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This document defines the Open-Xchange HTTP API which is used by the new AJAX GUI. The first chapter describes general definitions and conventions which apply to all server modules. All other chapters describe individual server modules.

Low level protocol

The client accesses the server though HTTP GET, POST and PUT requests. The HTTP API is accessible at URIs starting with /ajax. Each server module has a unique name and its own sub-namespace with that name below /ajax, e. g. all access to the module "tasks" is via URIs starting with /ajax/tasks.

Text encoding is always UTF-8. Data is sent from the server to the client as text/javascript and interpreted by the client to obtain an ECMAScript object. The HTTP API uses only a small subset of the ECMAScript syntax. This subset is roughly described by the following BNF:

Value   ::= "null" | Boolean | Number | String | Array | Object
Boolean ::= "true" | "false"
Number  ::= see NumericLiteral in ECMA 262 3rd edition
String  ::= \"([^"\n\\]|\\["\n\\])*\"
Array   ::= "[]" | "[" Value ("," Value)* "]"
Object  ::= "{}" | "{" Name ":" Value ("," Name ":" Value)* "}"
Name    ::= [A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f_]*

Numbers are the standard signed integer and floating point numbers. Strings can contain any character, except double quotes, newlines and backslashes, which must be escaped by a backslash. Control characters in strings (other than newline) are not supported. Whitespace is allowed between any two tokens. See JSON and ECMA 262, 3rd edition for the formal definition.

The response body consists of an object, which contains up to four fields as described in Response body. The field data contains the actual payload which is described in following chapters. The fields timestamp, error and error_params are present when data objects are returned, if an error occurred and if the error message contains conversion specifiers, respectively. Following sections describe the contents of these fields in more detail.

Response body
Name Type Value
data Value Payload of the response.
timestamp Timestamp Current timestamp on the server.
error String English error message. Present in case of errors.
error_params Array Replacement parameters for the error message.
error_id String Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
code String Error code consisting of a three-letter category and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash.
category Number Category to which the error message belongs:
1 An error resulting from wrong or missing input from front-end (e.g. mandatory field missing).
2 An error strictly related to user configuration which denies requested operation.
3 An error related to insufficient permission settings.
4 A requested operation could not be accomplished because a needed resource is temporary down or missing (e.g. imap server rejects connection because of too many established connections).
5 A subsystem or third party service is down and therefore does not respond (e.g. database is down).
6 The underlying socket connection is corrupt, empty or closed. Only a temporary error that does not affect the whole system.
7 An internal java-related (runtime) exception.
8 A programming error which was caused by incorrect programm code.
9 A concurrent modification.
10 Error in system setup detected.
11 The requested operation could not be performed cause an underlying resource is full or busy (e.g. IMAP folder exceeds quota).
12 The given data could not be stored into the database because an attribute contains a too long value.
13 Action was at least partially successful, but a condition occurred that merited a warning

Data from the client to the server can be sent in several formats. Small amounts of data are sent as application/x-www-urlencoded in query parameters in the request URI. For POST requests, some or all parameters may be sent in the request body instead of in the URI using any valid encoding for POST requests. Alternatively, some requests specify that data is sent as text/javascript in the body of a PUT request. The format of the request body for PUT requests is the same as for sending data from the server to the client, except that the payload is sent directly, without being wrapped in another object.

When updating existing data, the client sends only fields that were modified. To explicitly delete a field, the field is sent with the value null. For fields of type String, the empty string "" is equivalent to null.

Error handling

If the session of the user times out, if the client doesn't send a session ID or if the session for the specified session ID can not be found then the server returns the above described response object, that contains an error code and an error message. If the request URI or the request body is malformed or incomplete then the server returns the reponse object with an error message, too. In case of internal server errors, especially Java exceptions, or if the server is down, it returns the HTTP status code 503, Service Unavailable. Other severe errors may return other HTTP status values.

Application errors, which can be caused by a user and are therefore expected during the operation of the groupware, are reported by setting the field error in the returned object, as described in Response body. Since the error messages are translated by the client, they can not be composed of multiple variable parts. Instead, the error message can contain simplified printf()-style conversion specifications, which are replaced by elements from the array in the field error_params. If error_params is not present, no replacement occurs, even if parts of the error message match the syntax of a conversion specification.

A simplified conversion specification, as used for error messages, is either of the form %s or %n$s, where n is an array index for error_params as a decimal number. The conversion specifications are replaced from left to right by elements from error_params, starting at index 0. %s is replaced by the element with the current index and the index is incremented. %n$s is replaced by the element with index n and the index is set to n + 1.

Some error message contain data sizes which must be expressed in Bytes or Kilobytes etc., depending on the actual value. Since the unit must be translated, this conversion is performed by the client. Unfortunately, standard printf()-style formatting does not have a specifier for this kind of translation. Therefore, the conversion specification for sizes is the same as for normal strings, and the client has to determine which parameters to translate based on the error code. The current error codes and the corresponding size parameters are listed in Data size parameters

Data size parameters
Error code Parameter indices
AJP-0006 1
AJP-0020 1, 2
CON-0101 2, 3
FLS-0003 1, 2, 3
MSG-0065 1, 3
MSG-0066 1
NON-0005 1, 2

Detailed Exception Data (Preliminary)

Starting with 6.10 application errors will be returned in the field "exception" in a response. The exception field will have the format specified in the following table:

Exception Object
Name Type Value
code String Error code consisting of a three-letter category and a four-digit message number, separated by a dash.
category Number Category to which the error message belongs:
1 An error resulting from wrong or missing input from front-end (e.g. mandatory field missing).
2 An error strictly related to user configuration which denies requested operation.
3 An error related to insufficient permission settings.
4 A requested operation could not be accomplished because a needed resource is temporary down or missing (e.g. imap server rejects connection because of too many established connections).
5 A subsystem or third party service is down and therefore does not respond (e.g. database is down).
6 The underlying socket connection is corrupt, empty or closed. Only a temporary error that does not affect the whole system.
7 An internal java-related (runtime) exception.
8 A programming error which was caused by incorrect programm code.
9 A concurrent modification.
10 Error in system setup detected.
11 The requested operation could not be performed cause an underlying resource is full or busy (e.g. IMAP folder exceeds quota).
12 The given data could not be stored into the database because an attribute contains a too long value.
13 Action was at least partially successful, but a condition occurred that merited a warning
message String Localized error message.
parameters Array Replacement parameters for the message. What are they good for if the message is already localized? -- Viktor Pracht - 2009-04-24
logMessage String Technical error message useful for debugging the problem.
exceptionId String Unique error identifier to help finding this error instance in the server logs.
help String Localized help text, telling the user how he may resolve the problem.
session String The session id of the session in which this exception was caused. When can this be not the current session? -- Viktor Pracht - 2009-04-24
user Number The id of the user having caused the exception. When can this be not the current user? -- Viktor Pracht - 2009-04-24
context Number The context id of the context in which the exception happened. When can this be not the current context? -- Viktor Pracht - 2009-04-24
details Object A JSON Object containing extra information for debugging purposes.
application String Application ID of the subsystem having thrown this exception.
stacktrace Array An array of Strings containing the error trace. Note: This can be turned off in the backend, in which case an empty array will be returned.

Date and time

Dates without time are transmitted as the number of milliseconds between 00:00 UTC on that date and 1970‑01‑01 00:00 UTC. Leap seconds are ignored, therefore this number is always an integer multiple of 8.64e7.

Because ECMAScript Date objects have no way to explicitly specify a timezone for calculations, timezone correction must be performed on the server. Dates with time are transmitted as the number of milliseconds since 1970‑01‑01 00:00 UTC (again, ignoring leap seconds) plus the offset between the user's timezone and UTC at the time in question. (See the Java method java.util.TimeZone.getOffset(long)).

For some date and time values, especially timestamps, monotonicity is more important than the actual value. Such values are transmitted as the number of milliseconds since 1970‑01‑01 00:00 UTC, ignoring leap seconds and without timezone correction. If possible, a unique strictly monotonic increasing value should be used instead, as it avoids some race conditions described below.

This specification refers to these three interpretations of the type Number as separate data types. The types are described in Date and time types.

Date and time types
Type Time Timezone Comment
Date No UTC Date without time.
Time Yes User Date and time.
Timestamp Yes UTC Timestamp or unique sequence number.


To allow efficient synchronization of a client with changes made by other clients and to detect conflicts, the server stores a timestamp of the last modification for each object. Whenever the server transmits data objects to the client, the response object described in Response body includes the field timestamp. This field contains a timestamp value which is computed as the maximum of the timestamps of all transmitted objects.

When requesting updates to a previously retrieved set of objects, the client sends the last timestamp which belongs to that set of objects. The response contains all updates with timestamps greater than the one specified by the client. The field timestamp of the response contains the new maximum timestamp value.

If multiple different objects may have the same timestamp values, then a race condition exists when an update is processed between two such objects being modified. The first, already modified object will be included in the update response and its timestamp will be the maximum timestamp value sent in the timestamp field of the response. If the second object is modified later but gets the same timestamp, the client will never see the update to that object because the next update request from the client supplies the same timestamp value, but only modifications with greater timestamp values are returned.

If unique sequence numbers can't be used as timestamps, then the risk of the race condition can be at least minimized by storing timestamps in the most precise format and/or limiting update results to changes with timestamp values which are measurably smaller than the current timestamp value.


Editing objects is performed one object at a time. There may be multiple objects being edited by the same client simulataneously, but this is achieved by repeating the steps required for editing a single object. There is no batch edit or upload command.

To edit an object, a client first requests the entire object from the server. The server response contains the timestamp field described in the previous section. For in-place editing inside a view of multiple objects, where only already retrieved fields can be changed, retrieving the entire object is not necessary, and the last timestamp of the view is used as the timestamp of each object in it.

When sending the modified object back to the server, only modified fields need to be included in the sent object. The request also includes the timestamp of the edited object. The timestamp is used by the server to ensure that the object was not edited by another client in the meantime. If the current timestamp of the object is greater than the timestamp supplied by the client, then a conflict is detected and the field error is set in the response. Otherwise, the object gets a new timestamp and the response to the client is empty.

If the client displays the edited object in a view together with other objects, then the client will need to perform an update of that view immediately after successfully uploading an edited object.

File uploads

File uploads are made by sending a POST request that submits both the file and the needed fields as parts of a request of content-type “multipart/form-data” or “multipart/mixed”. The file metadata are stored in a form field “file” (much like an <input type=”file” name=”file” /> would do). In general a call that allows file uploads via POST will have a corresponding call using PUT to send object data. The JSON-encoded object-data that is send as the body of a corresponding PUT call is, when performed as a POST with file uploads, put into the request parameter “json”.

Since the upload is performed directly by the browser and is not an Ajax call, the normal callback mechanism for asynchronous Javascript calls cannot be used to obtain the result. For this reason the server responds to these POST calls with a complete HTML page that performs the callback and should not be displayed to the user. The HTML response is of the form:

    <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        <script type="text/javascript">

The placeholders **json** is replaced by the response with the timestamp that would be expected from the corresponding PUT method. The placeholder **action** is replaced by the value of the parameter action of the request. The content-type of the answer is text/html.

Documentation conventions

The rest of this document describes all available requests for each module. A module usually supports several different requests, which are differentiated by the used HTTP method, URI path and supplied URI parameters. The description of each method generally contains the following elements:

  • the HTTP method followed by the request URI, inclusing the URI parameter action, which is used to differentiate methods,
  • a list of URI parameters which can or must be supplied by the client,
  • for PUT requests, content of the request body,
  • "Response with timestamp:"if the timestamp field is required in the response body or simply "Response:" if not,
  • content of the response payload, unless it is supposed to be empty.

