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HAproxy Loadbalancer


HAproxy is one of the options to use for Galera loadbalancing. Please consider reading through the available options before deciding for one solution.

System Design

We present a solution where each OX node runs a HAproxy instance. This way we can implement a solution without the need for additional loadbalancer (virtual) machines.

We create two HAproxy "listener", one round-robin for the read requests, one active/passive for the write requests.

Software Installation

HAproxy should be shipped with the distribution.

Historical Wheezy note: haproxy is provided in wheezy-backports, see http://haproxy.debian.net/. More recent (Debian) distributions don't need this extra repo and provide it with their native repos.

# apt-get install haproxy


The following is a HAproxy configuration file /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg, assuming the Galera nodes have the IPs

     log     local0
     log     local1 notice
     user              haproxy
     group             haproxy
     # this is not recommended by the haproxy authors, but seems to improve performance for me
     #nbproc 4
     maxconn           256000
     spread-checks     5
     stats socket      /var/lib/haproxy/stats 
     log               global
     retries           3
     maxconn           256000
     timeout connect   60000
     timeout client    20m
     timeout server    20m
     option            dontlognull
     option            redispatch
     # the http options are not needed here
     # but may be reasonable if you use haproxy also for some OX HTTP proxying
     mode              http
     no option         httpclose
 listen mysql-read
     mode tcp
     balance roundrobin
     option httpchk GET /
     server db1 check port 9200 inter 6000 rise 3 fall 3
     server db2 check port 9200 inter 6000 rise 3 fall 3
     server db3 check port 9200 inter 6000 rise 3 fall 3
 listen mysql-write
     mode tcp
     balance roundrobin
     option httpchk GET /master
     # maybe be more prudent with the master for the fall parameter
     server db1 check port 9200 inter 6000 rise 3 fall 1
     server db2 check port 9200 inter 6000 rise 3 fall 1
     server db3 check port 9200 inter 6000 rise 3 fall 1
 # can configure a stats interface here, but if you do so,
 # change the username / password
 #listen stats
 #    bind
 #    mode http
 #    stats enable
 #    stats uri /
 #    stats realm Strictly\ Private
 #    stats auth user:pass

Note 1: the timeout options may seem exaggerated high, but they are required to ensure that it is not the loadbalancer shutting down MySQL connections while the systems still use it. Cf. configdb.properties:

# Maximum time in milliseconds a connection will be used. After this time
# the connection get closed.

We got a default of 10 minutes, so allowing for some extra time to allow running queries to finish plus some overhead, 20 minutes look like a reasonable value for the connection timeout here.

Note 2: If you are configuring a dedicated loadbalancer node which should loadbalancer for other clients on the network (rather than a distributed / colocated HAproxy instance which should only serve for localhost) change the bind parameters accordingly.

Health check service

As you can see we use the httpchk option, so we assume a health check service to be available. Please have a look at the Clustercheck page how to configure such a service. Please be aware that we assume you use our customized, improved clustercheck script, so please don't use the standard one.

Contrary to other setup instructions which recommend to configure one node as regular node and the other two ones as backup nodes, we recommend to leverage a health check which declares only the node with wsrep_local_index=0 as available. This way we ensure that even in corner cases, multiple distributed HAproxy instances can not end up with declaring different nodes as designated write nodes, which would be problematic.


Besided using the Galera check service configured before, you can also speak to the stats socket of HAproxy using socat.

# echo "show stat" | socat unix-connect:/var/lib/haproxy/stats stdio

The output is a CSV with long lines unsuitable for pasting here. Please test on your own.

There are more commands available via this socket to enable / disable servers; see the haproxy documentation for details. (As of writing that documentation could be found here: http://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/configuration-1.5.html#9.2 that URL seems unstable.)