sessionstorage.nosql.exceptions.OXNoSQLSessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST-NOSQL 3 Lookup for session with sessionId %1$s failed. com.openexchange.sessionstorage.nosql.exceptions.OXNoSQLSessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST-NOSQL 4 Removing session with sessionId %1$s failed. com.openexchange.sessionstorage.nosql.exceptions.OXNoSQLSessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST-NOSQL 7 Authentication identifier duplicate found. Existing session login: %1$s. Current denied login request: %2$s. com.openexchange.sessionstorage.nosql.exceptions.OXNoSQLSessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST-NOSQL 8 Operation %1$s not supported. com.openexchange.sessionstorage.nosql.exceptions.OXNoSQLSessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST-NOSQL 9 Lookup for session with altId %1$s failed com.openexchange.sessionstorage.nosql.exceptions.OXNoSQLSessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST-NOSQL 10 No sessions found for user %1$s in context %2$s com.openexchange.sessionstorage.nosql.exceptions.OXNoSQLSessionStorageExceptionCodes
SST-NOSQL 11 No sessions found for context %1$s com.openexchange.sessionstorage.nosql.exceptions.OXNoSQLSessionStorageExceptionCodes
SUB 1 A SQL error occurred. com.openexchange.subscribe.SubscriptionErrorMessage
SUB 2 A parsing error occurred: %1$s. com.openexchange.subscribe.SubscriptionErrorMessage
SUB 3 Unable to save a given ID. com.openexchange.subscribe.SubscriptionErrorMessage
SUB 5 Could not find this subscription com.openexchange.subscribe.SubscriptionErrorMessage
SUB 6 Parsing error. com.openexchange.subscribe.SubscriptionErrorMessage
SUB 7 The login or password you entered are wrong com.openexchange.subscribe.SubscriptionErrorMessage
SUB 8 This service is temporarily unavailable. This may be due to a temporary outage or a permanent change on the 3rd-party-side. Please try using this service again at a later time com.openexchange.subscribe.SubscriptionErrorMessage
SUB 8 Service unavailable com.openexchange.subscribe.SubscriptionErrorMessage
SUB 9 The steps of this crawling workflow do not fit together com.openexchange.subscribe.SubscriptionErrorMessage
SUB 10 The subscription source this subscription belongs to is currently inactive, and cannot provide data. com.openexchange.subscribe.SubscriptionErrorMessage
SUB 11 Missing argument. %1$s com.openexchange.subscribe.SubscriptionErrorMessage
SUB 12 You do not have the permission to complete this operation. com.openexchange.subscribe.SubscriptionErrorMessage
SUB 9999 An unexpected error occurred: %1$s. com.openexchange.subscribe.SubscriptionErrorMessage
SUBH 101 Missing parameter %s com.openexchange.subscribe.json.SubscriptionJSONErrorMessages
SUBH 102 Unknown subscription com.openexchange.subscribe.json.SubscriptionJSONErrorMessages
SUBH 102 Unknown action: %s com.openexchange.subscribe.json.SubscriptionJSONErrorMessages
SUBH 103 An unexpected error occurred: %s com.openexchange.subscribe.json.SubscriptionJSONErrorMessages
SUBH 201 Unknown column: %s com.openexchange.subscribe.json.SubscriptionJSONErrorMessages
SUBH 201 A JSON error occurred com.openexchange.subscribe.json.SubscriptionJSONErrorMessages
SUBH 202 Missing field(s): %s com.openexchange.subscribe.json.SubscriptionJSONErrorMessages
SUBH 203 Missing form field(s): %s com.openexchange.subscribe.json.SubscriptionJSONErrorMessages
SVL 1 Unknown AJAX action: %s.
SVL 1 Exception while writing JSON.
SVL 2 Cookie "%1$s" cannot be found because requests does not have any cookies.
SVL 2 Missing cookie: %1$s
SVL 2 Missing the following request parameter: %s
SVL 2 Exception while parsing JSON: "%s".
SVL 3 Missing upload image.
SVL 3 Invalid cookie.
SVL 4 Invalid parameter: %s
SVL 4 Exception while building JSON.
SVL 5 I/O error while writing to Writer object: %s
SVL 5 Value "%1$s" of attribute %2$s contains non digit characters.
SVL 6 Missing AJAX request handler for module %s
SVL 6 Too many digits within field %1$s.
SVL 7 Unknown module: %s.
