AppSuite:Writing a wizard
From Open-Xchange
Writing a wizard
Summary: In this example we will build a simple welcome wizard that tries to complete the users information.
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* @author Francisco Laguna <>
* In this example we will build a simple welcome wizard, that tries to complete the users information.
define('io.ox/dev/wizard/welcomeWizard', ['io.ox/core/extensions', 'io.ox/core/wizard/registry'], function (ext, wizards) {
'use strict';
// Grab the extension point for the wizard
// Every page in the wizard will be an extension to this extension point
var point = ext.point("io.ox/dev/wizard/welcomeWizard");
// We will build a few pages here to showcase how you can use the framework.
// Firstly, the simplest case, just a static page
// It's a nice trick to start off with a static page, so the subsequent page
// can already start loading data
// and initialize itself without the user having to wait around for that.
// Distract them with a nice welcome page!
id: 'welcomeMessage',
index: 100,
title: "Welcome to App Suite", // be sure to internationalize this
draw: function (baton) {
// A regular #draw method, that you may know and love from other extension points
// Just append to 'this' to draw what you need. One caveat though: Make sure to
// unlock the 'next' button
// so this step can be finished
// Some text. Note that you want to take some more care here, to make this look
// good and make sense. We'll firmly stay in example land here and not make a
// fuss about looks
// Make sure you do better than this, also, this needs to be internationalized
// with a gt() call!
this.append($("<p>").text("Hi there, stranger! Welcome to OX App Suite, glad you made it. To make sure your experience with us is a pleasant one, let's set up some basics together!"));
// Enable the next (or 'done', if this is the last page) button.
// You will have to call this once for every page, once every needed entry has been made.
// Now let's actually ask for some user input. Let's start with the users gender.
id: 'gender',
index: 200,
title: "Gender",
draw: function (baton) {
// Every method of a page is always called with a baton that is unique to
// every page instance, so
// we can set state information in it to our hearts content without
// bothering everyone else.
// The baton holds some interesting objects, though. 'wizard' is the instance
// of the wizard object, 'buttons', like above
// can be used to enable or disable the next button. The wizard also has a
// pageData member object that we can use to store
// data that is available to every subsequent page. Note though, that that
// tightly couples pages together, so use this with care!
// We will use this for some fun, though.
baton.form = {};
$('<p/>').text("Please pick one:"),
$('<label class="radio">').append(
baton.form.male = $('<input type="radio" name="genderRadio" value="male">'),
$('<label class="radio">').append(
baton.form.female = $('<input type="radio" name="genderRadio" value="male">'),
// We want to enable the navigation once the user picked his or her gender.
// And we'll capture that logic in one method that we call everytime we have
// reason to believe the state changed
baton.helpers = {
updateState: function () {
if (baton.form.male.attr("checked") === 'checked' || baton.form.female.attr("checked") === 'checked') {
// One of the two was picked, so enable the next button
} else {
// No choice was made, so disable the button
baton.form.male.on('click', baton.helpers.updateState);
baton.form.female.on('click', baton.helpers.updateState);
activate: function (baton) {
// Whenever the page is entered, the activate method is called.
// we just have to make sure the button state is correct
finish: function (baton) {
// When the page is left, the 'finish' method is called and we can do something
// with the entered value, in this case we'll remember it in the wizards data section for inter-page stuff
var gender = null;
if (baton.form.male.attr("checked") === 'checked') {
gender = 'male';
} else if (baton.form.female.attr("checked") === 'checked') {
gender = 'female';
baton.wizard.pageData.gender = gender;
// Anything above a trivial form may benefit from using backbone model and view classes
id: 'completeUserInfo',
index: 300,
title: "Personal Information",
load: function (baton) {
// The load method is an optional method. It is called to load data that you
// need to set up the page
// And it is called as soon as the page is the 'next' or 'previous' page of the
// active page, so you can start loading
// even before the page shows up. Return a deferred to let the wizard framework
// know when you're done.