Common object data

This table contains common fields which apply for any module's data type and is referenced throughout this document whenever a module's data type is described.

Common object data
ID Name Type Value
1 id String Object ID
2 created_by String User ID of the user who created this object.
3 modified_by String User ID of the user who last modified this object.
4 creation_date Time Date and time of creation.
5 last_modified Time Date and time of the last modification.
20 folder_id String Object ID of the parent folder.
100 categories Array Each element is a string, naming a category. Order is preserved. Changing the order counts as modification of the object. Not present in folder objects.
101 private_flag Boolean Overrides folder permissions in shared private folders: When true, this object is not visible to anyone except the owner. Not present in folder objects.
103 number_of_links Number Number of links. *deprecated*
104 number_of_attachments Number Number of attachments

Module "login"

The login module is used to obtain a session ID from the user's login credentials.


POST /ajax/login?action=login


  • name – The login name.
  • password – The password.

Response: A string containing the session ID used for all subsequent requests.


GET /ajax/login?action=logout


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Module "config"

The config module is used to retrieve and set user-specific configuration. The configuration is stored in a tree. Each node of the tree has a name and a value. The values of leaf nodes are strings which store the actual configuration data. The values of inner nodes are defined recursively as objects with one field for each child node. The name and the value of each field is the name and the value of the corresponding child node, respectively.

The namespace looks like the following:

  • /ajax/config/
    • gui – A string containing GUI-specific settings (currently, it is a huge JSON object).
    • fastgui - A string containing GUI-specific settings. This is a JSON object that must be kept small for performance.
    • context_id - the unique identifier of the context (read-only, added 2008-01-28).
    • identifier – the unique identifier of the user (read-only).
    • contact_id – the unique identifier of the contact data of the user (read-only).
    • language – the configured language of the user.
    • timezone – the configured timezone of the user.
    • calendarnotification - send a mail notification for appointments (deprecated since 2008-12-11)
    • tasknotification - send a mail notification for tasks (deprecated since 2008-12-11)
    • reloadTimes - Selectable times for GUI reload
    • serverVersion - Version string of the server.
    • currentTime - User timezone specific long of the current server time.
    • maxUploadIdleTimeout - Timeout after that idle uploads are deleted.
    • folder/ – the standard folder of the user
      • tasks – the standard task folder (read-only)
      • calendar – the standard calendar folder (read-only)
      • contacts – the standard contacts folder (read-only)
      • infostore – the private infostore folder (read-only)
    • mail/ – settings for the email module (deprecated 2008-04-29)
      • addresses – all email addresses of the user including the primary address (read-only, deprecated 2008-04-29)
      • defaultaddress – primary email address of the user (read-only, deprecated 2008-04-29)
      • sendaddress – one email address out of the addresses list that are email sent with. (deprecated 2008-04-29)
      • folder/ – the standard email folders (read-only, deprecated 2008-04-29)
        • inbox – identifier of the folder that gets all incoming mails (read-only, deprecated 2008-04-29)
        • drafts – identifier of the folder with the mail drafts (read-only, deprecated 2008-04-29)
        • trash – identifier of the folder with the deleted mails (read-only, deprecated 2008-04-29)
        • spam – identifier of the folder with the spam mails (read-only, deprecated 2008-04-29)
        • sent – identifier of the folder with the sent mails (read-only, deprecated 2008-04-29)
      • htmlinline – activate inlining of HTML attachments. (deprecated 2008-04-29)
      • colorquote – color quoted lines. (deprecated 2008-04-29)
      • emoticons – display emoticons as graphics. (deprecated 2008-04-29)
      • harddelete – delete emails at once. (deprecated 2008-04-29)
      • inlineforward – forward messages as inline or attachment. (deprecated 2008-04-29)
      • vcard – attach vcard when sending mails. (deprecated 2008-04-29)
      • notifyonreadack – notify on read acknowledgement. (deprecated 2008-04-29)
      • msgpreview – show a message preview. (deprecated 2008-04-29)
      • ignorereplytext (deprecated 2008-04-29)
      • nocopytosent – don't put a copy to the sent folder when sending mails. (deprecated 2008-04-29)
      • spambutton - Spam Button should be displayed in GUI or not. (deprecated 2008-04-29)
    • participants
      • autoSearch - If a search for all users, groups and resources when participant selection dialog is opened. (read-only, added 2008-10-09/SP5)
      • maximumNumberParticipants – Defines the maximum number of participants for appointments and tasks. (read-only, added 2008-10-20/SP5)
      • showWithoutEmail - If external participants without email should be shown.
      • showDialog – Enables participant selection dialog for appointments and tasks. (read-only, added 2008-04-30/SP4)
    • availableModules – Contains a JSON array listing all enabled modules for a user. GUI loads Plugins through this list. To get your plugin listed here, create a subtree below modules/ without a module subelement or with a subelement containing true (read-only, added 2008-02-25)
    • minimumSearchCharacters – Minimum number of characters a search pattern must have to prevent large responses and slow queries. (read-only, added 2008-10-20/SP5)
    • modules
      • portal
        • gui GUI settings for portal module
        • module
      • mail
        • addresses – all email addresses of the user including the primary address (read-only, added 2008-02-25)
        • appendmailtext – (added 2008-02-25)
        • allowhtmlimages – Alters default setting whether external images contained in HTML content are allowed or not (added 2008-05-27)
        • colorquoted – color quoted lines (added 2008-02-25)
        • contactCollectFolder – contact folder id to save mail addresses from sent mails (added 2008-10-16)
        • contactCollectEnabled – switch contact collection on/off (added 2008-10-16)
        • defaultaddress – primary email address of the user (read-only, added 2008-02-25)
        • deletemail – delete emails or move to trash (added 2008-02-25)
        • emoticons – display emoticons as graphics (added 2008-02-25)
        • defaultFolder
          • drafts – identifier of the folder with the mail drafts (read-only, added 2008-02-25)
          • inbox – identifier of the folder that gets all incoming mails (read-only, added 2008-02-25)
          • sent – identifier of the folder with the sent mails (read-only, added 2008-02-25)
          • spam – identifier of the folder with the spam mails (read-only, added 2008-02-25)
          • trash – identifier of the folder with the deleted mails (read-only, added 2008-02-25)
        • forwardmessage – forward messages as inline or attachment (added 2008-02-25)
        • gui GUI settings for mail module
        • inlineattachments – activate inlining of HTML attachments (added 2008-02-25)
        • linewrap – (added 2008-02-25)
        • module – if mail module is enabled or not (added 2008-02-25)
        • phishingheaders – header(s) identifying phishing headers (added 2008-05-27)
        • replyallcc – put all recipients on reply all into CC (added 2008-12-16/SP5)
        • sendaddress – one email address out of the addresses list that are email sent with (added 2008-02-25)
        • spambutton – Spam Button should be displayed in GUI or not (added 2008-02-25)
        • vcard – attach vcard when sending mails (added 2008-02-25)
      • calendar
        • calendar_conflict
        • calendar_freebusy
        • calendar_teamview
        • gui GUI settings for the calendar module
        • module
        • notifyNewModifiedDeleted receive mail notification for new, modified or deleted appointments (added 2008-12-11/SP5)
        • notifyAcceptedDeclinedAsCreator receive mail notification for accepted or declined appointments created by the user (added 2008-12-11/SP5)
        • notifyAcceptedDeclinedAsParticipant receive mail notification for accepted or declined appointments that the user participates (added 2008-12-11/SP5)
      • contacts
        • gui GUI settings for the contacts module
        • mailAddressAutoSearch – Define if a search is triggered when the recipient selection dialog is opened or the folder is changed. (read-only, added 2008-10-20/SP5)
        • module True if the contact module is enabled for the current user, false otherwise.
        • singleFolderSearch True if the current user is allowed to search for contacts only in a single folder. False if contact searches across all folders are allowed. (read-only, added 2009-02-04/SP5 U1)
      • tasks
        • gui GUI settings for the tasks module
        • module
        • delegate_tasks
        • notifyNewModifiedDeleted receive mail notification for new, modified or deleted tasks (added 2008-12-11/SP5)
        • notifyAcceptedDeclinedAsCreator receive mail notification for accepted or declined tasks created by the user (added 2008-12-11/SP5)
        • notifyAcceptedDeclinedAsParticipant receive mail notification for accepted or declined taks that the user participates (added 2008-12-11/SP5)
      • infostore
        • gui GUI settings for the infostore module
        • module
      • interfaces
        • ical
        • vcard
        • syncml
      • folder
        • gui GUI settings for the folder tree
        • public_folders
        • read_create_shared_folders
      • com.openexchange.extras
        • module – Extras link in the configuration (read only, added 2008-04-29)
      • com.openexchange.user.passwordchange
        • module – Will load Plug-In which allows to change the Password within the users configuration (read only, added 2008-07-09)
      • com.openexchange.user.personaldata
        • module – Will load Plug-In which allows to edit personal contact information within the users configuration (read only, added 2008-07-09)
        • enabled – Specifies whether the user is allowed to edit groups and loads the corresponding Plug-In. (read only, added 2008-08-08)
      • com.openexchange.resource
        • enabled – Specifies whether the user is allowed to edit resources and loads the corresponding Plug-In. (read only, added 2008-08-08)

Get configuration data

GET /ajax/config/path


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Response: Value of the node specified by path.

Set configuration data

PUT /ajax/config/path


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Request body: The new value of the node specified by path.

Module "folders"

The folders module is used to access the OX folder structure.

Special System Folders

Folders with some kind of special.

ID Type Description
6 contacts System Users

Get root folders

GET /ajax/folders?action=root


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • columns – A comma-separated list of columns to return. Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier. Column identifiers for folders are defined in Common folder data and Detailed folder data.

Response: An array with data for all folders at the root level of the folder structure. Each array element describes one folder and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter.

Common folder data
ID Name Type Value
1 id String Object ID
2 created_by String User ID of the user who created this object.
3 modified_by String User ID of the user who last modified this object.
4 creation_date Time Date and time of creation.
5 last_modified Time Date and time of the last modification.
6 last_modified_utc Timestamp Timestamp of the last modification. Note that the type is Timestamp, not Time. See #Date and time for details. (added 2008-10-17, with SP5, temporary workaround)
20 folder_id String Object ID of the parent folder.
Detailed folder data
ID Name Type Value
300 title String Name of this folder.
301 module String Name of the module which implements this folder; e.g. "tasks", "calendar", "contacts", "infostore", or "mail"
302 type Number Type of folder:
1 private
2 public
3 shared
5 system folder
304 subfolders Boolean true if this folder has subfolders.
305 own_rights Number or String Permissions which apply to the current user, as described either in Permission flags or in RFC 2086.
306 permissions Array Each element is an object described in Permission object.
307 summary String Information about contained objects.
308 standard_folder Boolean Indicates whether or not folder is marked as a default folder (only OX folder)
309 total Number The number of objects in this Folder.
310 new Number The number of new objects in this Folder.
311 unread Number The number of unread objects in this Folder.
312 deleted Number The number of deleted objects in this Folder.
313 capabilities Number Bit mask containing information about mail folder capabilites, as described in capabilities.
314 subscribed Boolean Indicates whether this folder should appear in folder tree or not.
315 subscr_subflds Boolean Indicates whether subfolders should appear in folder tree or not.
Permission flags
Bits Value
0-6 Folder permissions:
0 No permissions.
1 See the folder.
2 Create objects in the folder.
4 Create subfolders.
64 Admin.
7-13 Read permissions for objects in the folder:
0 No permissions.
1 Read only own objects.
2 Read all objects.
64 Admin.
14-20 Write permissions for objects in the folder:
0 No permissions.
1 Modify only own objects.
2 Modify all objects.
64 Admin.
21-27 Delete permissions for objects in the folder:
0 No permissions.
1 Delete only own objects.
2 Delete all objects.
64 Admin.
28 Admin flag:
0 No permissions.
1 Allowed to modify permissions.
Permission object
Name Type Value
bits Number For non-mail folders, a number as described in Permission flags.
rights String For mail folders, the rights string as defined in RFC 2086.
entity Number User ID of the user or group to which this permission applies.
group Boolean true if entity refers to a group, false if it refers to a user.
Bit Description
0 Mailing system supports permissions.
1 Mailing system supports ordering mails by their thread reference.
2 Mailing system supports quota restrictions.
3 Mailing system supports sorting.
4 Mailing system supports folder subscription.