SVL 7 Unable to parse value "%1$s" within field %2$s as a number.
SVL 8 A harmful attachment was detected.
SVL 8 Invalid value "%2$s" in JSON attribute "%1$s".
SVL 9 JSON error: %s
SVL 9 Missing field "%1$s" in JSON data.
SVL 10 Invalid parameter "%1$s": %2$s
SVL 11 Unexpected error: %1$s
SVL 12 A parameter conflict occurred.
SVL 13 Parameter "%1$s" conflicts with parameter "%2$s".
SVL 14 Action "%1$s" on request path "%2$s" is not permitted via a non-secure connection.
SVL 15 The action "%1$s" is disabled due to server configuration
SVL 16 No permission for module: %1$s.
SVL 17 Object has been changed in the meantime.
SVL 18 Unexpected result. Expected "%1$s", but is "%2$s".
SVL 19 Too many concurrent requests. Please try again later.
SVL 20 Bad request. The server is unable to handle the request.
SVL 21 Unknown AJAX action %1$s in module %2$s.
SVL 22 The file "%1$s" ("%2$s") can't be imported as image. Only image types (JPG, GIF, BMP or PNG) are supported.
SVL 23 Missing request body.
SVL 24 An HTTP error occurred. Status %1$s. Message %2$s.
SVL 25 Unsupported format: %1$s
TMPL 1 An I/O error occurred. com.openexchange.templating.TemplateErrorMessage
TMPL 2 The underlying templating system threw an exception: %1$s com.openexchange.templating.TemplateErrorMessage
TMPL 3 The template %1$s does not exist. com.openexchange.templating.TemplateErrorMessage
TMPL 4 Please try again later. com.openexchange.templating.TemplateErrorMessage
TMPL 5 File access denied. com.openexchange.templating.TemplateErrorMessage
TMPL 6 This template was not whitelisted, com.openexchange.templating.TemplateErrorMessage
TOKENLOGIN 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.tokenlogin.TokenLoginExceptionCodes
TOKENLOGIN 2 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.tokenlogin.TokenLoginExceptionCodes
TOKENLOGIN 3 No such token: %1$s com.openexchange.tokenlogin.TokenLoginExceptionCodes
TOKENLOGIN 4 Token login service is not available. com.openexchange.tokenlogin.TokenLoginExceptionCodes
TOKENLOGIN 5 No such session for token: %1$s com.openexchange.tokenlogin.TokenLoginExceptionCodes
TOKENLOGIN 6 Token redeem denied. com.openexchange.tokenlogin.TokenLoginExceptionCodes
TSK 1 Error while inserting task: %s. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 2 Problem setting auto commit to true. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 3 Cannot get database connection. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 4 This method is not implemented. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 5 SQL Problem. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 6 Folder %1$s (%2$d) is not a task folder. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 7 Edit conflict. Your change cannot be completed because somebody else has made a conflicting change to the same item. Please refresh or synchronize and try again. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 8 Cannot create private task in public/shared folder %1$d. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 9 SQL problem while updating task: %s. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 10 Counting tasks did not return a result. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 11 SQL problem while deleting task: %s. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 12 Cannot find folder for task %2$d and participant %1$d in context %3$d. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 13 SQL problem while listing tasks: %s. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 14 You are not allowed to delete the task. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 15 Tried to delete %1$d folders but only %2$d were deleted. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 16 Tried to delete %1$d participants but only %2$d were deleted. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 18 Participant %d for task %d is not found. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 19 Cannot find task %d in context %d. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 20 Unknown task attribute %d. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 21 Date range in search must contain 2 and not %d values. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 22 Cannot detach more attachments than actually available. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 23 You are not allowed to read the contents of folder %1$s (%2$d). com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 24 Tasks are disabled for you (%d). com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 25 You are not allowed to create tasks in folder %1$s (%2$d). com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 26 You are not allowed to delegate tasks. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 27 Missing folder id for creating task. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 28 Tasks with private flag cannot be delegated. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 30 Percent is %d but must be between 0 and 100. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 31 Tasks that have not been started yet need to have a 'Done' percentage of 0 and not %d. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 32 Cannot send event to event system. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 33 You are not allowed to edit tasks in folder %1$s (%2$d). com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 34 Moving items from or into shared folder %1$s (%2$d) is not allowed. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 35 Missing folder mapping for task %1$d. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 36 Unknown recurrence type %d. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 37 Value for the recurrence is missing: %d. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 38 Finished tasks need to have a percentage of 100 and not %d. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 39 Invalid task state %d. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 40 Start date %1$s must be before end date %2$s. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 41 The task could not be saved. Please shorten the %1$s and try again. Current length %3$d is more than allowed length of %2$d characters. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 42 Tasks with private flag cannot be moved to a public folder %1$s (%2$d). com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 43 Only the task creator is allowed to set the private flag. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 44 External participants without E-Mail address can not be added. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 45 Unexpected error. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 46 You are not allowed to see the task %1$d in folder %2$s (%3$d). com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 47 Task contains invalid data: "%1$s" com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 48 The task %1$d is not stored in folder %2$s (%3$d). com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 49 Unknown participant type %1$d. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 51 In order to accomplish the search, %1$d or more characters are required. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 52 Group %1$d is empty. You can not add an empty group to a task. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 53 Tasks uids can not be changed. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 54 SQL problem while deleting task: %s. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 55 Value "%1$s" of attribute "%2$s" contains non digit characters. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TSK 56 Can not determine delegator of task %1$d. com.openexchange.groupware.tasks.TaskExceptionCode
TWITTER 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.twitter.TwitterExceptionCodes
TWITTER 2 Missing property: %1$s com.openexchange.twitter.TwitterExceptionCodes
TWITTER 3 Invalid property value in property "%1$s": %2$s com.openexchange.twitter.TwitterExceptionCodes
TWITTER 4 The consumer key/consumer secret pair is missing in configuration. com.openexchange.twitter.TwitterExceptionCodes
TWITTER 5 The access token for twitter user %1$s could not be obtained. com.openexchange.twitter.TwitterExceptionCodes
TWITTER 6 The configured consumer key/consumer secret pair is invalid. Please provide a valid consumer key/consumer secret through configuration. com.openexchange.twitter.TwitterExceptionCodes
TWITTER 7 Please (re-)authorize your Twitter accounts.

Twitter responded with: %1$s

TWITTER 8 The request is understood, but it has been refused or access is not allowed: %1$s com.openexchange.twitter.TwitterExceptionCodes
TWITTER 9 Invalid format in search query. com.openexchange.twitter.TwitterExceptionCodes
TWITTER-MSG 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.messaging.twitter.TwitterMessagingExceptionCodes
TWITTER-MSG 2 Invalid Twitter messaging account. Please delete and re-create your Twitter messaging account. com.openexchange.messaging.twitter.TwitterMessagingExceptionCodes
TX 1 This transaction could not be fully undone. Some components are probably not consistent anymore. Run the recovery tool. com.openexchange.tx.TransactionExceptionCodes
TX 400 Cannot commit transaction to write DB com.openexchange.tx.TransactionExceptionCodes
TX 401 Cannot roll back transaction in write DB com.openexchange.tx.TransactionExceptionCodes
TX 402 Cannot finish transaction com.openexchange.tx.TransactionExceptionCodes
TXT 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.textxtraction.TextXtractExceptionCodes
TXT 2 The following field(s) are too long: %1$s com.openexchange.textxtraction.TextXtractExceptionCodes
TXT 3 Unable to change data. (%1$s) com.openexchange.textxtraction.TextXtractExceptionCodes
TXT 4 An I/O error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.textxtraction.TextXtractExceptionCodes
UCP 1 Unable to determine next copy task to execute. Enqueued: %1$s. To sort: %2$s. com.openexchange.user.copy.UserCopyExceptionCodes
UCP 2 SQL problem. com.openexchange.user.copy.UserCopyExceptionCodes
UCP 3 Unexpected problem occurred. com.openexchange.user.copy.UserCopyExceptionCodes
UCP 4 Problem with UserService. com.openexchange.user.copy.UserCopyExceptionCodes
