
From Open-Xchange



The Metrics module provides a very flexible and extendible way to track user behaviour and conditions within OX Appsuite.

A common set of events is tracked by default. Out of the box PIWIK is supported as reference analytics framework. Every other analytics framework can be added easily by registering a new adapter within the metrics module where data and events are mapped to the special needs of the target analytics framework.

Parts and tasks

 * listener/handler: waiting for events and call metrics module
 * metrics module: provides a central API for tracking and propagate events to enabled adapters
 * Adapter: maps generic event data for a concrete analytics framework and calls their API


The metrics module is located in Appsuite’s front end and can be configured by backend properties.


The parts a separated by their role/task with high flexibility and extendability in mind.

 - metrics listener: waiting for a event (example: click on an ‘mail reply’)
 - metrics handler: submits data to the metrics module
 - metrics module: central facade with a generic API as connecting piece between event handlers and adapters
 - metrics adapter: communicates with a concrete analytics framework API
Source code

 // core module
 // adapter for each target analytics framework
 // adapter for PIWIK
 // global listeners/handlers


Use the following setting properties to enhance/adjust usage. Please be aware of the double slashes that are used as separator for the namespaces.


 // global switch [true/false]
 // current default: true

 // consider doNotTrack-flag in front end [true/false]
 // current default: false



 // adapter switch (PIWIK) [true/false]
 // current default: true
 // platform base url [url]
 // current default: https://[insert-your-host-here]/piwik/
 // platform page id [url]
 // current default: 1

Step-by-step Setup guide

With this easy step-by-step guide it should be quite simple to setup PIWIK and adjust the relevant properties to start tracking.

1. Preconditions

    • important**

Please ensure PIWIK runs also on SSL in case OX Appsuite does.

    • adblockers**

hint: in case you consider to bypass adblockier mechanisms please avoid suspicious strings for any part of the url (for example ‘piwik’). One possible solution would be to use [mod_rewrite] or something similar to aliases for affected urls.

2. Install PIWIK

Simply follow the steps provided by the PIWIK documentation

Please pause when you reach step 8 of the wizard (JavaScript Tag) and move on with part 2 of this guide.

3. Take a deeper look at the generated script

The script provided by PIWIK will look like this:

<script type="text/javascript">

 var _paq = _paq || [];
 (function() {
   // in this line you can see the base url that we need to add as property
   var u="//";
   _paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', u+'piwik.php']);
   // in this line you can see the site id that we need to add as property
   _paq.push(['setSiteId', 1]);
   var d=document, g=d.createElement('script'), s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
   g.type='text/javascript'; g.async=true; g.defer=true; g.src=u+'piwik.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s);



<img src="//" style="border:0;" alt="" />


4. Appsuite properties

Now we have to extract some of the information used in this script. The script itself do not has to be added to OX Appsuite. Use the following file to adjust/add the properties:


    • base url**

You need to specify the base url that allows OX Appsuite calling the PIWIK tracking API. You can simply check if got the right url by trying to open the url followed by ‘piwik.php’ in the browser (example: ‘https:%%//’). You should see some message similiar to ‘Piwik is a free/libre web analytics that lets you keep control of your data.’

//generated PIWIK script//

[...] var u="//"; [...]

//appsuite property// io.ox/core//tracking/piwik/url=

    • siteId**

With PIWIK you can separate tracking by using different contextes called ‘websites’. These contextes are identified by an unique id that usually starts with 1 and increments by 1 for every newly created page. To guarantee tracked date is added to the right context you have to specify this id in the settings. In case no setting is provided the id ‘1’ is used as default

//generated PIWIK script//

[...] _paq.push(['setSiteId', 1]); [...] //appsuite property//


    • enabling/disabling**

Finally you need to enable tracking in general and PIWIK in particular.


5. Continue

Please continue with the PIWIK Installation wizard.





With metrics in mind listeners are waiting for special events to occur - usually a user action that manifests as a mouse click.

Common practice is to register listeners by using jQuerie’s delagate (TODO: link) function. For example this snippet would listen for any mousedown event on an action icon within the mail app toolbar.

$('.classic-toolbar-container').delegate('.io-ox-action-link', 'mousedown', yourHandler); hint: please do not register these listeners when metrics is disabled to avoid unnecessary work for the client.


Handler call the public functions of the metrics module. To gain access to the metrics object simply require ‘io.ox/metrics/main’.

require(['io.ox/metrics/main'], function(metrics) {

       app: 'mail',
       target: 'detail/toolbar',
       type: 'click',
       action: $(e.currentTarget).attr('data-action')


Metrics module

The metrics module provide some simple api that enables you to track events.