Get subfolders

GET /ajax/folders?action=list


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • parent – Object ID of a folder, which is the parent folder of the requested folders.
  • columns – A comma-separated list of columns to return. Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier. Column identifiers for folders are defined in Common folder data and Detailed folder data.

Response with timestamp: An array with data for all folders, which have the folder with the requested object ID as parent. Each array element describes one folder and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter.

Get path

GET /ajax/folders?action=path


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – Object ID of a folder.
  • columns – A comma-separated list of columns to return. Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier. Column identifiers for folders are defined in Common folder data and Detailed folder data.

Response with timestamp: An array with data for all parent nodes until root folder. Each array element describes one folder and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter.

Get updated folders

GET /ajax/folders?action=updates


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • parent – Object ID of a folder, which is the parent folder of the requested folders.
  • timestamp – Timestamp of the last update of the requested folders.
  • ignore (optional) – Which kinds of updates should be ignored. Currently, the only valid value – "deleted" – causes deleted object IDs not to be returned.
  • columns – A comma-separated list of columns to return. Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier. Column identifiers for folders are defined in Common folder data and Detailed folder data.

Response with timestamp: An array with data for new, modified and deleted folders. New and modified folders are represented by arrays. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter. Deleted folders are identified by their object IDs as plain strings, without being part of a nested array.

Get a folder

GET /ajax/folders?action=get


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – Object ID of the requested folder.

Response with timestamp: An object containing all data of the requested folder. The fields of the object are listed in Common folder data and Detailed folder data. The field id is not present. Since OX access controls are folder-based, the folder object also defines the permissions for the objects it contains. The permissions for a given user or group are defined by the object described in Permission object. The format of the actual permissions depends on the type of the folder. The permissions of mail folders are transmitted as a rights string as defined in section 3 of RFC 2086. Permissions of all other folders are transmitted as a single nonnegative integer number. The permissions for any given action on the folder or on contained objects is defined by a group of bits in the binary representation of this number. Each group of bits is interpreted as a separate number. Zero always means "no permissions". Any other values add new permissions and always include the permissions of all lower values. The individual values are described in Permission flags.

Update a folder

PUT /ajax/folders?action=update


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – Object ID of the updated folder.
  • timestamp – Timestamp of the updated folder. If the folder was modified after the specified timestamp, then the update must fail.

Request body: Folder object as described in Common folder data and Detailed folder data. Only modified fields are present.

Create a folder

PUT /ajax/folders?action=new


  • folder_id – The parent folder of the newly created folder
  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Request body: Folder object as described in Common folder data and Detailed folder data. The field id should not be present.

Provided that permission is granted to create a folder, its module is bound to the limitation, that the new folder's module must be equal to parent folder's module except that:

  • Parent folder is one of the system folders private, public, or shared. Below these folders task, calendar, and contact modules are permitted.
  • Parent folder's module is one of task, calendar, or contact. Below this kind of folders task, calendar, and contact modules are permitted.

Response: Object ID of the newly created folder.

Delete folders

PUT /ajax/folders?action=delete


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • timestamp – Timestamp of the last update of the deleted folders.

Request body: An array with object IDs of the deleted folders.

Response: An array with object IDs of folders which were modified after the specified timestamp and were therefore not deleted.

Clearing a folder's content (preliminary)

PUT /ajax/folders?action=clear


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Request body: A JSON array containing the folder ID(s) whose content should be cleared. NOTE: Although the requests offers to clear multiple folders at once it is recommended to clear only one folder per request since if any exception occurs (e.g. missing permissions) the complete request is going to be aborted.

Response: A JSON array containing the IDs of folders that could not be cleared due to a concurrent modification. Meaning you receive an empty JSON array if everything worked well.

Module "tasks"

The tasks module is used to access task information.

Get all tasks

GET /ajax/tasks?action=all


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • folder – Object ID of the folder, whose contents are queried.
  • columns – A comma-separated list of columns to return. Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier. Column identifiers for tasks are defined in Common object data, Detailed task and appointment data and Detailed task data.
  • sort (optional) – The identifier of a column which determines the sort order of the response. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter order must be also specified.
  • order (optional) – "asc" if the response entires should be sorted in the ascending order, "desc" if the response entries should be sorted in the descending order. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter sort must be also specified.

Response with timestamp: An array with task data. Each array element describes one task and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter.

Detailed task and appointment data
ID Name Type Value
200 title String Short description.
201 start_date Date or Time Inclusive start of the event as Date for tasks and whole day appointments and Time for normal appointments. For sequencies, this date must be part of the sequence, i. e. sequencies always start at this date.
202 end_date Date or Time Exclusive end of the event as Date for tasks and whole day appointments and as Time for normal appointments.
203 note String Long description.
204 alarm Number Specifies when to notify the participants as the number of minutes before the end of the task or before the start of the appointment.
207 recurrence_position Number 1-based position of an individual appointment in a sequence. Present if and only if recurrence_type > 0.
208 recurrence_date_position Date Date of an individual appointment in a sequence. Present if and only if recurrence_type > 0.
209 recurrence_type Number Specifies the type of the recurrence for a task sequence:
0 none (single event)
1 daily
2 weekly
3 monthly
4 yearly
212 days Number Specifies which days of the week are part of a sequence. The value is a bitfield with bit 0 indicating sunday, bit 1 indicating monday and so on. May be present if recurrence_type > 1. If allowed but not present, the value defaults to 127 (all 7 days).
213 day_in_month Number Specifies which day of a month is part of the sequence. Counting starts with 1. If the field "days" is also present, only days selected by that field are counted. If the number is bigger than the number of available days, the last available day is selected. Present if and only if recurrence_type > 2.
214 month Number Month of the year in yearly sequencies. 0 represents January, 1 represents February and so on. Present if and only if recurrence_type = 4.
215 interval Number Specifies an integer multiplier to the interval specified by recurrence_type. Present if and only if recurrence_type > 0. Must be 1 if recurrence_type = 4.
216 until Date Exclusive end date of a sequence. May be present only if recurrence_type > 0. The sequence has no end date if recurrence_type > 0 and this field is not present.
217 notification Boolean If true, all participants are notified of any changes to this object. This flag is valid for the current change only, i. e. it is not stored in the database and is never sent by the server to the client.
220 participants Array Each element identifies a participant, user group or booked resource as described in Participant identifier.
221 users Array Each element represents a participant as described in User participant object. User groups are resolved and are represented by their members. Any user can occur only once.
222 occurences Number Specifies how often a recurrence should appear. May be present only if recurrence_type > 0.
Participant identifier
Name Type Value
id Number User ID
type Number Type of participant:
1 user
2 user group
3 resource
4 resource group
5 external user
User participant object
Name Type Value
id Number User ID
display_name String Displayable name of the participant.
confirmation Number
0 none
1 accepted
2 declined
3 tentative
confirmmessage String Confirm Message of the participant
Detailed task data
ID Name Type Value
300 status Number Status of the task:
1 not started
2 in progress
3 done
4 waiting
5 deferred
301 percent_completed Number How much of the task is completed. An integer number between 0 and 100.
302 actual_costs
303 actual_duration
304 after_complete
305 billing_information
306 project_id
307 target_costs
308 target_duration
309 priority Number 1 = LOW, 2 = MEDIUM, 3 = HIGH
312 currency
313 trip_meter
314 companies
315 date_completed
102 color_label

Get a list of tasks

PUT /ajax/tasks?action=list


Request body: An array of with object IDs of requested tasks.

Response with timestamp: An array with task data. Each array element describes one task and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter.

Get updated tasks

GET /ajax/tasks?action=updates


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • folder – Object ID of the folder, whose contents are queried.
  • columns – A comma-separated list of columns to return. Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier. Column identifiers for tasks are defined in Common object data, Detailed task and appointment data and Detailed task data.
  • sort (optional) – The identifier of a column which determines the sort order of the response. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter order must be also specified.
  • order (optional) – "asc" if the response entires should be sorted in the ascending order, "desc" if the response entries should be sorted in the descending order. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter sort must be also specified.
  • timestamp – Timestamp of the last update of the requested tasks.
  • ignore (mandatory - should be set to "deleted") (deprecated) – Which kinds of updates should be ignored. Currently, the only valid value – "deleted" – causes deleted object IDs not to be returned.

Response with timestamp: An array with new, modified and deleted tasks. New and modified tasks are represented by arrays. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter. Deleted tasks are identified by their object IDs as plain strings, without being part of a nested array.

Get a task

GET /ajax/tasks?action=get


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – Object ID of the requested task.
  • folder – Object ID of the task's folder.

Response with timestamp: An object containing all data of the requested task. The fields of the object are listed in Common object data, Detailed task and appointment data and Detailed task data. The field id is not included.

Update a task

PUT /ajax/tasks?action=update


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • folder – Folder Identifier through that the task is accessed. This is necessary for checking the permissions.
  • id – Object ID of the updated task.
  • timestamp – Timestamp of the updated task. If the task was modified after the specified timestamp, then the update must fail.

Request body: Task object as described in Common object data, Detailed task and appointment data and Detailed task data. Only modified fields are present.

Create a task

PUT /ajax/tasks?action=new


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Request body: Task object as described in Common object data, Detailed task and appointment data and Detailed task data. The field id is not present.

Response: A json objekt with attribute id of the newly created task.

Delete tasks

PUT /ajax/tasks?action=delete


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • timestamp – Timestamp of the last update of the deleted tasks.

Request body: An object in the field “id” and “folder”.

Response: An array with object IDs of tasks which were modified after the specified timestamp and were therefore not deleted.

Confirm task

PUT /ajax/tasks?action=confirm


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – Object ID of the to confirm task.
  • folder – ID of the folder through that the task is accessed.
  • timestamp – Timestamp of the last update of the to confirm task.

Request body: An object with the fields "confirmation" and "confirmmessage" as described in User participant object.

Response: Nothing, except the standard response object with empty data, the timestamp of the confirmed and thereby updated task, and maybe errors.

Search for tasks

PUT /ajax/tasks?action=search


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • columns – A comma-separated list of columns to return. Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier. Column identifiers for appointments are defined in Common object data, Detailed task and appointment data and Detailed task data.
  • sort (optional) – The identifier of a column which determines the sort order of the response. If this parameter is specified , then the parameter order must be also specified.
  • order (optional) – "asc" if the response entires should be sorted in the ascending order, "desc" if the response entries should be sorted in the descending order. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter sort must be also specified.

Request Body: A JSON object with attributes described in Search tasks

Search tasks
Name Type Value
pattern String Search pattern to find tasks. In the pattern, the character "*" matches zero or more characters and the character "?" matches exactly one character. All other characters match only themselves.
folder Number (optional) Defines the folder to search for tasks in. If this is omitted in all task folders will be searched.
start Date or Time (optional) Inclusive start date for a time range the tasks should end in. If start is omitted end is ignored.
end Date or Time (optional) Exclusive end date for a time range the tasks should end in. If this parameter is omitted the time range has an open end.

Response with timestamp: An array with matching tasks. Tasks are represented by arrays. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter.

Module "contacts"

The contacts module is used to access contact information.

Get all contacts

GET /ajax/contacts?action=all


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • folder – Object ID of the folder, whose contents are queried.
  • columns – A comma-separated list of columns to return. Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier. Column identifiers for contacts are defined in Common object data and Detailed contact data.
  • sort (optional) – The identifier of a column which determines the sort order of the response. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter order must be also specified.
  • order (optional) – "asc" if the response entires should be sorted in the ascending order, "desc" if the response entries should be sorted in the descending order. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter sort must be also specified.

Response with timestamp: An array with contact data. Each array element describes one contact and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter.

Detailed contact data
ID Displayed name Name Type Value
500 Display name display_name String
501 Given name first_name String First name.
502 Sur name last_name String Last name.
503 Middle name second_name String
504 Suffix suffix String
505 Title title String
506 Street home street_home String
507 Postal code home postal_code_home String
508 City home city_home String
509 State home state_home String
510 Country home country_home String
511 Birthday birthday Date
512 Martial status marital_status String
513 Number of children number_of_children String
514 Profession profession String
515 Nickname nickname String
516 Spouse name spouse_name String
517 Anniversay anniversary Date
518 Note note String
519 Department department String
520 Position position String
521 Employee type employee_type String
522 Room number room_number String
523 Street business street_business String
525 Postal code business postal_code_business String
526 City business city_business String
527 State business state_business String
528 Country business country_business String
529 Number of employee number_of_employees String
530 Sales volume sales_volume String
531 Tax id tax_id String
532 Commercial register commercial_register String
533 Branches branches String
534 Business category business_category String
535 Info info String
536 Manager's name manager_name String
537 Assistant's name assistant_name String
538 Street other street_other String
539 City other city_other String
540 Postal code other postal_code_other String
541 Country other country_other String
542 Telephone business 1 telephone_business1 String
543 Telephone business 2 telephone_business2 String
544 FAX business fax_business String
545 Telephone callback telephone_callback String
546 Telephone car telephone_car String
547 Telephone company telephone_company String
548 Telephone home 1 telephone_home1 String
549 Telephone home 2 telephone_home2 String
550 FAX home fax_home String
551 Cellular telephone 1 cellular_telephone1 String
552 Cellular telephone 2 cellular_telephone2 String
553 Telephone other telephone_other String
554 FAX other fax_other String
555 Email 1 email1 String
556 Email 2 email2 String
557 Email 3 email3 String
558 URL url String
559 Telephone ISDN telephone_isdn String
560 Telephone pager telephone_pager String
561 Telephone primary telephone_primary String
562 Telephone radio telephone_radio String
563 Telephone telex telephone_telex String
564 Telephone TTY/TDD telephone_ttytdd String
565 Instantmessenger 1 instant_messenger1 String
566 Instantmessenger 2 instant_messenger2 String
567 Telephone IP telephone_ip String
568 Telephone assostant telephone_assistant String
569 Company company String
570 image1 String
571 Dynamic Field 1 userfield01 String
572 Dynamic Field 2 userfield02 String
573 Dynamic Field 3 userfield03 String
574 Dynamic Field 4 userfield04 String
575 Dynamic Field 5 userfield05 String
576 Dynamic Field 6 userfield06 String
577 Dynamic Field 7 userfield07 String
578 Dynamic Field 8 userfield08 String
579 Dynamic Field 9 userfield09 String
580 Dynamic Field 10 userfield10 String
581 Dynamic Field 11 userfield11 String
582 Dynamic Field 12 userfield12 String
583 Dynamic Field 13 userfield13 String
584 Dynamic Field 14 userfield14 String
585 Dynamic Field 15 userfield15 String
586 Dynamic Field 16 userfield16 String
587 Dynamic Field 17 userfield17 String
588 Dynamic Field 18 userfield18 String
589 Dynamic Field 19 userfield19 String
590 Dynamic Field 20 userfield20 String
591 links Array An array of objects containing links to other contacts. Each contact is describes by an object as defined in Contact link data.
592 distribution_list Array If this contact is a distribution list, then this field is an array of objects. Each object describes a member of the list as defined in Distribution list member.
594 Number of distributionlists number_of_distribution_list Number
595 number_of_links Number
596 number_of_images Number
597 image_last_modified Date
598 State other state_other String
599 file_as String
601 image1_content_type String
602 mark_as_distributionlist Boolean
605 Default address default_address Number
606 image1_url String
102 color_label Number
524 internal_userid Number

Contact link data
Name Type Value
id String Object ID
first_name String First name
last_name String Last name
Distribution list member
Name Type Value
id String User ID of the member if the member is an existing contact.
first_name String First name
last_name String Last name
mail String Email address
mail_field Number Which email field of an existing contact (if any) is used for the mail field.
0 independent contact
1 default email field (email1)
2 second email field (email2)
3 third email field (email3)

Get a list of contacts

PUT /ajax/contacts?action=list


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • columns – A comma-separated list of columns to return. Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier. Column identifiers for contacts are defined in Common object data and Detailed contact data.

Request body: An array with objects. Each object contains fields “id” and “folder” of requested contacts.

Response with timestamp: An array with contact data. Each array element describes one contact and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter.

Get a list of users

PUT /ajax/contacts?action=listuser


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • columns – A comma-separated list of columns to return. Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier. Column identifiers for contacts are defined in Common object data and Detailed contact data.

Request body: An array with id

Response with timestamp: An array with contact data. Each array element describes one contact and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter.

Available with SP4

Get updated contacts

GET /ajax/contacts?action=updates


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • folder – Object ID of the folder, whose contents are queried.
  • columns – A comma-separated list of columns to return. Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier. Column identifiers for contacts are defined in Common object data and Detailed contact data.
  • sort (optional) – The identifier of a column which determines the sort order of the response. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter order must be also specified.
  • order (optional) – "asc" if the response entires should be sorted in the ascending order, "desc" if the response entries should be sorted in the descending order. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter sort must be also specified.
  • timestamp – Timestamp of the last update of the requested contacts.
  • ignore (mandatory - should be set to "deleted") (deprecated) – Which kinds of updates should be ignored. Currently, the only valid value – "deleted" – causes deleted object IDs not to be returned.

Response with timestamp: An array with new, modified and deleted contacts. New and modified contacts are represented by arrays. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter. Deleted contacts are identified by their object IDs as plain strings, without being part of a nested array.

Get a contact

GET /ajax/contacts?action=get


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – Object ID of the requested contact.
  • folder – Object ID of the contact's folder.

Response with timestamp: An object containing all data of the requested contact. The fields of the object are listed in Common object data and Detailed contact data. The field id is not included.

Get contact by user ID

GET /ajax/contacts?action=getuser


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – User ID (not Object ID) of the requested user.

Response with timestamp: An object containing all data of the requested contact. The fields of the object are listed in Common object data and Detailed contact data.

Available with SP4 package.

Update a contact

PUT /ajax/contacts?action=update


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • folder – Folder identifier through that the contact is accessed. This is necessary for checking the permissions.
  • id – Object ID of the updated contact.
  • timestamp – Timestamp of the updated contact. If the contact was modified after the specified timestamp, then the update must fail.

Request body: Contact object as described in Common object data and Detailed contact data. Only modified fields are present.

To remove some contact image send the image attribute set to null.

Create a contact

PUT /ajax/contacts?action=new


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Request body: Contact object as described in Common object data and Detailed contact data. The field id is not included.

Response: A json objekt with attribute id of the newly created contact.

Delete contacts

PUT /ajax/contacts?action=delete


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • timestamp – Timestamp of the last update of the deleted contacts.

Request body: An object with the fields “id” and “folder”.

Search contacts

PUT /ajax/contacts?action=search


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • columns – The requested fields

Request body: An Object as described in Search contacts.

Search contacts
Name Type Value
pattern String Search pattern to find contacts. In the pattern, the character "*" matches zero or more characters and the character "?" matches exactly one character. All other characters match only themselves.
startletter String Search contacts with the given startletter.

Request body: An Object as described in Search contacts.

Search contacts
Name Type Value
last_name String Searches contacts where the last name match with the given last name.
first_name String Searches contacts where the first name match with the given first name.
display_name String Searches contacts where the display name match with the given display name.
orSearch Boolean If set to true, the fields are connected through an OR search habit.
emailAutoComplete Boolean If set to true, results are guaranteed to contain at least one email adress and the search is performed by connecting the relevant fields through an OR search habit.

Response: An array with contact data. Each array element describes one contact and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter.

Module "calendar"

The calendar module is used to access calendar data.

Get all appointments

GET /ajax/calendar?action=all


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • folder (optional) – Object ID of the folder, whose contents are queried. If not specified, defaults to all calendar folders.
  • columns – A comma-separated list of columns to return. Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier. Column identifiers for appointments are defined in Common object data, Detailed task and appointment data and Detailed appointment data.
  • start – Lower inclusive limit of the queried range as a Date. Only appointments which start on or after this date are returned.
  • end – Upper exclusive limit of the queried range as a Date. Only appointments which end before this date are returned.
  • recurrence_master – Extract the recurrence to several appointments. The default value is false so every appointment of the recurrence will be calculated.

Response with timestamp: An array with appointment data. Each array element describes one appointment and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter. Appointment sequencies are broken up into individual appointments and each occurrence of a sequence in the requested range is returned separately. The appointments are sorted in ascending order by the field start_date.

Detailed appointment data
ID Name Type Value
206 recurrence_id Number Object ID of the entire appointment sequence. Present on series and change exception appointments. Equals to object identifier on series appointment and is different to object identifier on change exceptions.
400 location String Location
401 full_time Boolean True if the appointment is a whole day appointment, false otherwise.
402 shown_as Number Describes, how this appointment appears in availability queries:
1 reserved
2 temporary
3 absent
4 free
102 color_label Number Color number used by Outlook to label the appointment. The assignment of colors to numbers is arbitrary and specified by the client. The numbers are integer numbers. TODO: zero allowed?
ignore_conflicts Boolean Ignore soft conflicts for the new or modified appointment. This flag is valid for the current change only, i. e. it is not stored in the database and is never sent by the server to the client.

Get appointment information

GET /ajax/calendar?action=has


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • start – Lower inclusive limit of the queried range as a Date. Only appointments which end on or after this date are returned.
  • end – Upper exclusive limit of the queried range as a Date. Only appointments which start before this date are returned.

Response is an array of booleans. Array length is the number of days. Each entry in the array corresponds with one day in the range that was queried, explaining whether there is an appointment on this day or not.

Get a list of appointments

PUT /ajax/calendar?action=list


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • columns – A comma-separated list of columns to return. Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier. Column identifiers for appointments are defined in Common object data, Detailed task and appointment data and Detailed appointment data.
  • recurrence_master – Extract the recurrence to several appointments. The default value is false so every appointment of the recurrence will be calculated.

Response with timestamp: An array with appointment data. Each array element describes one appointment and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter.

Full identifier for an appointment
Name Type Value
id String Object ID
pos Number Value of the field recurrence_position, if present in the appointment.

Get updated appointments

GET /ajax/calendar?action=updates


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • folder – Object ID of the folder, whose contents are queried.
  • columns – A comma-separated list of columns to return. Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier. Column identifiers for appointments are defined in Common object data, Detailed task and appointment data and Detailed appointment data.
  • timestamp – Timestamp of the last update of the requested appointments.
  • start (optional) – Lower inclusive limit of the queried range as a Date. Only appointments which end on or after this date are returned.
  • end (optional) – Upper exclusive limit of the queried range as a Date. Only appointments which start before this date are returned.
  • ignore (mandatory - should be set to "deleted") (deprecated) – Which kinds of updates should be ignored. Currently, the only valid value – "deleted" – causes deleted object IDs not to be returned.
  • recurrence_master – Extract the recurrence to several appointments. The default value is false so every appointment of the recurrence will be calculated.

Response with timestamp: An array with new, modified and deleted appointments. New and modified appointments are represented by arrays. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter. Deleted appointments are identified by objects described in Full identifier for an appointment instead of arrays. Appointment sequencies are broken up into individual appointments and each modified occurrence of a sequence in the requested range is returned separately. The appointments are sorted in ascending order by the field start_date.

Get an appointment

GET /ajax/calendar?action=get


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – Object ID of the requested appointment.
  • folder – Folder ID of the requested appointment.
  • recurrence_position (optional) – Recurrence Position requested appointment.

Response with timestamp: An object containing all data of the requested appointment. The fields of the object are listed in Common object data, Detailed task and appointment data and Detailed appointment data. The field id is not included.

Update an appointment

PUT /ajax/calendar?action=update


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – Object ID of the updated appointment.
  • folder - Object ID of the appointment's folder.
  • timestamp – Timestamp of the updated appointment. If the appointment was modified after the specified timestamp, then the update must fail.

Request body: Appointment object as described in Common object data, Detailed task and appointment data and Detailed appointment data. The field recurrence_id is always present if it is present in the original appointment. The field recurrence_position is present if it is present in the original appointment and only this single appointment should be modified. The field id is not present because it is already included as a parameter. Other fields are present only if modified.

Create an appointment

PUT /ajax/calendar?action=new


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Request body: Appointment object as described in Common object data, Detailed task and appointment data and Detailed appointment data. The field id is not present.

Response: If the appointment was created successfully, an object with the attribute id of the newly created appointment. If the appointment could not be created due to conflicts, the response body is an object with the field conflicts, which is an array of appointment objects which caused the conflict. Each appointment object which represents a resource conflict contains an additional field hard_conflict with the Boolean value true. If the user does not have read access to a conflicting appointment, only the fields id, start_date, end_date, shown_as and participants are present and the field participants contains only the participants which caused the conflict.

Delete appointments

PUT /ajax/calendar?action=delete


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • timestamp – Timestamp of the last update of the deleted appointments.

Request body: The appointment object to delete. The fields for the object are described in Full identifier for an appointment.

Response: An array of objects identifying the appointments which were modified after the specified timestamp and were therefore not deleted. The fields of each object are described in Full identifier for an appointment.

Confirm appointment

PUT /ajax/calendar?action=confirm


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – Object ID of the appointment to confirm.
  • folder – ID of the folder through which the appointment is accessed.
  • timestamp – Timestamp of the last update of the to confirmed appointment.

Request body: An object with the fields "confirmation" and "confirmmessage" as described in User participant object.

Response: Nothing, except the standard response object with empty data, the timestamp of the confirmed and thereby updated task, and maybe errors.

Free & Busy

GET /ajax/calendar?action=freebusy


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id - Internal user id. Must be obtained from the contact module.
  • type - Constant for user or resource
  • start – Lower inclusive limit of the queried range as a Date. Only appointments which end on or after this date are returned.
  • end – Upper exclusive limit of the queried range as a Date. Only appointments which start before this date are returned.

Response: An array of objects identifying the appointments which lie between start and end as described.
This objects consist of:

Name Type Value
shown_as Number Describes, how this appointment appears in availability queries:
1 reserved
2 temporary
3 absent
4 free
start_date Date or Time see Detailed task and appointment data
end_date Date or Time see Detailed task and appointment data
id String Object ID
full_time Boolean True if the appointment is a whole day appointment, not present otherwise.

Search appointments

PUT /ajax/appointments?action=search


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • columns – The requested fields

Request body: An Object as described in Search appointments.

Search appointments
Name Type Value
pattern String Search pattern to find appointments. In the pattern, the character "*" matches zero or more characters and the character "?" matches exactly one character. All other characters match only themselves.
startletter String Search appointments with the given starting letter.

Request body: An Object as described in Search appointments.

Response: An array with appointment data. Each array element describes one contact and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter.

Get new appointments

GET /ajax/appointments?action=newappointments


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • columns – The requested fields
  • start – Lower inclusive limit of the queried range as a Date. Only appointments which end on or after this date are returned.
  • end – Upper exclusive limit of the queried range as a Date. Only appointments which start before this date are returned.
  • sort (optional) – The identifier of a column which determines the sort order of the response. If this parameter is specified and holds a column number, then the parameter order must be also specified.
  • order (optional) – "asc" if the response entires should be sorted in the ascending order, "desc" if the response entries should be sorted in the descending order. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter sort must be also specified.
  • limit (optional) – limits the number of returned object to the given value.

Response: An array with appointment data. Each array element describes one appointment and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter.

Module "mail"

The mail module is used to access mail data.

When mails are stored on an IMAP server, some functionality is not available due to restrictions of the IMAP protocol. Such functionality is marked with "not IMAP".

Get mail count

GET /ajax/mail?action=count


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • folder – Object ID of the folder whose mail count is queried

Response (not IMAP: with timestamp): An integer value representing folder's mail count

Get all mails

GET /ajax/mail?action=all


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • folder – Object ID of the folder, whose contents are queried.
  • columns – A comma-separated list of columns to return. Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier. Column identifiers for appointments are defined in Detailed mail data.
  • sort (optional) – The identifier of a column which determines the sort order of the response or the string “thread” to return thread-sorted messages. If this parameter is specified and holds a column number, then the parameter order must be also specified.
  • order (optional) – "asc" if the response entires should be sorted in the ascending order, "desc" if the response entries should be sorted in the descending order. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter sort must be also specified.

Response (not IMAP: with timestamp): An array with mail data. Each array element describes one mail and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter.

Detailed mail data
ID Name Type Value
600 id String Object ID
601 folder_id String Object ID of the parent folder
602 attachment Boolean Specifies whether this mail has attachments.
603 from Array Each element is a string specifying one sender.
604 to Array Each element is a string specifying one receiver.
605 cc Array Each element is a string specifying one carbon-copy receiver.
606 bcc Array Each element is a string specifying one blind carbon-copy receiver.
607 subject String Subject line.
608 size Number Size of the mail in bytes.
609 sent_date Time Date and time as specified in the mail by the sending client.
610 received_date Time Date and time as measured by the receiving server.
611 flags Number Various system flags. A sum of zero or more of following values:
1 answered
2 deleted
4 draft
8 flagged
16 recent
32 seen
64 user
256 forwarded

See javax.mail.Flags.Flag for details.

612 level Number Zero-based nesting level in a thread.
613 disp_notification_to String Content of message's header “Disposition-Notification-To”
614 priority Number Value of message's “X-Priority” header:
0 No priority
1 Very Low
2 Low
3 Normal
4 High
5 Very High
user Array An array with user-defined flags as strings.
headers Object An object with a field for every non-standard header. The header name is the field name. The header value is the value of the field as string.
attachments Array Each element is an attachment as described in Attachment. The first element is the mail text. If the mail has multiple representations (multipart-alternative), then the alternatives are placed after the mail text and have the field disp set to alternative.
nested_msgs Array Each element is a mail object as described in this table, except for fields id, folder_id and attachment.
Name Type Value
id String Object ID (unique only inside the same message)
content_type String MIME type
content String Content as text. Present only if easily convertible to text.
filename String Displayed filename (mutually exclusive with content).
size Number Size of the attachment in bytes.
disp String Attachment's disposition: null, inline, attachment or alternative.

Search mails

PUT /ajax/mail?action=search


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • folder – Object ID of the folder, whose contents are queried.
  • columns – A comma-separated list of columns to return. Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier. Column identifiers for appointments are defined in Detailed mail data.
  • sort (optional) – The identifier of a column which determines the sort order of the response or the string “thread” to return thread-sorted messages. If this parameter is specified and holds a column number, then the parameter order must be also specified.
  • order (optional) – "asc" if the response entires should be sorted in the ascending order, "desc" if the response entries should be sorted in the descending order. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter sort must be also specified.

Request Body: A JSON array of JSON objects each containing the search field and its search pattern: e.g.: [{"col": 612, "pattern": "Joe"}, {"col": 614, "pattern": "Tuesday"}]

Response (not IMAP: with timestamp): An array with mail data. Each array element describes one mail and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter.

Get a list of mails

PUT /ajax/mail?action=list


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • columns – A comma-separated list of columns to return. Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier. Column identifiers for mails are defined in Detailed mail data.

Request body: An array with object IDs of requested mails.

Response (not IMAP: with timestamp): An array with mail data. Each array element describes one mail and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter.

Copy mails

PUT /ajax/mail?action=copy


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – Object ID of the requested mail.
  • folder – Object ID of the source folder.

Request Body: A JSON object containing the id of the destination folder inside the "folder_id" field: e.g.: {"folder_id": 1376}

Response: A JSON array containing the ID of the copied mail

Move mails

PUT /ajax/mail?action=update


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – Object ID of the requested mail.
  • folder – Object ID of the source folder.

Request Body: A JSON object containing the id of the destination folder inside the "folder_id" field: e.g.: {"folder_id": 1376}

Response: A JSON array containing the ID of the moved mail

Update mails

PUT /ajax/mail?action=update


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – Object ID of the requested mail.
  • folder – Object ID of the folder.

Request Body: A JSON object which carries the new values that ought to be applied to mail as described in Update mail.

Response: A JSON object containing the Object ID of the updated mail and its folder.

Update mail
Name Type Value
color_label Number The color number between 1 and 10.
flags Number A set of flags to add or remove. Note: Flags for "recent" (8) and "user" (64) are ignored.
value Boolean true to add the flags specified by flags (logical OR), false to remove them (logical AND with the inverted value).

Not IMAP: Get updated mails

GET /ajax/mail?action=updates


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Response: Just an empty JSON array is going to be returned since this action cannot be applied to IMAP.

Get a mail

GET /ajax/mail?action=get


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – Object ID of the requested mail.
  • folder – Object ID of the mail's folder.
  • edit (optional) – 1 indicates that this request should fill the message compose dialog to edit a message and thus display-specific date is going to be withheld.
  • hdr (optional) – 1 to let the response contain only the (formatted) message headers as plain text
  • src (optional) – 1 to let the response contain the complete message source as plain text
  • save (optional) – 1 to write the complete message source to output stream. NOTE: This parameter will only be used if parameter src is set to 1.
  • view (optional - available with SP4) - "text" forces the server to deliver a text-only version of the requested mail's body, even if content is HTML. "html" to allow a possible HTML mail body being transferred as it is (but white-list filter applied). "noimg" to allow a possible HTML content being transferred but without original image src attributes which references external images: Can be used to prevent loading external linked images (spam privacy protection). NOTE: if set, the corresponding gui config setting will be ignored.
  • unseen (optional) – "1" or "true" to leave an unseen mail as unseen although its content is requested

Response (not IMAP: with timestamp): An JSON object containing all data of the requested mail. The fields of the object are listed in Detailed mail data. The fields id and attachment are not included. NOTE: Of course response is not a JSON object if either parameter hdr or parameter src are set to "1". Then the response contains plain text. Moreover if optional parameter save is set to "1" the complete message source is going to be directly written to output stream to open browser's save dialog.

Get a mail attachment

GET /ajax/mail?action=attachment


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – Object ID of the mail which contains the attachment.
  • attachment – ID of the requested attachment OR
  • cid – Value of header 'Content-ID' of the requested attachment
  • save – 1 overwrites the defined mimetype for this attachment to force the download dialog, otherwise 0.
  • filter (optional) – 1 to apply HTML white-list filter rules if and only if requested attachment is of MIME type text/htm* AND parameter save is set to 0.

Response body: The raw byte data of the document. The response type for the HTTP Request is set accordingly to the defined mimetype for this attachment, except the parameter save is set to 1.

Send a mail

POST /ajax/mail?action=new


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Request Body: This method uses the encoding multipart/form-data or multipart/mixed.

  • The form filed json_0 contains the rudimentary mail as JSON object as described in Detailed mail data with just its message body (as html content) defined in nested JSON array "attachments" and its header data (from, to, subject, etc.). The field "content_type" defines whether the mail ought to be sent as plain text ("text/plain"), as html ("text/html") or as multipart/alternative ("ALTERNATIVE"). Sending a mail requires some special fields inside JSON mail object. The field "infostore_ids" defines a JSON array of infostore document ID(s) that ought to be appended to this mail as attachments. The field "msgref" indicates the ID of the referenced original mail. Moreover the field "sendtype" indicates the type of the message:
    • 0 - A normal new mail (optional)
    • 1 - A reply mail. The field "msgref" must be present
    • 2 - A forward mail. The field "msgref" must be present

Example of a normal new mail which appends user's VCard and requests a read receipt from receiver:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="json_0"....{"from":"\u0022Muster, Karl\u0022 <>","to":"","cc":"","bcc":"", "subject":"Mail Subject","priority":"3","disp_notification_to":true,"vcard":1, "attachments":[{"content_type":"ALTERNATIVE","content":"Simple Mail Text!<br><br>\u000a\u000a"}]}

  • The form field attachmentn (optional) – One or more file upload form fields whose referenced file are going to appended as attachments

Response: Object ID of the newly created mail.

Send/Save mail as MIME data block (RFC822) (Available soon!)

PUT /ajax/mail?action=new


  • session - A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • src - Set to "1" to accept mail message as MIME data block.
  • folder (optional) - In case the mail should not be sent out, but saved in a specific folder, the "folder" paramter can be used. If the mail should be sent out to the recipient, the "folder" parameter must not be included and the mail is stored in the folder "Sent Items". Example "folder=default.INBOX/Testfolder"
  • flags (optional) - In case the mail should be stored with status "read" (e.g. mail has been read already in the client inbox), the parameter "flags" has to be included. If no "folder" parameter is specified, this parameter must not be included. For infos about mail flags see Detailed mail data spec.

Request Body: The MIME Data Block

Response: Object ID of the newly created/moved mail.

INFO: This feature is currently not included in the latest Packages and will be available soon.

Reply/Forward a mail

GET /ajax/mail?action=reply GET /ajax/mail?action=replyall GET /ajax/mail?action=forward


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – Object ID of the requested Message.
  • folder - Object ID of the folder, whose contents are queried.
  • view (optional - available with SP6) - "text" forces the server to deliver a text-only version of the requested mail's body, even if content is HTML. "html" to allow a possible HTML mail body being transferred as it is (but white-list filter applied).NOTE: if set, the corresponding gui config setting will be ignored.

Response (not IMAP: with timestamp): An object containing all data of the requested mail. The fields of the object are listed in Detailed mail data. The fields id and attachment are not included.

Delete mails

PUT /ajax/mail?action=delete


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • Not IMAP: timestamp – Timestamp of the last update of the deleted mails.

Request body: An array with object IDs of the deleted mails.

Not IMAP: Response: An array with object IDs of mails which were modified after the specified timestamp and were therefore not deleted.

Clear mail folder(s)

PUT /ajax/mail?action=clear


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • Not IMAP: timestamp – Timestamp of the last update of the deleted mails.

Request body: An array with IDs of the mail folders to clear

Response: An array with IDs of mail folder that could not be cleared; meaning the response body is an empty JSON array if everything went well.

Module "groups"

The group module allows to query available groups. It is mainly used by the dialog for the selection of participants.

Get a group

GET /ajax/group?action=get


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – The group id.

Response: A group object as described in Group data.

List groups

PUT /ajax/group?action=list


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Request body: An array with group identifiers.

Response: An array of group objects as described in Group data.

Search for groups

PUT /ajax/group?action=search


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Request body: An object with search parameters as described in Group search.

Group search
Name Type Value
pattern String Search pattern to find groups. In the pattern, the character "*" matches zero or more characters and the character "?" matches exactly one character. All other characters match only themselves.

Response with timestamp: An array of group objects as described in Group data.

Group data
Name Type Value
id Number ID
display_name String Display name
name String Name with character restrictions
members Array Array of group member id's

Create a group

introduced 2008-06-12

PUT /ajax/group?action=new


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Request body: Group object as described in Group data. The field id is not present.

Response: A json objekt with attribute id of the newly created group.

Delete a group

introduced 2008-06-12

PUT /ajax/group?action=delete


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • timestamp – Timestamp of the last update of the group to delete.

Request body: An object with the field “id” containing the unique identifier of the group.

Response: An empty json array if the group was deleted successfully.

Change a group

introduced 2008-06-12

PUT /ajax/group?action=update


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – Object ID of the group to update.
  • timestamp – Time stamp of the group to update. If the group was modified after the specified time stamp, then the update must fail.

Request body: Group object as described in Group data. Only modified fields are present and the field id is omitted.

Module "resource"

The resource module allows to query available resources. It is mainly used by the dialog for the selection of participants.

List resources

PUT /ajax/resource?action=list


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Request body: An array with resources ids.

Response: An array of resource objects as described in Resource response.

Get a resource

GET /ajax/resource?action=get


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – The resource id.

Response: An array of resource objects as described in Resource response.

Search for resources

PUT /ajax/resource?action=search


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Request body: An object with search parameters as described in Participant search.

Participant search
Name Type Value
pattern String Search pattern to find resources. In the pattern, the character "*" matches zero or more characters and the character "?" matches exactly one character. All other characters match only themselves.

Response: An array of resource objects as described in Resource response.

Resource Response
Name Type Value
id Number ID
display_name String Display name

Module "infostore"

The infostore module combines the knowledge database, bookmarks and documents.

Get all infoitems

GET /ajax/infostore?action=all


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • folder – Object ID of the folder, whose contents are queried.
  • columns – A comma-separated list of columns to return. Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier. Column identifiers for infoitems are defined in Common object data and Detailed infoitem data.
  • sort (optional) – The identifier of a column which determines the sort order of the response. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter order must be also specified.
  • order (optional) – "asc" if the response entires should be sorted in the ascending order, "desc" if the response entries should be sorted in the descending order. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter sort must be also specified.

Response with timestamp: An array with infoitem data. Each array element describes one infoitem and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter.

Detailed infoitem data
ID Name Type Value
700 title String Title
701 url String Link/URL
702 filename String Displayed filename of the document.
703 file_mimetype String MIME type of the document. The client converts known types to more readable names before displaying them.
704 file_size Number Size of the document in bytes.
705 version Number Version number of the document. New documents start at 1. Every update increments the version by 1.
706 description String Description
707 locked_until Time The time until which this item will presumably be locked. Only set if the docment is currently locked, 0 otherwise.
708 file_md5sum String MD5Sum of the document. Not yet implemented, so this is currently always empty.
709 version_comment String A version comment is used to file a changelog for the file.
710 current_version Boolean “true” if this version is the current version “false” otherwise. . Note: This is not writeable
102 color_label Number Color number used by Outlook to label the appointment. The assignment of colors to numbers is arbitrary and specified by the client. The numbers are integer numbers. TODO: zero allowed?
711 number_of_versions Number The number of all versions of the infoitem. Note: This is not writeable.

Get a list of infoitems

PUT /ajax/infostore?action=list


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • columns – A comma-separated list of columns to return. Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier. Column identifiers for infoitems are defined in Common object data and Detailed infoitem data.

Request body: An array with object IDs of requested infoitems.

Response with timestamp: An array with infoitem data. Each array element describes one infoitem and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter.

Get updated infoitems

GET /ajax/infostore?action=updates


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • folder – Object ID of the folder, whose contents are queried.
  • columns – A comma-separated list of columns to return. Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier. Column identifiers for infoitems are defined in Common object data and Detailed infoitem data.
  • sort (optional) – The identifier of a column which determines the sort order of the response. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter order must be also specified.
  • order (optional) – "asc" if the response entires should be sorted in the ascending order, "desc" if the response entries should be sorted in the descending order. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter sort must be also specified.
  • timestamp – Timestamp of the last update of the requested infoitems.
  • ignore (optional) – Which kinds of updates should be ignored. Currently, the only valid value – "deleted" – causes deleted object IDs not to be returned.

Response with timestamp: An array with new, modified and deleted infoitems. New and modified infoitems are represented by arrays. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter. Deleted infoitems are identified by their object IDs as plain strings, without being part of a nested array.

Get an infoitem

GET /ajax/infostore?action=get


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – Object ID of the requested infoitem.
  • version (optional) – If present the infoitem data describes the given version. Otherwise the current version is returned

Response with timestamp: An object containing all data of the requested infoitem. The fields of the object are listed in Common object data and Detailed infoitem data. The field id is not included.

Search infoitems

PUT /ajax/infostore?action=search


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • columns – The requested fields as per tables Common object data and Detailed infoitem data.
  • sort (optional) – The identifier of a column which determines the sort order of the response. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter order must be also specified.
  • order (optional) – "asc" if the response entires should be sorted in the ascending order, "desc" if the response entries should be sorted in the descending order. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter sort must be also specified.
  • start (optional) – The start index (inclusive) in the ordered search, that is requested.
  • end (optional) – The last index (inclusive) from the ordered search, that is requested.

Request body: An Object as described in Search contacts.

Get an infoitem document

GET /ajax/infostore/[filename]?action=document


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – Object ID of the requested infoitem.
  • folder – Object ID of the infoitem's folder.
  • version (optional) – If present the infoitem data describes the given version. Otherwise the current version is returned
  • content_type(optional) – If present the response declares the given content_type in the Content-Type header.

Response body: Rhe raw byte data of the document. The response type for the HTTP Request is set accordingly to the defined mimetype for this infoitem or the content_type given.

Note: The Filename may be added to the customary infostore path to suggest a filename to a Save-As dialog.

Get all versions

GET /ajax/infostore?action=versions


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – Object ID of the infoitem whose versions are requested.
  • columns – A comma-separated list of columns to return. Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier. Column identifiers for infoitems are defined in Common object data and Detailed infoitem data.
  • sort (optional) – The identifier of a column which determines the sort order of the response. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter order must be also specified.
  • order (optional) – "asc" if the response entires should be sorted in the ascending order, "desc" if the response entries should be sorted in the descending order. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter sort must be also specified.

Response with timestamp: An array with infoitem data. Each array element describes one infoitem and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter. The timestamp is the timestamp relating to the requested infostore item.

Update an infoitem via PUT

PUT /ajax/infostore?action=update


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – Object ID of the updated infoitem.
  • timestamp – Timestamp of the updated infoitem. If the infoitem was modified after the specified timestamp, then the update must fail.

Request body: Infoitem object as described in Common object data and Detailed infoitem data. Only modified fields are present.

Update an infoitem via POST

POST /ajax/infostore?action=update


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – Object ID of the updated infoitem.
  • timestamp – Timestamp of the updated infoitem. If the infoitem was modified after the specified timestamp, then the update must fail.
  • json - Infoitem object as described in Common object data and Detailed infoitem data. Only modified fields are present.
  • file – File Metadata as per <input type=”file” />

Request Body: Body of content-type “multipart/form-data” or “multipart/mixed” containing the above mentioned fields and file-data.

Response: The response is sent as a HTML document (see introduction).

Create an infoitem via PUT

PUT /ajax/infostore?action=new


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Request body: Infoitem object as described in Common object data and Detailed infoitem data. The field id is not included.

Response: Object ID of the newly created infoitem.

Create an infoitem via POST

POST /ajax/infostore?action=new


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • json - Infoitem object as described in Common object data and Detailed infoitem data. The field id is not included.
  • file – File metadata as per <input type=”file” />

Request Body: Body of content-type “multipart/form-data” or “multipart/mixed” containing the above mentioned fields and file-data.

Response: Object ID of the newly created infoitem. The response is sent as a HTML document (see introduction).

Save an attachment in the infostore

PUT /ajax/infostore?action=saveAs


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • attached – The Object ID of the Object with the attachment
  • folder – The Folder ID of the Object with the attachment
  • module – The Module type of the Object with the attachment.
  • Attachment – The id of the attachement to save.

Request body: Infoitem object as described in Common object data and Detailed infoitem data. The field id is not included. The fields in this infoitem object override values from the attachment. The folder_id must be given.

Response: Object ID of the newly created infoitem.

Delete infoitems

POST /ajax/infostore?action=delete


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • timestamp – Timestamp of the last update of the deleted infoitems.

Request body: An array with object IDs of the deleted infoitems.

Response: An array with object IDs of infoitems which were modified after the specified timestamp and were therefore not deleted.

Delete versions of infostore documents

PUT /ajax/infostore?action=detach


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – The ID of the base Object
  • folder – The Folder of the Object
  • timestamp - Timestamp of the infostore object

Request body: A List of arrays with the version numbers of the infoitems to detach.

Response: An array with version numbers that were not deleted.

Note: When the current version of a document is deleted the new current version will be the newest version.

Delete all versions of infostore documents

PUT /ajax/infostore?action=revert


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – The ID of the base Object
  • folder – The Folder of the Object
  • timestamp - Timestamp of the infostore object

Removes all versions of the infostore document leaving only the base object.

Copy an infostore document via PUT

PUT /ajax/infostore?action=copy


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – The ID of the base Object
  • folder – The Folder of the Object
  • timestamp - Timestamp of the infostore object

Request body: Infoitem object as described in Common object data and Detailed infoitem data. Only modified fields are present.

Response: The id of the newly created object

Note: Only the fields (and the file) of the current document will be copied. Those fields present in the request are modified accordingly.

Copy an infostore document via POST

POST /ajax/infostore?action=copy


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – Object ID of the updated infoitem.
  • timestamp – Timestamp of the updated infoitem. If the infoitem was modified after the specified timestamp, then the update must fail.
  • json - Infoitem object as described in Common object data and Detailed infoitem data. Only modified fields are present.
  • file – File Metadata as per <input type=”file” />

Request Body: Body of content-type “multipart/form-data” or “multipart/mixed” containing the above mentioned fields and file-data.

Response: The response is sent as a HTML document (see introduction).

Note: Only the fields (and the file) of the current document will be copied. Those fields present in the request are modified accordingly.

Lock an infoitem

GET /ajax/infostore?action=lock


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – Object ID of the infoitem that should be locked.
  • diff (optional) – If present the value is added to the current time on the server (both in ms). The document will be locked until that time. If this parameter is not present, the document will be locked for a duration as configured on the server.

Response with timestamp: Can only include errors.

Unlock an infoitem

GET /ajax/infostore?action=unlock


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – Object ID of the infoitem that should be unlocked.

Response with timestamp: Can only contain errors.

Module "Links" (deprecated)

The link module provides the ability to connect two objects from any module.

Get All Links from an Object

GET /ajax/link?action=all


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – The Object ID of the Object
  • folder – The Folder ID of the Object
  • module – The Module type of the Object

Response: An Array with all Links ( Link object) from the given Object ID.

Create a Link

PUT /ajax/link?action=new


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Request body: Link object as described in Link object.

Response: An OK.

Link Object
Field Name Type Description
First Object ID id1 Number The ID of the first Object you want to start to link
First Module Type module1 Number The Module of this Object Possible Values:
1 Appointment
4 Task
7 Contact
13 Project
17 Forum
18 Pin board
19 Email
137 Infostore
First Folder ID folder1 String The Folder of this Object
Second Object ID id2 Number The ID of the second Object you want to link the first Object with
Second Module Type module2 Number The Module of the second Object

Possible Values:

1 Appointment
4 Task
7 Contact
13 Project
17 Forum
18 Pin board
19 Email
137 Infostore
Second Folder ID folder2 String The Folder of the second Object

Delete Link

PUT /ajax/link?action=delete


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – The ID of the base Object
  • module – The type of the Object
  • folder – The Folder of the Object

Request body: A List of arrays with the information of the Links to delete which looks like Delete object.

Response: A List of arrays with object Ids of links which are not readable by the user and were therefore not deleted. See Delete object.

Delete Object
Field Type Array Position
Object id Number 0
Module Number 1
Folder String 2

Module "Attachments"

The Attachment Module allows file attachments to arbitrary objects. Object addresses are defined analogous to the Link module. An Attachment always belongs to an object (called 'attached') in a certain folder of a certain module.

Get All Attachments for an Object

GET /ajax/attachment?action=all


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • attached – The Object ID of the Object
  • folder – The Folder ID of the Object
  • module – The Module type of the Object
  • columns – A comma-separated list of columns to return. Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier. Column identifiers for attachment's are defined in Common object data (with only id, created_by and creation_date available) and Attachment object.
  • sort (optional) – The identifier of a column which determines the sort order of the response. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter order must be also specified.
  • order (optional) – "asc" if the response entires should be sorted in the ascending order, "desc" if the response entries should be sorted in the descending order. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter sort must be also specified.

Response: An array with attachment data. Each array element describes one attachment and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter.

Get a list of attachments

PUT /ajax/attachment?action=list


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • columns – A comma-separated list of columns to return. Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier. Column identifiers for attachments are defined in Common object data (with only id, created_by and creation_date available) and Attachment object.
  • attached – The Object ID of the Object
  • folder – The Folder ID of the Object
  • module – The Module type of the Object

Request body: An array of with object IDs of requested tasks.

Response with timestamp: An array with attachment data. Each array element describes one attachment and is itself an array. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter.

Create an Attachment

POST /ajax/attachment?action=attach


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • json_[index] – The JSON representation of an attachment object as described in Common object data (with only id, created_by and creation_date available) and Attachment object.
  • file_[index] – The file metadata as per <input type=file /> upload.

Note: The JSON Object and file fields describe the corresponding attachment. For ex.: json_0 contains metadata for file_0, json_1 for file_1 and so on. Indexes start with 0.

Request body: multipart/form-data or multipart/mixed containing the file data of the attached file and the above fields.

Response: HTML page with javascript callback as per introduction. Contains a JSON-Array of ids of the newly created attachments. The order of the ids corresponds to the indexes in the request.

Attachment Object
ID Name Type Description
800 folder Number The ID of the first Folder in which the attached object resides.
801 attached Number The object id of the object this attachement is attached to.
802 module Number The Module of this Object Possible Values:
1 Appointment
4 Task
7 Contact
137 Infostore
803 filename String The filename of the attached file.
804 file_size Number The file size (in bytes) of the attached file.
805 file_mimetype String The MIME-Type of the attached file
806 rft_flag Boolean If the attachment is a RTF Attachment of Outlook. (Outlook descriptions can be stored as RTF Documents).

Delete Attachment

PUT /ajax/attachment?action=detach


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • attached – The ID of the base Object
  • module – The type of the Object
  • folder – The Folder of the Object

Request body: An array with the ids of the attachments to delete.

Get updated attachments

GET /ajax/attachment?action=updates


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • folder – Object ID of the folder, whose contents are queried.
  • attached – Object ID of the object to which the attachments are attached.
  • module – Module ID (as per Attachment object) of the attached object.
  • columns – A comma-separated list of columns to return. Each column is specified by a numeric column identifier. Column identifiers for attachments are defined in Common object data (with only id, created_by and creation_date available) and Attachment object.
  • sort (optional) – The identifier of a column which determines the sort order of the response. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter order must be also specified.
  • order (optional) – "asc" if the response entires should be sorted in the ascending order, "desc" if the response entries should be sorted in the descending order. If this parameter is specified, then the parameter sort must be also specified.
  • timestamp – Timestamp of the last update of the requested infoitems.

ignore (optional) – Which kinds of updates should be ignored. Currently, the only valid value – "deleted" – causes deleted object IDs not to be returned.

Response with timestamp: An array with new and deleted attachments for the specified object. New attachments are represented by arrays. The elements of each array contain the information specified by the corresponding identifiers in the columns parameter. Deleted attachments are identified by their object IDs as plain numbers, without being part of a nested array.

Get an attachment

GET /ajax/attahment?action=get


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • folder – Object ID of the folder, whose contents are queried.
  • attached – Object ID of the object to which the attachments are attached.
  • module – Module ID (as per Attachment object) of the attached object.
  • id – Object ID of the requested attachment.

Response with timestamp: An object containing all data of the requested attachment. The fields of the object are listed in Common object data (with only id, created_by and creation_date available) and Attachment object.

Get an attachments filedata

GET /ajax/attachment/[filename]?action=document


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • folder – Object ID of the folder, whose contents are queried.
  • attached – Object ID of the object to which the attachments are attached.
  • module – Module ID (as per Attachment object) of the attached object.
  • id – Object ID of the requested attachment.
  • content_type (optional) – If set the responses Content-Type header is set to this value, not the attachements file mime type.

Response body: The raw byte data of the document. The response type for the HTTP Request is set accordingly to the defined mimetype for this infoitem. Note: The Filename may be added to the customary infostore path to suggest a filename to a Save-As dialog.

Module "reminder"

The reminder module provides the ability to fetch all active reminders for a user between two dates.

Get reminder range

GET /ajax/reminder?action=range


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • end – The End date of the reminder range

Response: An Array with all reminders which are scheduled until the specified time. Each reminder is described in Reminder response.

Reminder response
Field Type Description
id Number The ID of the reminder.
target_id Number The target_id where this reminder is attached to
alarm Time The time of the alarm
module Number The module of the reminder
servertime Time The time on the server
user_id Number The ID of the user.
last_modified Time The last modification timestamp of the reminder
recurrence_position Number The recurrence position for series appointments or 0 if no series
folder Number The ID of the folder through that the object can be read

Delete Reminder

PUT /ajax/reminder?action=delete


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Request body: An object with the field “id”.

Response body: An JSON array with the id that was not deleted.

Module "multiple"

The multiple module allows to bundle multiple requests to most other modules in a single request. Not supported are:

  • modules login, config and multiple,
  • POST requests with a multipart encoding (uploads),
  • GET requests which do not use an object as described in Response body as response body (downloads).

Multiple requests

PUT /ajax/multiple


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • continue – Specifies whether processing of requests should stop when an error occurs, or whether all request should be processed regardless of errors.

Request body: An array with request objects. Each request object contains all URI parameters of the "normal" request as fields. The module name of the "normal" request is included in the field module. The parameter session is not included. If the "normal" request has a request body, the object which is represented by that request body is includes as the value of the field data.

Response: An array with reply objects as described in Response body. The order of reply objects corresponds to the order of requests in the request body. Unlike with all other modules, this response is itself not part of a response object as described in Response body.

Module "quota"

The filestore module allows accesssing information about the use and quota of the filestore.

Get the filestore usage data

GET /ajax/quota?action=filestore


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Response: A JSON Object containing the fields “use” and “quota”. “use” represents the uploaded files sizes sum and the field “quota” represents the maximum.

Get the mail usage data

GET /ajax/quota?action=mail


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Response: A JSON Object containing the fields “use” and “quota”. “use” represents the use mail quota and the field “quota” represents the maximum. -1 represents an unlimited quota.

Module "import"

The module import allows to import specific module data (like Contacts, Tasks or Appointments) in several formats (iCal, vCard, CSV) into a folder.

Import CSV

POST /ajax/import?action=CSV


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • folder – ObjectID of the folder into which data should be imported. This must be a Contact folder.

Request body: A "multipart/form-data" encoded .CSV file. The field name for the file is "file". The column titles of the table are those used within the OX, see column Displayed Name in #DetailedContactData.

Response: An array of JSON-Objects, one for each entry in the list, containing: The Object ID of the entry, the Object ID of the folder the data was written into, a timestamp of the modification (in case of error, of modification attempt) and an error in case the data could not be entered.

Import Outlook CSV

POST /ajax/import?action=OUTLOOK_CSV


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • folder – ObjectID of the folder into which data should be imported. This must be a Contact folder.

Request body: An .CSV file with Windows' default encoding Windows-1252. The column titles of the table may be those used by the English, French or German version of Outlook.

Response: An array of JSON-Objects, one for each entry in the list, containing: The Object ID of the entry, the Object ID of the folder the data was written into, a timestamp of the modification (in case of error, of modification attempt) and an error in case the data could not be entered.

Import iCAL

POST /ajax/import?action=ICAL


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • folder – ObjectID of the folder into which data should be imported. This may be an Appointment or a Task folder. May even be a list containing both.

Request body: An iCalendar file.

Response: An array of JSON-Objects, one for each entry in the list, containing: The Object ID of the entry, the Object ID of the folder the data was written into, a timestamp of the modification (in case of error, of modification attempt) and an error in case the data could not be entered, and warnings (under the key "warnings") containing an Array of objects with the warning data, containing all customary error fields.

Import vCard

POST /ajax/import?action=VCARD


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • folder – ObjectID of the folder into which data should be imported. This must be a Contact folder.

Request body: An vCard file, maybe of the formats: vCard 2.1, vCard 3.0 or vCalendar 1.0

Response: An array of JSON-Objects, one for each entry in the list, containing: The Object ID of the entry, the Object ID of the folder the data was written into, a timestamp of the modification (in case of error, of modification attempt) and an error in case the data could not be entered.

Module "export"

The module export allows to export specific module data (like Contacts, Tasks or Appointments) from a folder in several formats (iCal, vCard, CSV).

Exporting CSV

GET /ajax/export?action=CSV


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • folder – ObjectID of the folder whose contents are to be exported. This must be a Contact folder.
  • columns – (optional) Columns to be imported from the given file, given as an array of column numbers. See Detailed contact data for numbers.

Response: An InputStream containing the file of the MIME type text/csv.

Exporting iCAL

GET /ajax/export?action=ICAL


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • folder – ObjectID of the folder whose contents are to be exported. This must be a Contact folder.

Response: An InputStream containing the file, of the MIME type text/calendar.

Exporting vCard

GET /ajax/export?action=VCARD


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • folder – ObjectID of the folder whose contents are to be exported. This must be a Contact folder.

Response: An InputStream containing the file, of the MIME type text/x-vcard.

Module "sync"

The module sync delivers several core API extensions to support common operations used in a mobile synchronization environment.

Clearing a folder's content

PUT /ajax/sync?action=refresh_server


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Request body: A JSON array containing the folder ID(s) whose content should be cleared. NOTE: Although the requests offers to clear multiple folders at once it is recommended to clear only one folder per request since if any exception occurs (e.g. missing permissions) the complete request is going to be aborted.

Response: A JSON array containing the IDs of folders that could not be cleared due to a concurrent modification. Meaning you receive an empty JSON array if everything worked well.

Module "mailfilter"

The module mailfilter descriptes how to add, update or delete mail filter rules or to check which actions are supported by the underlying system.

A detailed description can be found here Mail Filter HTTP API

Module "ajax file upload"

This module offers to store files in server's dedicated download directory for a configureable amount of time. The files are then accessible for further operations like inline images in (html) mails

Uploading a file

POST /ajax/file?action=new


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • module – The module for which the file is uploaded to determine proper upload quota constraints (e.g. "mail", "infostore", etc.).
  • type – The file type filter to define which file types are allowed during upload. Currently supported filters are: file=all, text=text/*, media=image OR audio OR video, image=image/*, audio=audio/*, video=video/*, application=application/*

Request body: A common POST request body of MIME type "multipart/*" which holds the file(s) to upload

Response: A JSON array containing the IDs of the uploaded files. The files are accessible through the returned IDs for future use.

Updating a file's last access timestamp (keep alive)

By updating the last access timestamp it's prevented from being deleted from both session and disk storage.

GET /ajax/file?action=keepalive


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – The ID of the uploaded file whose timestamp should be updated

Response: The string "null" in response's data element

Requesting a formerly uploaded file

GET /ajax/file?action=get


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – The ID of the uploaded file

Response: The content of the requested file is directly written into output stream

Module "image"

This module allows to download images from Open-Xchange server without providing a session ID in request's URL parameters.

Requesting an image

GET /ajax/image


  • uid – The unique ID referring to the desired image

Response: The content of the requested image is directly written into output stream

Module "conversion" (preliminary)

A generic module to request data from a data source and to process obtained/submitted data with a data handler. Thus data is converted from a data source by a data handler.

Converting data

PUT /ajax/conversion?action=convert
POST /ajax/conversion?action=convert

Parameters: <no parameters required>

Request body: A conversion request JSON object containing nested JSON objects for data source and data handler

Conversion request object
Field Type Description
datasource JSON object The data source object.
datahandler JSON object The data handler object.

Data source object
Field Type Description
identifier String The identifier of the data source.
args JSON array The optional name-value-pairs as JSON objects for data source

Data handler object
Field Type Description
identifier String The identifier of the data handler.
args JSON array The optional name-value-pairs as JSON objects for data handler

Response: The result of converted data ready as an appropriate JSON response

Saving an ICal email attachment

If an ICal file is attached to an email, its content can be saved as appointments and tasks into given calendar and task folder.

Data source's JSON object

Data handler's JSON object

Response: A JSON array of JSON objects each providing folder and object ID of added appointment/task; e.g. [{"folder_id":2567, "id":7689}, ...]

Saving a VCard email attachment

If a VCard file is attached to an email, its content can be saved as contacts into given contact folder.

Data source's JSON object

Data handler's JSON object

Response: A JSON array of JSON objects each providing folder and object ID of added contact; e.g. [{"folder_id":2567, "id":7689}, ...]

Contact(s) attached to a new email as a VCard file

Obtain VCard data from specified contact object(s).

Data source's JSON object

Get a new email's JSON object with specified VCard data source attached.

Data handler's JSON object

Response: A mail JSON object.

Module "search" (preliminary)

The search module is an enhancement to each search request as an optional JSON object via PUT method to filter elements; e.g.

PUT /ajax/contacts?action=all&...


This section describes the syntax of the optional JSON object representing the search term.
In general the structure of a search term is in prefix notation; meaning the operator is written before its operands:


Moreover there are two different types of a search terms:

  • A single search term
  • A composite search term

A single search term reflects an operation which cannot hold nested search terms as operands; e.g. "equals". In opposite to this a composite search term holds one or more nested search terms as operands; e.g. "non" or the logical junctors "and"/"or".

By now the following operations are supported:

  • composite operations
    • "and" - The AND junctor
    • "or" - The OR junctor
    • "non" - Negation
  • single operations
    • "equals" - Equals comparison
    • "lt" - Less-than comparison
    • "gt" - Greater-than comparison

Furthermore following operand types are supported for single search terms:

  • Column - Providing a name referring to a field/column
  • Constant - A constant

Example of an EQUALS search term:

Example of an OR search term:

Refer to object data tables introduced by different modules to know which field names are supported; e.g. for tasks it is Common object data, Detailed task and appointment data, and Detailed task data.

Module "mail account" (preliminary)

The mail account module is used to manage multiple mail accounts held by a user.

Get a mail account

GET /ajax/account?action=get


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.
  • id – The ID of the account to return.

Response: A JSON object representing the desired mail account. See mail account data.

Mail account data
ID Name Type Value
1001 id Number Account ID
1002 login String The login.
1003 password String The (optional) password.
1004 mail_url String The mail server URL; e.g. "imap://". URL is preferred over single fields (like mail_server, mail_port, etc.)
1005 transport_url String The transport server URL; e.g. "smtp://". URL is preferred over single fields (like transport_server, transport_port, etc.)
1006 name String Account's display name.
1007 primary_address String User's primary address in account; e.g. ""
1008 spam_handler String The name of the spam handler used by account.
1009 trash String The name of the default trash folder.
1010 sent String The name of the default sent folder.
1011 drafts String The name of the default drafts folder.
1012 spam String The name of the default spam folder.
1013 confirmed_spam String The name of the default confirmed-spam folder.
1014 confirmed_ham String The name of the default confirmed-ham folder.
1015 mail_server String The mail server's hostname or IP address.
1016 mail_port Number The mail server's port.
1017 mail_protocol String The mail server's protocol. Always use basic protocol name. E.g. use "imap" instead of "imaps"
1018 mail_secure Boolean Whether to establish a secure connection to mail server (SSL, TLS).
1019 transport_server String The transport server's hostname or IP address.
1020 transport_port Number The transport server's port.
1021 transport_protocol String The transport server's protocol. Always use basic protocol name. E.g. use "smtp" instead of "smtps"
1022 transport_secure Boolean Whether to establish a secure connection to transport server (SSL, TLS).
1023 transport_login String The transport login. If empty "login" is taken as transport login as well.
1024 transport_password String The transport password. If empty "password" is taken as transport password as well.
1025 unified_inbox_enabled Boolean If enabled for Unified INBOX
1026 trash_fullname String Path to default trash folder. Preferred over "trash"
1027 sent_fullname String Path to default sent folder. Preferred over "sent"
1028 drafts_fullname String Path to default drafts folder. Preferred over "drafts"
1029 spam_fullname String Path to default spam folder. Preferred over "spam"
1030 confirmed_spam_fullname String Path to default confirmed-spam folder. Preferred over "confirmed_spam"
1031 confirmed_ham_fullname String Path to default confirmed-ham folder. Preferred over "confirmed_ham"

Create a new mail account

PUT /ajax/account?action=new


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Request: A JSON object describing the new account to create. See mail account data.

Response: A JSON object representing the inserted mail account. See mail account data.

Update a mail account

PUT /ajax/account?action=update


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Request: A JSON object identifiying (field ID is present) and describing the account to update. See mail account data.

Response: A JSON object representing the updated mail account. See mail account data.

Delete a mail account

PUT /ajax/account?action=delete


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Request body: An array with the ID of the mail account to delete.

Validate a mail account (which shall be created)

PUT /ajax/account?action=validate


  • session – A session ID previously obtained from the login module.

Request: A JSON object describing the new account to validate. See mail account data.

Response: A boolean value returning the validated status