UCP 5 A private folder (%1$s) without existing parent (%2$s) was found. com.openexchange.user.copy.UserCopyExceptionCodes
UCP 6 Database pooling error. com.openexchange.user.copy.UserCopyExceptionCodes
UCP 7 Problem with FileStorage. com.openexchange.user.copy.UserCopyExceptionCodes
UCP 8 Could not generate a new sequence id for type %1$s. com.openexchange.user.copy.UserCopyExceptionCodes
UCP 9 Did not find contact for user %1$s in context %2$s. com.openexchange.user.copy.UserCopyExceptionCodes
UCP 10 Could not save user's mail settings. com.openexchange.user.copy.UserCopyExceptionCodes
UCP 11 A user named %1$s already exists in destination context %2$s. com.openexchange.user.copy.UserCopyExceptionCodes
UPD 1 No row found in table version in schema %1$s. com.openexchange.groupware.update.internal.SchemaExceptionCodes
UPD 2 Multiple rows found in table version in schema %1$s. com.openexchange.groupware.update.internal.SchemaExceptionCodes
UPD 3 Update conflict detected. Another process is currently updating schema %1$s. com.openexchange.groupware.update.internal.SchemaExceptionCodes
UPD 4 Table update failed. Schema %1$s could not be locked. com.openexchange.groupware.update.internal.SchemaExceptionCodes
UPD 5 Update conflict detected. Schema %1$s is not marked as locked. com.openexchange.groupware.update.internal.SchemaExceptionCodes
UPD 6 Schema %1$s could not be unlocked. Lock information could no be removed from database. com.openexchange.groupware.update.internal.SchemaExceptionCodes
UPD 7 A SQL problem occurred: %1$s. com.openexchange.groupware.update.internal.SchemaExceptionCodes
UPD 8 Cannot get database connection. com.openexchange.groupware.update.internal.SchemaExceptionCodes
UPD 9 Processed a wrong number of rows in database. Expected %1$d rows but worked on %2$d rows. com.openexchange.groupware.update.internal.SchemaExceptionCodes
UPD 13 The current version number %1$s is already lower than or equal to the desired version number %2$s. com.openexchange.groupware.update.UpdateExceptionCodes
UPD 14 A SQL problem occurred: %1$s. com.openexchange.groupware.update.UpdateExceptionCodes
UPD 15 Error loading update task "%1$s". com.openexchange.groupware.update.UpdateExceptionCodes
UPD 16 Unknown schema name: %1$s. com.openexchange.groupware.update.UpdateExceptionCodes
UPD 17 Update task %1$s returned an unknown concurrency level. Running as blocking task. com.openexchange.groupware.update.UpdateExceptionCodes
UPD 18 The version can not be set back if the update tasks handling has been migrated to the Remember Executed Update Tasks concept on schema %1$s. com.openexchange.groupware.update.UpdateExceptionCodes
UPD 19 Unable to determine next update task to execute. Executed: %1$s. Enqueued: %2$s. Scheduled: %3$s. com.openexchange.groupware.update.UpdateExceptionCodes
UPD 20 %1$s com.openexchange.groupware.update.UpdateExceptionCodes
UPD 21 Processed a wrong number of rows in database. Expected %1$d rows but worked on %2$d rows. com.openexchange.groupware.update.UpdateExceptionCodes
UPD 22 Updating schema %1$s failed. Cause: %2$s. com.openexchange.groupware.update.UpdateExceptionCodes
UPD 23 Blocking tasks (%1$s) must be executed before background tasks can be executed (%2$s). com.openexchange.groupware.update.UpdateExceptionCodes
UPD 24 Unknown task: %1$s. com.openexchange.groupware.update.UpdateExceptionCodes
UPD 25 Column "%1$s" not found in table %2$s. com.openexchange.groupware.update.UpdateExceptionCodes
UPD 26 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.groupware.update.UpdateExceptionCodes
USR 1 Cannot find property %s. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USR 2 Cannot build distinguished name from %s. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USR 3 Class %s can not be loaded. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USR 4 Cannot instantiate class %s. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USR 5 Cannot get database connection. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USR 6 Cannot clone object %1$s. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USR 7 SQL problem: "%s". com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USR 8 Hash algorithm %s could not be found. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USR 9 Encoding %s cannot be used. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USR 10 Cannot find user with identifier %1$s in context %2$d. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USR 11 Two users with same identifier %1$s in context %2$d found. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USR 12 Problem putting/removing an object into/from the cache. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USR 13 No permission to modify resources in context %1$s com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USR 14 Missing or unknown password mechanism %1$s com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USR 15 New password contains invalid characters com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USR 16 Attributes of user %1$d in context %2$d have been erased. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USR 17 Loading one or more users failed. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USR 18 Alias entries are missing for user %1$d in context %2$d. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USR 19 Updating attributes failed in context %1$d for user %2$d. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USR 20 Invalid password length. The password must have a minimum length of %1$d. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USR 21 Invalid password length. The password must have a maximum length of %1$d. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USR 22 The parameter %s for this user is missing. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USR 23 %s is not a valid locale. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USR 24 %s is not a valid timezone. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USR 25 Locking attributes of multiple users is not allowed. You tried to lock %1$d user's attributes. com.openexchange.groupware.ldap.UserExceptionCode
USS 1 Cannot get connection to database. com.openexchange.groupware.settings.SettingExceptionCodes
USS 1 A SQL error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.groupware.userconfiguration.UserConfigurationCodes
USS 2 null com.openexchange.groupware.settings.SettingExceptionCodes
USS 2 A DBPooling error occurred com.openexchange.groupware.userconfiguration.UserConfigurationCodes
USS 3 Writing the setting %1$s is not permitted. com.openexchange.groupware.settings.SettingExceptionCodes
USS 3 Configuration for user %1$s could not be found in context %2$d com.openexchange.groupware.userconfiguration.UserConfigurationCodes
USS 4 Unknown setting path %1$s. com.openexchange.groupware.settings.SettingExceptionCodes
USS 4 Missing property %1$s in com.openexchange.groupware.userconfiguration.UserConfigurationCodes
USS 5 Setting "%1$s" is not a leaf. com.openexchange.groupware.settings.SettingExceptionCodes
USS 5 Class %1$s can not be found. com.openexchange.groupware.userconfiguration.UserConfigurationCodes
USS 6 Exception while parsing JSON. com.openexchange.groupware.settings.SettingExceptionCodes
USS 6 Instantiating the class failed. com.openexchange.groupware.userconfiguration.UserConfigurationCodes
USS 7 Cache initialization failed. Region: %1$s com.openexchange.groupware.userconfiguration.UserConfigurationCodes
USS 8 Problem while initialising configuration tree. com.openexchange.groupware.settings.SettingExceptionCodes
USS 8 User configuration could not be put into cache: %1$s com.openexchange.groupware.userconfiguration.UserConfigurationCodes
USS 9 Invalid value %s written to setting %s. com.openexchange.groupware.settings.SettingExceptionCodes
USS 9 User configuration could not be removed from cache: %1$s com.openexchange.groupware.userconfiguration.UserConfigurationCodes
USS 9 User configuration cache could not be cleared: %1$s com.openexchange.groupware.userconfiguration.UserConfigurationCodes
USS 10 Found duplicate database identifier %d. Not adding preferences item. com.openexchange.groupware.settings.SettingExceptionCodes
USS 10 Mail settings for user %1$s could not be found in context %2$d com.openexchange.groupware.userconfiguration.UserConfigurationCodes
USS 12 Found duplicate path %s. com.openexchange.groupware.settings.SettingExceptionCodes
USS 13 Error during use of a subsystem com.openexchange.groupware.settings.SettingExceptionCodes
USS 14 Not allowed operation. com.openexchange.groupware.settings.SettingExceptionCodes
USS 15 Reached maximum retries for writing the setting %s. com.openexchange.groupware.settings.SettingExceptionCodes
UWA_WIDGET 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.frontend.uwa.UWAWidgetExceptionCodes
UWA_WIDGET 2 The database returned an error: %1$s com.openexchange.frontend.uwa.UWAWidgetExceptionCodes
UWA_WIDGET 3 The uwa widget with the id %1$s could not be found com.openexchange.frontend.uwa.UWAWidgetExceptionCodes
UWA_WIDGET 4 The widget with the id %1$s is protected and only positional information can be updated com.openexchange.frontend.uwa.UWAWidgetExceptionCodes
UWA_WIDGET 5 Invalid configuration in widget definition file. Please ensure the file looks like this:


 autorefresh: true
 parameter: "{someParam: true}"
 standalone: true
 url: http://www.mydomain.invalid/widget1
 visible: true
 title:Widget 1


 autorefresh: true
 parameter: "{someParam: true}"
 standalone: true
 url: http://www.mydomain.invalid/widget2
 visible: true
 title:Widget 2
UWA_WIDGET 6 The string cannot be parsed to a valid URL. com.openexchange.frontend.uwa.UWAWidgetExceptionCodes
VOIPNOW 1 An error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.voipnow.json.VoipNowExceptionCodes
VOIPNOW 2 Missing property: %1$s com.openexchange.voipnow.json.VoipNowExceptionCodes
VOIPNOW 3 Invalid property value in property "%1$s": %2$s com.openexchange.voipnow.json.VoipNowExceptionCodes
VOIPNOW 4 Missing main extension attribute for user %1$s in context %2$s. com.openexchange.voipnow.json.VoipNowExceptionCodes
VOIPNOW 5 HTTP request to VoipNow server "%1$s" failed. Status line: %2$s com.openexchange.voipnow.json.VoipNowExceptionCodes
VOIPNOW 6 VoipNow request failed. Error code: %1$s. Error message: %2$s com.openexchange.voipnow.json.VoipNowExceptionCodes
VOIPNOW 7 A remote error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.voipnow.json.VoipNowExceptionCodes
