OX6:OX Mobile Web Interface

From Open-Xchange
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Information and Installation of Open-Xchange Mobile App (Beta)


Later this year, Open-Xchange will release Open-Xchange Mobile App, which lets you access data from Open-Xchange Server 6 with your iPhone or other internet enabled devices. Open-Xchange Mobile App offers online access to appointments, contacts and mails on the road using your smart phone. Open-Xchange Mobile App provides users with a special web client, providing end users with instant access to their data, which are at the same time safely stored on Open-Xchange Server. Moreover, you can start a call clicking on a phone number in your Open-Xchange contacts on your Smartphone. The following modules are supported:

  • E-Mail
  • Calendar
  • Contacts

Technical overview

  • Based on HTML5, CSS, Javascript, Frameworks jQuery and jQTouch
  • Optimized for Webkit-Browser (iPhone, Android, S60, no iPad yet)
  • Completely offline capability


The Open-Xchange Mobile App (Beta) contains 2 parts. One part is dedicated to the iPhone as webclient and the other one is for most of the other mobile devices which dont have any WEBKIT powered browser installed. The OXtender is written in PHP and therefore requires that you have installed php5 on your Webserver including following modules which are need by the application:

  • gettext
  • json
  • mcrypt
  • curl


  • Debian Lenny or Etch, SUSE Linux Enterprise 10
  • 1GB RAM


Please note that everything from this page and beyond is in Beta: That means that nothing is final, changes will be made before final release, stability is not guaranteed and nothing from this site should be used in production.

Follow this link to download the Installation package and the Release Notes.

The access-data are:

  • User name: oxmobileweb2
  • Password: first$cut

Installation on the Open-Xchange Server

  • Installation on the Apache or other Webserver
  • After the download of the package, you can start the installation via your favorite package manager. On Debian you can use "dpkg -i" or on SUSE you would use the "rpm -Uvh" command.
  • Please add a hostaddress at the config file
  • Please note: You have the possibility to deploy the OXtender as hyprid-app via cross-compiling tools like PhoneGap


  • After the installation of the Open-Xchange Mobile App (Beta), you will find an Open-Xchange configuration file in /var/www/ox6-mobile/ called config.php. Please edit this file and set the hostname etc. according to your OX 6 installation. Make also sure your locales (en_EN@utf8,de_de@utf8)on the system are correctly installed and configured. Else you wont see any translated page.
  • For more details and README see the systems documentation directory (/usr/share/doc).


Open-Xchange is interested in learning about bugs, specifically in your runtime environment. If you experience any misbehaviors, please report bugs via our public bugzilla: " Open-Xchange Bugzilla Product: OXtender for Mobile Web

Please Note

After Installation of Open-Xchange Mobile App (Beta) on a Debian 32-bit systems Appointments may be displayed wrongly within the Mobile-GUI. Please read the SDB-Article to inform you about the reasons and solution.