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Revision as of 11:16, 22 September 2015 by Frank.paczynski (talk | contribs)


Adapters can be registered or extended by using the well established technology of extension points.

Here is an basic example how the PIWIK adapter is registered. The metrics module will call/invoke the defined functions for all registered adapters.

Your Adapter

Check preconditions

Please add at first a line into the code that checks for the user settings. In case the current adapter is disabled we should prevent registering the adapter;

 if (!settings.get('tracking/[add-your-id-here]/enabled', false)) return;

Register Adapter

       id: 'piwik',
       setup: function () {
         // called once
       trackVisit: function () {
         // called for each tracked visit (usually called once)
       trackEvent: function (baton) {
          // called for each tracked event
       trackPage: function (baton) {
         // called for each opened application/module
       trackVariable: function (baton) {
         // usually called once

For more details the source code of the PIWIK adapter is A very good starting point.

Overwrite predefined adapter

Please take a look at the extension point documentation.


Predefined adapter for the open-source analytics platform.




Be aware to not use a name for your javascript files that matching common patterns of adblockers. For example in case we would name default.js PIWIK.js the adblocker would block the request and an error ocurred in the the browser.

data mapping: app starting

This represents the impact of a user interaction not the interaction itself.

Page titles

Every time a module/app is used for the first time for each visit the corresponding event will be triggerd.

You interpret Page Titles as '[appname] was started [x] times'. Please be aware that after a full refresh of the browser tab used by OX Appsuite app usage of a app is tracked again.

data mapping: tracked user interaction

This represents a user interaction like a click on a functional ui element.

Event action

This part contains all main information about the whole event data condensed in a single string.

[appname]/[location in the ui]/[action]

example: mail/toolbar/delete

Event category

This part of the event data contains the application were the event occurred. Interpret it as 'a user action within [appname] occurred'. Please be aware that the category is based on the technical app that might differ from the abstract application that is shown by the user interface.

Example: io.ox/mail

Event name

The event id.

example: delete

Event Value

An optional value that might contain further details about the event.


A special predefined debugging adapter that simply writes events to console.




You can activate this special adapter that writes events to console and tracks all events in browsers localstorage. To activate/deactivate simply paste this code into your console when you are logged in at appsuite:

 // enable
 require('settings!io.ox/core').set('tracking/console/enabled', true).save();
 // disable
 require('settings!io.ox/core').set('tracking/console/enabled', false).save();

You can see all tracked events by using the browers console again:

 //directly accessing to the data
 // please use the following only in chrome cause it is using console.table