VOIPNOW 8 A SOAP fault occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.voipnow.json.VoipNowExceptionCodes
VOIPNOW 9 A HTTP error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.voipnow.json.VoipNowExceptionCodes
VOIPNOW 10 Unparsable HTTP response: %1$s com.openexchange.voipnow.json.VoipNowExceptionCodes
WEBDAV 1 Invalid value in element "%1$s": %2$s. com.openexchange.webdav.WebdavExceptionCode
WEBDAV 2 An I/O error occurred. com.openexchange.webdav.WebdavExceptionCode
WEBDAV 3 Missing field %1$s. com.openexchange.webdav.WebdavExceptionCode
WEBDAV 4 Missing header field %1$s. com.openexchange.webdav.WebdavExceptionCode
WEBDAV 5 Invalid action %1$s. com.openexchange.webdav.WebdavExceptionCode
WEBDAV 6 %1$s is not a number. com.openexchange.webdav.WebdavExceptionCode
WEBDAV 7 No principal found: %1$s. com.openexchange.webdav.WebdavExceptionCode
WEBDAV 8 Empty passwords are not allowed. com.openexchange.webdav.WebdavExceptionCode
WEBDAV 9 Unsupported authorization mechanism in "Authorization" header: %1$s. com.openexchange.webdav.WebdavExceptionCode
WEBDAV 10 Resolving user name "%1$s" failed. com.openexchange.webdav.WebdavExceptionCode
WEBDAV 11 Unexpected error: %1$s com.openexchange.webdav.WebdavExceptionCode
WEBDAV 11 Authentication failed for user name: %1$s com.openexchange.webdav.WebdavExceptionCode
WEBDAV_FILE_STORAGE 1 An error occurred: %1$s
WEBDAV_FILE_STORAGE 2 A HTTP error occurred: %1$s
WEBDAV_FILE_STORAGE 3 A DAV error occurred: %1$s
WEBDAV_FILE_STORAGE 4 The resource is not a directory: %1$s
WEBDAV_FILE_STORAGE 5 Invalid property "%1$s". Should be "%2$s".
WEBDAV_FILE_STORAGE 6 Invalid date property: %1$s
WEBDAV_FILE_STORAGE 7 Directory "%1$s" must not be deleted.
WEBDAV_FILE_STORAGE 8 Directory "%1$s" must not be updated.
WEBDAV_FILE_STORAGE 9 Invalid or missing credentials to access WebDAV server "%1$s".
WEBDAV_FILE_STORAGE 10 The resource is not a file: %1$s
WEBDAV_FILE_STORAGE 11 Versioning not supported by WebDAV.
WEBDAV_FILE_STORAGE 12 Missing file name.
pop3 2001 No connection available to access mailbox com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2003 No access to mail folder %1$s com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2003 User %1$s has no mail module access due to user configuration com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2004 No lookup access to mail folder %1$s com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2005 No read access to mail folder %1$s com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2006 No delete access to mail folder %1$s com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2007 No insert access to mail folder %1$s com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2009 No administer access to mail folder %1$s com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2010 No write access to POP3 folder %1$s com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2011 No keep-seen access to mail folder %1$s com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2012 Folder %1$s does not allow subfolders. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2015 POP3 does not support mail folder creation com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2016 The permissions set could not be applied to the new folder %1$s. Its initial permissions specified by the POP3 server do not include administer permissions. The folder has been created, though. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2017 No administer permission specified for folder %1$s com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2018 Default folder %1$s cannot be updated com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2019 Deletion of folder %1$s failed com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2020 POP3 default folder %1$s could not be created com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2021 Missing default %1$s folder in user mail settings com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2022 Update of folder %1$s failed com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2023 Folder %1$s cannot be deleted com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2024 Default folder %1$s cannot be deleted com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2025 Flag %1$s could not be changed due to the following reason: %2$s com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2028 Number of search fields (%d) do not match number of search patterns (%d) com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2029 POP3 search failed due to the following reason: %1$s. Switching to application-based search com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2030 POP3 sort failed due to the following reason: %1$s Switching to application-based sorting com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2031 Unknown search field: %1$s com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2032 Mail folder %1$s must not be moved to subsequent folder %2$s com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2034 This message could not be moved to trash folder, possibly because your mailbox is nearly full.