 * application name
 * //example: ‘mail’//


 * container/area
 * //example: ‘detail/toolbar’//


 * type of event
 * //example: ‘click’//


 * name/id of the action
 * //example: ‘delete’//


 * name of the page. for OX Appsuite this is the name of the application
 * //example: ‘mail’//


 * id of the page.
 * //example: ‘io.ox/mail’//


 * name of the page
 * //example: ‘Mail’//
 * currently unused
watch(options, data)

Shortcut to register a trackEvent listener by using _.delegate on a container node


   node: $('#my-actions'),
   selector: '#my-button',
   event: 'click'

}, dataToTrack)

= getUserHash()

return unique user (based on cookie value)


returns boolean that indicates status of the metrics module

require(['io.ox/metrics/main'], function (metrics) {

   var name = app.get('parent').get('name') || 'unknown',
       apptitle = _.last(name.split('/')),
       facet = model.get('facet').get('id').split(':')[0];
   // toolbar actions
       app: apptitle,
       target: apptitle + '/search/facet/' + facet,
       action: 'search',
       value: facet


    • source**


    • hint**

Be aware to not use a name for your javascript files that matching common patterns of adblockers. For example in case we would name default.js PIWIK.js the adblocker would block the request and an error ocurred in the the browser.

    • consider settings**

please add at first a line into the code that checks for the user setting to prevent registering the adapter (more precisecly to extend the extension point)

if (!settings.get('tracking/[add-your-id-here]/enabled', false)) return;

    • extend**

Now you will have to extend ‘io.ox/metrics/adapter’ to register your adapter. The metrics module will run through all registered adapters and calls existing functions.


       id: 'piwik',
       setup: function () {
         // called once
       trackVisit: function () {
         // called for each tracked visit (usually called once)
       trackEvent: function (baton) {
          // called for each tracked event
       trackPage: function (baton) {
         // called for each opened application/module
       trackVariable: function (baton) {
         // usually called once

For further questions please take a look at the PIWIK adapter in the source code.


You can activate a special debugging adapter that writes events to console and tracks all events in browers localstorage. To activate/deactivate simply paste this code into your console when you are logged in at appsuite:

// enable require('settings!io.ox/core').set('tracking/console/enabled', true).save(); // disable require('settings!io.ox/core').set('tracking/console/enabled', false).save(); You can see all tracked events by using the browers console again:

//directly accessing to the data metrics.hash // please use the following only in chrome cause it is using console.table



EventId Trigger
core/banner/title Click on header title
core/banner/logo Click on header logo

File Viewer

EventId Trigger
core/viewer/toolbar/[action] User clicks on action while using the file viewer


EventId Trigger
core/toolbar/[action] Upsell event triggered


EventId Trigger
core/upsell/[upsell.type]/[] Clicks (settings, my contact data, help, getting started, fullscreen, about, sign out) within the context menu of our settings icon at the top right.


EventId Trigger
portal/toolbar/add/[type] Click on “Add widget” button in upper right area of portal.
portal/toolbar/add/[type] Click on a specific widget to “install” it on the portal page.
portal/widgets/show-detail/[type] Click on the area of the widget, which gets displayed.
portal/widget/disable/[type] Click on the remove widget icon (“X”)
portal/widget/change-order/[type] Reordering a widget into another location on the screen.


EventId Trigger
mail/list/[layout]/select/one, mail/list/[layout]/select/mulitple Select mail by click on the list/grid (layout: vert, horiz, compact, list)
mail/toolbar/[action], mail/detail/toolbar/[action] , mail/compose/toolbar/[action] Clicks on a email action
mail/folders/folder/select/[type] Clicks on a folder in the mail folder tree (type: primary, external)
mail/folder/account/add Clicks on “Add new mail account”
mail/settings/account/add Clicks within “Social + Mail Accounts” on “Add account”


EventId Trigger
contacts/list/select/one, contacts/list/select/multiple Select contact by click on the list/grid
contacts/folder/select/[type] Clicks on a folder in the contact folder tree (folder-type: private, public, shared)
contacts/toolbar/[action] Clicks on a a contact action


EventId Trigger
calendar/toolbar/[action] Clicks on calendar toolbar action
calendar/folder/select/[type] Clicks on a folder in the contact folder tree (folder-type: private, public, shared)
calendar/folder/permissions Clicks on the “cloud” icon and the “User” icon next to the folder name
calendar/folder/context-menu/[action] Clicks within the context menu, which pops up, when you click on a folder name and its menu icon
calendar/detail/toolbar/[action] Clicks on calendar detail view toolbar action


^EventId ^Trigger ^ |tasks/folder/select/[type] |Clicks on a folder in the contact folder tree (folder-type: private, public, shared) | |tasks/folder/context-menu/[action]|Clicks within the context menu, which pops up, when you click on a folder name and its menu icon| |tasks/toolbar/[action] |Clicks on tasks toolbar action | |tasks/detail/[action] |Clicks on calendar detail view toolbar action |


^EventId ^Trigger ^ |drive/folder/select/[type] |Clicks on a folder in drive folder tree (folder-type: standard_folder_type + '.' + folder_type) | |drive/folder/context-menu/[action]|Clicks within the context menu, which pops up, when you click on a folder name and its menu icon| |drive/toolbar/[action] |Clicks on tasks toolbar action |