Talk:No user in rights window

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Revision as of 11:31, 23 March 2007 by DerCisco (talk | contribs)

What about setting defaults for that instead of changing every occurence afterwards?

Without testing and some years past since I wrote mySQL, I'd recommend something like:

 ALTER TABLE prg_contacts \
   ALTER intfield02 SET DEFAULT = null, \
   ALTER intfield03 SET DEFAULT = null, \
   ALTER intfield04 SET DEFAULT = null, \
   ALTER intfield05 SET DEFAULT = null, \
   ALTER intfield06 SET DEFAULT = null, \
   ALTER intfield07 SET DEFAULT = null, \
   ALTER intfield08 SET DEFAULT = null;

It's not a question of defaults, I'm afraid. The admin fills this table with incorrect values ('4', to be precise) when it inserts the contact corresponding to some user.

DerCisco - 23.03.2007