AppSuite:CustomDBMigration: Difference between revisions

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== Bundle dependencies ==
== Bundle dependencies ==
To execute custom database migration for the configdb you have to track the service com.openexchange.database.migration.DBMigrationExecutorService (default provided within bundle com.openexchange.database.migration).
To execute custom database migration for the configdb you have to track the service com.openexchange.database.migration.DBMigrationExecutorService (default provided within bundle com.openexchange.database.migration).
If you would like to have the Open-Xchange database migrations executed before your custom statements are used you even have to track the service com.openexchange.database.migration.ox.DBMigrationOXExcecutorService which is provided within the bundle com.openexchange.database.migration.ox
The sample bundle relies on both and tracks them so we make sure that the required service for executing migration statements is available and Open-Xchange migration statements are executed before the custom bundle will start.

== Using database migration ==
== Using database migration ==

Revision as of 12:25, 9 September 2014

This information is valid from 7.6.1 on.
How to write custom bundles to execute database migration statements.

Summary: With release 7.6.1 it is possible to change the database schema based on the open source tool Liquibase. Currently only updating the configdb is supported. This article gives a short introduction (based on an existing sample bundle) how to write custom database migration bundles and how to attach your custom statements to those statements given by Open-Xchange.

Please have a look at Liquibase, its features and documentation before writing custom bundles: .

Additional information about Liquibase within the Open-Xchange server (restrictions in usage, developer hints, available tools, ...) are available on


This article is based on an existing sample bundle located in the public git repository backend-samples. Clone the repository by executing

git clone

The required bundle is named 'com.openexchange.sample.database.migration'.

What the bundle does?

There is no real use case behind the sample custom bundle. It only explains how to be able to execute database migration statements. It shows how to create tables based on a Liquibase ChangeLog file and additionally by executing custom Java classes.

By using Liquibase it is extremly easy to change or enhance the given example with your desired change.

Bundle dependencies

To execute custom database migration for the configdb you have to track the service com.openexchange.database.migration.DBMigrationExecutorService (default provided within bundle com.openexchange.database.migration).

Using database migration

First of all you have to reference the changelog file (xml) that contains the statements that should be exectued. The sample references 'custom.changelog.xml'.

You have to decide if you would like to have Liquibase generate the SQL statements for the migration of your database or if you would like to write the statements in SQL by yourself.

Descriptive changes

Liquibase executes statements based on declarative descriptions. Creating a table for instance will look like

	<changeSet author="martin.schneider" id="createTable-sample" logicalFilePath="custom-1">
		<comment>This is my comment for creating this table</comment>
		<createTable tableName="customtable1">
			<column name="id" type="int">
				<constraints primaryKey="true" nullable="false" />
			<column name="name" type="varchar(50)">
				<constraints nullable="false" />
			<column name="active" type="boolean" defaultValueBoolean="true" />

A list of available changes (e. g. addAutoIncrement, addColumn, addForeignKeyConstraint, createIndex, createProcedure, dropUniqueConstraint, insert, update and many more) can be found at

SQL changes

You are even able to reference Java classes from within the changelog xml (see below). The referenced Java class have to implement CustomSqlChange as shown in the bundle.

	<changeSet id="2" author="martin.schneider"
			<changeSetExecuted author="martin.schneider" id="createTable-sample"
				changeLogFile="custom-1" />
			This changeset executes custom sql based on the
			implementation of CustomSqlChange.
			To become executed the above preCondition must be true.
			class="com.openexchange.sample.database.migration.custom.ExampleCustomSqlChange" />


After using Liquibase the first time you will have two additional tables for managing its state. Furthermore the following output shows the two customtables:

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_configdb     |
| customtable1           |
| customtable2           |


The createTable statement from above created the following table:

mysql> show create table customtable1;
| Table        | Create Table                                                                                                                                                                    |
| customtable1 | CREATE TABLE `customtable1` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  `active` bit(1) DEFAULT b'1',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
1 row in set (0,00 sec)


The CustomSqlChange implementation referenced created the following table:

mysql> show create table customtable2;
| Table        | Create Table                                                                                             |
| customtable2 | CREATE TABLE `customtable2` (
  `customColumn` int(11) DEFAULT NULL
1 row in set (0,00 sec)

Important hints

  • Execute the statements by using the ResourceAccessor 'ClassLoaderResourceAccessor' as shown in the bundle. Call com.openexchange.database.migration.DBMigrationExecutorService.execute(String, List<ResourceAccessor>) and provide the ResourceAccessor. If you do not use this accessor custom Java classes won't be found.
  • A good solution to distinguish between ChangeSets that have to be executed is to use Liquibase 'Contexts'. For further information have a look at the Liquibase documentation: