OX6:Open-Xchange 620 622 Update Guide for Debian 6.0

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Update of Open-Xchange Server 6.20.7 to 6.22 on Debian GNU/Linux 6.0

This article will guide you through the update of an existing Open-Xchange Server 6 installation to the newest major release, 6.22.

Supported update path

Please note that the update to 6.22 is only supported from an installed version 6.20.7 or later. If you have an earlier version of Open-Xchange Server 6 installed, please update to the latest release in the 6.20.* series before attempting an update to 6.22.

The latest 6.20.* release will remain accessible. Please use the following lines in your apt repository configuration:

deb http://software.open-xchange.com/OX6/6.20/DebianSqueeze/ /

  1. if you have a valid maintenance subscription, please uncomment the
  2. following and add the ldb account data to the url so that the most recent
  3. packages get installed
  4. deb http://LDBACCOUNT:LDBPASSWORD@software.open-xchange.com/OX6/6.20/updates/DebianSqueeze /


  • 6.20.7 or later
  • if you have custom packages done by Open-Xchange, please discuss with your Open-Xchange contact when these packages are available for 6.22. Do not attempt the update earlier
  • If you have built custom packages yourself which install config files in the OX config tree, please check the page PACKAGING CHANGES [TODO]
  • if you have custom plugins written by yourself which depend on OX OSGI bundles, check THIS PAGE [TODO] for changes you might need to do.
  • Custom packages built for 6.20.7 or earlier might not work with 6.22.

Change repositories

  • new repos

Perform the update

  • dry-run
  • actual update

Install desired languages

  • it is now possible to uninstall german and french, as these languages have been split into separate packages. If you want to offer german and/or french to your customers as language option, you need to install the packages after the update.

System setup

  • chkonfig / insserv

Restart Open-Xchange

  • use the new startup script
  • it will stop the 2 former processes -groupware and -admin
  • check that there's really only one process left

Possibly necessary clean-up

  • leftover files