// We will fetch the user data for our example.
var def = $.Deferred();
require(["io.ox/core/api/user", "io.ox/backbone/basicModel", "io.ox/backbone/mini-views"], function (userAPI, Model, mini) {
// Alright, let's stick the APIs into our baton, we'll need these later
// This is also a nice little trick for loading APIs in the wizard framework.
baton.libraries = {
userAPI: userAPI,
mini: mini
// And let's load the current user
userAPI.getCurrentUser().done(function (user) {
// Note, that this is a backbone model
// We could turn this into a model by instantiating a BasicModel, otherwise.
baton.user = user;
// We want to enable the next button on this page based on whether a first
// an last name is set, so, let's listen for the change events on the user object
function updateButtonState() {
if (!_.isEmpty(user.get("first_name")) && !_.isEmpty(user.get("last_name"))) {
} else {
baton.user.on('change', updateButtonState);
// And we're done
return def;
draw: function (baton) {
// Now, for fun, let's try and build a backbone backed form
// Depending on the complexity of the form, this is a good route to take
// I would, however, also suggest to scour the appsuite source code for
// reusable parts, as they will usually be internationalized, localized,
// responsive to different devices and accessible. Depending on the use of this
// wizard, you'll have to take care of these aspects yourself.
// Firstly some fun, though. Why not have this wizard be flirtatious, since it's just
// getting to know the user. Personally, I think software would do well to be more
// flirtatious, but I'm just a lonely developer, so YMMV
if (baton.wizard.pageData.gender && baton.wizard.pageData.gender === 'male') {
this.append($("<p>").text("So, who are you, handsome?"));
} else if (baton.wizard.pageData.gender && baton.wizard.pageData.gender === 'female') {
this.append($("<p>").text("So, who are you, beautiful?"));
} else {
this.append($("<p>").text("So, who are you, stranger?"));
// Now, on to the serious business
var mini =;
$('<form class="form-horizontal" />').append(
$('<div class="control-group" />').append(
$('<label class="control-label" for="first_name" />').text("First Name"), // Don't forget i18n in your own wizard!
$('<div class="controls" />').append(
new mini.InputView({name: 'first_name', model: baton.user}).render().$el
$('<div class="control-group" />').append(
$('<label class="control-label" for="last_name" />').text("Last Name"), // Don't forget i18n in your own wizard!
$('<div class="controls" />').append(
new mini.InputView({name: 'last_name', model: baton.user}).render().$el
finish: function (baton) {
// Depending on the capabilities of the model, this could be more complicated
// you might have to interrogate the model for the #changedAttributes
// and call an API method. In any case, finish may return a deferred object
// to denote the state of the save operation
// If you want to provide your own navigation controls in the page
// (useful for a simple choice), you can get rid of the default buttons
// of the dialog, but have to then call or baton.wizard.prev
// or baton.wizard.goToPage(pageNumberOrID) manually.
id: 'spamMe',
index: 400,
title: "Special Offers",
hideButtons: 'true',
draw: function (baton) {
$('<div />').text("Would you like to be informed of special offers from time to time?"),
"<br />",
$('<div />').append(
$('<button class="btn btn-primary" />').text("Yes! Send me information about special offers").on("click", function () {
baton.specialOffers = true;
"<br />",
$('<div />').append(
$('<button class="btn" />').text("No, thanks").on("click", function () {
baton.specialOffers = false;
finish: function (baton) {
// Save baton.specialOffers preference
id: 'byebye',
index: 500,
title: "Thank you!",
draw: function (baton) {
this.append($("<p>").text("Thank you for completing our welcome wizard! Be sure to tell us what you like and what we could improve in App Suite!"));
// To enable the wizard to run upon startup, you have to use the extension system to add a new
// stage to the boot process.
// Use a manifest.json to extend the core/main file:
// {
// namespace: 'io.ox/core/main'
// }
// Then, in the plugins file, define a new stage that runs the wizard after the curtain has
// been drawn back:
define('...', ['io.ox/core/extPatterns/stage'], function (Stage) {
'use strict';
new Stage('io.ox/core/stages', {
id: 'welcome-wizard',
after: 'curtain',
run: function (baton) {
var def = $.Deferred();
//TODO: Check a JSLob if the wizard needs to be run, or has been cleared successfully
// If it has to be run, require the wizards source file and trigger the wizard
require(["io.ox/dev/wizard/welcomeWizard"], function (w) {
w.getInstance().start().done(function () {
//TODO: Mark this wizard as passed, so as not to start it again
// Resolve the deferred, so the next stage can start
return def;
return {
getInstance: function () {
// Create a new instance of the wizard. Note that the id of the wizard determines
// the extension point
// that pages have to extend
return wizards.getWizard({id: 'io.ox/dev/wizard/welcomeWizard', closeable: true});