AppSuite:Media player

From Open-Xchange

Browser and device support

App Suite uses mediaelement.js [1] as media player. The player uses native HTML5 audio and video elements plus it falls back to flash or silverlight if they are not available.

Every browser supports a different set of supported codecs and container formats. Follow this link to see which ones:

How to enable/disable the media player

In order to configure this server-side, just create a new property file or append to existing (mind the double-slash; this in not a typo!):

io.ox/files//audioEnabled = true|false
io.ox/files//videoEnabled = true|false

Figure out version of mediaelement.js

We always try to integrate the latest version of mediaelement.js in order to get latest fixes. To figure out which version is integrated in a release, run the following simple code statement while the player is open:

// returns "2.11.0" in current development branch (April 2013)