From Open-Xchange
Add Open-Xchange Repository
Open-Xchange maintains public available software repositories for different platforms, such as SLES. This repository should be added to the SLES installation to enable simple installation and updates.
Start a console and add the Open-Xchange software repository for {{{slesname}}}:
$ zypper {{{zyparg}}} http://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/stable/{{{slesname}}}/ ox
If you have a valid maintenance subscription, please run the following command so that the most recent packages get installed:
$ zypper {{{zyparg}}} http://LDBACCOUNT:LDBPASSWORD@software.open-xchange.com/OX6/updates/{{{slesname}}} oxupdates
A warning will be shown because the Open-Xchange packages are not yet signed by a cryptographic key. To accept and continue the installation, press Y.