AppSuite:Creating a settings section in AppSuite settings

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Creating a settings section in AppSuite settings

This article explains how to add an settings section into AppSuite settings. You can also implement your own settings using iframes.

Folder structure

Assuming you got an app or plugin in a folder like com.example/helloWorld for which you want to implement settings in AppSuite, you will need a new subfolder called settings. So com.example/helloWorld/settings will prospectively contain the files managing your settings.

File Structure


Creating a manifest is quite easy, writing the following into com.example/helloWorld/settings/manifest.json to load your settings, once AppSuite loads it's settings

    namespace: ['io.ox/settings/main']


com.example/helloWorld/settings/defaults.js should contain your default settings, so an example setting the variable exampleBoolean to false and exampleInteger to 15 might be

define('com.example/helloWorld/settings/defaults', [], function () {
    'use strict';

    // define the default values for your settings here
    var settingsDefaults = {
        exampleBoolean: false,
        exampleInteger: 15

    return settingsDefaults;


com.example/helloWorld/settings/model.js contains an example of a simple default model, which you can use for your first settings

      ['settings!plugins/mail/AdvertOxMail'], function (settings) {

    'use strict';

    // Very simple default model
    var exampleModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
        initialize: function (options) {


        save: function () {

        destroy: function () {

    return exampleModel;


Create a file called com.example/helloWorld/settings/register.js to extend the AppSuite settings and implement your own.

The Head should look like this:

         function (ext, settings) {
    'use strict';

Extend the panel which stores the different setting categories:

        id: 'com.example/helloWorld',
        title: 'Hello World Settings',
        ref: 'com.example/helloWorld',
        loadSettingPane: false,
        index: 400,
        lazySaveSettings: true

And now extend the extension point which was established through reffering to com.example/helloWorld above. (ref: 'com.example/helloWorld')

        index: 50,
        id: 'extensions',
        draw: function () {
            var content=$('div').addClass('content');
            content.text('Add form elements to control your settings here');

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