AppSuite:Load Tests

From Open-Xchange

Software Requirements

  • Java SE JDK6 or JDK7
  • Git

Getting Performance Repository

  • Cloning Repository
 $ git clone
  • Checkout a branch, e.g. develop
 $ git checkout develop

Development Environment

If you want to execute the tests via an IDE like Eclipse then you will also need to install the following software:

Importing Project into Eclipse

  1. Open Eclipse
  2. Click on File → Import... → Maven → Existing Maven Project
  3. Select the gatling folder within the performance repository

Configurable Parameters

List of all available System-Properties and JVM-Arguments:

Which protocol to use. Possible values are: "http" or "https". Default value: "http".
Which host to use. Possible values are: "localhost", "" or if you want to stress several groupware servers, to bypass a loadbalancer for example, then you can use comma-separated IPs or hostnames ",,localhost". Default value: "localhost".
How many concurrent users to simulate. Default value: "5".
Duration time of the simulation. Default value: "30".
The Unit of the durationTime. Possible values are: "SECONDS", "MINUTES", "HOURS" or "DAYS". Default value: "SECONDS".
Successful responses in percentage. Default value: "100".
Mean number of requests per second (lower bound). Default value: "0".
Mean response time (lower bound). Default value: "0".
Name of the CSV-File for feeding the requests. Default value: "ox_user_credentials.csv".
How many objects to synchronize. Relevant only for QAPerfUSM. Default value: "50".
How many PIM Objects, e.g. contacts, should be created. Relevant only for PIM-Simulations like QAPerfContacts or QAPerfAppointments. Default value: "5".

Snippet from the <properties>-section in the pom.xml


Snippet from the <jvmArgs>-section in the pom.xml


Test Execution

Pre-Requisites for the Open-Xchange Groupware Server

Disabling rate limitation

  • Modify the parameter maxRateLenientClients
 $ vim /opt/etc/open-xchange/etc/
  • Specify a new User-Agent which is excluded from rate limit checks


In the data folder you can find an sample csv file which is used to perform a login. If you want to use your own CSV-File place it into the data directory.

  • Structure of the csv file:

Pre-compiled version of the gatling tests

Execute the gatling tests via bash script (Linux) or batch file (Windows).

  • Unzip ox-gatling-*
  • Change working directory
 $ cd Downloads/ox-gatling-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
  • Please adjust the JAVA_OPTS in the scripts bin/ or bin/ox-gatling.bat to match your needs.
    • The following example will stress the server with the IP for 120 seconds and hold the load with permanently 100 user:
 exec "$JAVACMD" $JAVA_OPTS -Dprotocol=http -Dhost= -Dcsv_users=ox_user_credentials.csv -Dusers=100 -DdurationTime=120 -DdurationUnit=SECONDS \
 -classpath "$CLASSPATH" \"ox-gatling" \"$$" \
 -Dapp.repo="$REPO" \
 -Dapp.home="$BASEDIR" \
 -Dbasedir="$BASEDIR" \ \
  • Execute the script
 $ /bin/bash bin/

 Choose a simulation number:
    [0] com.openexchange.test.performance.gatling.tests.QAPerfOX6
    [1] com.openexchange.test.performance.gatling.tests.QAPerfOXAppSuite
    [2] com.openexchange.test.performance.gatling.tests.QAPerfContacts
    [3] com.openexchange.test.performance.gatling.tests.QAPerfAppointments
    [4] com.openexchange.test.performance.gatling.tests.QAPerfUSM

Now you will see some output of the compilation process but finally you should be able to start the simulation by entering a number.

Practical hints and tips

  • If you want to run tests for more than 24h, uncomment the "timeOut" → "simulation" property at gatling.conf and define a value of more than 24h (in seconds).
  • If you experience OutOfMemory issues when generating charts, adjust "charting" → "accuracy" to a higher value. This will lower the accuracy of the generated graphs. Especially for long-running tests, this could be set to 100ms.