In that case, please try to empty your deleted items first, or delete smaller messages first.

pop3 2035 Missing %1$s folder in mail move operation com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2036 Message move aborted for user %1$s. Source and destination folder are equal: %2$s com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2037 POP3 folder read-only check failed com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2038 Unknown folder open mode %d com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2039 Message(s) %1$s in folder %2$s could not be deleted due to the following error: %3$s com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2041 Not allowed to open folder %1$s due to missing read access com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2042 The raw content's input stream of message %1$s in folder %2$s cannot be read com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2043 No attachment was found with id %1$s in message com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2045 Versit object could not be saved com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2046 POP3 server does not support capability "THREAD=REFERENCES" com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2047 A protocol exception occurred during execution of a POP3 request: %1$s com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2048 POP3 does not support to move folders. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2049 Sort field %1$s is not supported via POP3 SORT command com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2050 Missing personal namespace com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2051 Parsing thread-sort string failed: %1$s. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2052 POP3 does not support to create folders. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2053 POP3 does not support to delete folders. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2054 POP3 does not support to update folders. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2055 A SQL error occurred: %1$s. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2056 POP3 does not support to move messages. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2057 POP3 does not support to copy messages. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2058 POP3 does not support to append messages. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2059 POP3 does not support draft messages. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2060 Missing POP3 storage name for user %1$s in context %2$s. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2061 Missing POP3 storage for user %1$s in context %2$s. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2062 POP3 default folder %1$s must not be moved. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2063 POP3 default folder %1$s must not be renamed. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2064 Inconsistency detected in UIDL map. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2065 Missing POP3 storage path for user %1$s in context %2$s. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2066 Illegal move operation. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2067 Login delay denies connecting to server %1$s with login %2$s (user=%3$s, context=%4$s). Try again in %5$s seconds.

Error message from server: %6$s

pop3 2067 Login delay denies connecting to server %1$s with login %2$s (user=%3$s, context=%4$s).

Error message from server: %5$s

pop3 2068 Missing required capability %1$s on server %2$s with login %3$s (user=%4$s, context=%5$s). com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2069 POP3 storage path "%1$s" cannot be created for user %2$s in context %3$s. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2070 Due to missing required capability %1$s POP3 messages are fetched and removed (expunge-on-quit) from server %2$s with login %3$s (user=%4$s, context=%5$s). com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2071 Validation of POP3 credentials is disabled due to possible login restrictions by provider. Otherwise subsequent login attempt might not work. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
pop3 2072 POP3 messages cannot be imported because of existing quota constraints on primary mail account. Please free some space. com.openexchange.pop3.POP3ExceptionCode
smtp 3003 The message part with sequence ID %1$s could not be found in message %2$s in folder %3$s com.openexchange.smtp.SMTPExceptionCode
smtp 3004 Html-2-Text conversion failed: %1$s com.openexchange.smtp.SMTPExceptionCode
smtp 3005 An internal error occurred: %1$s com.openexchange.smtp.SMTPExceptionCode
smtp 3006 There are no recipient(s) for the new message. com.openexchange.smtp.SMTPExceptionCode
smtp 3008 Receipt acknowledgment cannot be sent: missing header %1$s in message %2$s com.openexchange.smtp.SMTPExceptionCode
smtp 3009 No send address could be found in user configuration com.openexchange.smtp.SMTPExceptionCode
smtp 3010 No content available in mail part com.openexchange.smtp.SMTPExceptionCode
smtp 3012 No storage access because mail connection is not connected com.openexchange.smtp.SMTPExceptionCode
smtp 3013 Unable to parse SMTP server URI "%1$s". com.openexchange.smtp.SMTPExceptionCode
smtp 3014 The following recipient is not allowed: %1$s. Please remove associated address and try again. com.openexchange.smtp.SMTPExceptionCode