AppSuite:Group management

From Open-Xchange
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creategroup is the tool to create a new group in a given context. Groups are created with no group members when no userid(s) are supplied with the parameter -a.


-h, --help Prints a help text
--environment Show info about commandline environment
--nonl Remove all newlines (\n) from output
--responsetimeout <integer> response timeout in seconds for reading response from the backend (default 0s; infinite) Available with v7.8.0
-c, --contextid <integer> The id of the contex
-n, --name <string> The group name
-d, --displayname <stringe> The displayname for the group
-a, --addmembers <userid(s)> List of members to add to the group separated by ", "

Extra parameters when authentication is enabled

-A, --adminuser <string> Context Admin user name
-P, --adminpass <string> Context Admin password

Return value

0 on success

>0 on failure

Mandatory parameters

contextid {adminuser adminpass} name displayname

Command output

On success:

group <groupid> in context <contextid> created

On failure:

group in context <contextid> could not be created: <reason from server>


root@oxhe~# /opt/open-xchange/sbin/creategroup -c 123 -n "sales" -d "Sales Department"

group 4 in context 123 created


deletegroup is the tool to delete a group in a given context. There is no need to remove the group members before.


-h, --help Prints a help text
--environment Show info about commandline environment
--nonl Remove all newlines (\n) from output
--responsetimeout <integer> response timeout in seconds for reading response from the backend (default 0s; infinite) Available with v7.8.0
-i, --groupid <groupid> The id or the name of the group
-n, --name <name> The group name

Extra parameters when authentication is enabled

-A, --adminuser <string> Context Admin user name
-P, --adminpass <string> Context Admin password

Return value

0 on success

>0 on failure

Mandatory parameters

contextid {adminuser adminpass} (groupid or name)

Command output

On success:

group <groupid> in context <contextid> deleted

On failure:

group <groupid> in context <contextid> could not be deleted: <reason from server>


root@oxhe~# /opt/open-xchange/sbin/deletegroup -c 123 -n sales

group 4 in context 123 deleted


listgroup is the tool to list and search for groups in a given context


-h, --help Prints a help text
--environment Show info about commandline environment
--nonl Remove all newlines (\n) from output
--responsetimeout <integer> response timeout in seconds for reading response from the backend (default 0s; infinite) Available with v7.8.0
-c, --contextid <integer> The id of the context
-s, --searchpattern <string> Search/List pattern, default “*”
--csv command output as csv

Extra parameters when authentication is enabled

-A, --adminuser <string> Context Admin user name
-P, --adminpass <string> Context Admin password

Return value

0 on success

>0 on failure

Mandatory parameters

contextid {adminuser adminpass}

Command output

Standard output:

id name displayname members
3 users "all users" "2, 4, 5, 8"

csv output:

id, name, displayname, email, members


root@oxhe~# listgroup -c 123

id name displayname members
3 users "all users" "2, 4, 5, 8"


changegroup is the tool to change a group in a given context.


-h, --help Prints a help text
--environment Show info about commandline environment
--nonl Remove all newlines (\n) from output
--responsetimeout <integer> response timeout in seconds for reading response from the backend (default 0s; infinite) Available with v7.8.0
-c, --contextid <contextid> The id of the context
-i, --groupid <groupid> The id or the name of the group
-n, --name <string> The group name
-d, --displayname <string> The displayname for the Group
-a, --addmembers <userid(s)> List of members to add to group, separated by ", "
-r, --removemembers <userid(s)> List of members to be removed from group, separated by ", "

Extra parameters when authentication is enabled

-A, --adminuser <string> Context Admin user name
-P, --adminpass <string> Context Admin password

Return value

0 on success

>0 on failure

Mandatory parameters

contextid {adminuser adminpass} (groupid or name) and at minimum one parameter for an attribute to change

Command output

On success:

group <groupid> in context <contextid> changed

On failure:

group <groupid> in context <contextid> could not be changed: <reason from server>


root@oxhe~# /opt/open-xchange/sbin/changegroup -c 123 -i 5 -d "new groupname"

group 5 in context 123 changed